Aleikum Salaam, Abu Roberts: Hoffa-Digging, Islamo-Pandering FBI Honcho Leaves Town; Dreams of Terror Suspect’s Return

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’

Jimmy Hoffa’s Revenge?: Incompetent FBI Islamo-Panderer Gets Promoted

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’

Famous But Incompetent: 9/10 FBI Still Doesn’t Get It

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’

Hezbollah U.S.A.: How a U.S. Attorney, the FBI, ICE & a Congressman Helped a Terror Group

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’

Star Struck Jihad Pimp: MySpace Teen’s Dad Pimps Her to IslamoCyberPredator, Media; FBI Roberts’ Cameo

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’

Desperate But Not Serious: Why the Feds Aren’t Serious About Hezbollah’s Restaurateur

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’

Terrorism FBI Priority?: Latest Jimmy Hoffa Dig Says Otherwise

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’

What Terrorists Surely Know: Super Bowl Security Not so Super; FBI/DHS Neglect

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’

Me on ABC Family/TBN/Christian Broadcast Net, Today (Various Times)–Abu Moskowitz/Roberts/Murphy Update

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’

BREAKING SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Germany Secretly Frees Hezbollah Terrorist Murderer of Navy Diver Robert Stethem (Trades Terrorist for Hostage in Iraq)

Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Roberts’