BREAKING – Feds Indict Former CAIR Michigan Chief/Current Muslim Charity Exec as Saddam Spy; But Per Usual, U.S. Attorney Murphy Allows Charity to Remain Open, Main Financier to Walk Free

Posts Tagged ‘David Bonior’

Dr. Jekyll & the Late Henry Hyde: GOP Rep. Took $$ From Terrorist Al-Arian, Harassed Me for Reporting it, Was Strong Anti-Israel/Pan-Terrorist Force in Congress

Posts Tagged ‘David Bonior’

BREAKING/Exclusive: Why FBI Raided Largest U.S. Islamic Charity Today

Posts Tagged ‘David Bonior’

FBI’s Outrageous Award

Posts Tagged ‘David Bonior’

Darrell Issa: Terrorism’s Manchurian Candidate

Posts Tagged ‘David Bonior’

Terrorists’ Favorite Congressmen

Posts Tagged ‘David Bonior’

Radical Islam’s Phony Patriotism

Posts Tagged ‘David Bonior’