Alien v. Predator: Iranians Charged w/ Plot on Saudi US Ambassador Al-Jubeir

Posts Tagged ‘Dan Senor’

Immigration Status of Dry Run Islamic Terrorists: Guess Which Prez Gave One a Green Card? Other is Illegal

Posts Tagged ‘Dan Senor’

MUST SEE VIDEO: FOX News’ Hypocrisy on Ground Zero Mosque Financier (FOX News OWNER Prince Al-Waleed)

Posts Tagged ‘Dan Senor’

Hypocrite of the Day: Muslim Immigration Enabler Dan Senor “Upset” About Ground Zero Mosque

Posts Tagged ‘Dan Senor’

Weekend Box Office: “Green Zone,” “She’s Out of My League,” “Remember Me,” “Our Family Wedding”

Posts Tagged ‘Dan Senor’

Weekend Box Office: Anti-American, Pro-Terrorist Film on Iraq

Posts Tagged ‘Dan Senor’

Pick Morales: If NBC Today’s Katie Goes, Will Saudi Concubine Replace Her?

Posts Tagged ‘Dan Senor’