ICEfeld: One of Most Important Border States Gets SIXTH(!) New Immigration Chief in FIVE Years

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ABC: Saudis Had Mughniyeh, Let Him Go Despite Clinton Pleas

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SAD: Something Else the Terrorists & Anti-War Protesters Killed

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Margaret Mead Wannabes Whine Over “Ethics” of Embedding with Troops, Condemn U.S. Soldiers’ “Denial of Human Rights, . . . Undemocratic Principles”

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OUTRAGE: Homeland Security Chief Chertoff Allowed Payments to TERRORIST GROUP! Myers In On It?

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The Cesar Cano Story: How Illegal Aliens Treat Their Children

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Omen?: American Bookbuyers Tire of Hillary Clinton

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Happy 231st Birthday, America!

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OUTRAGE: DHS Gives Muslim Groups Plans for Increased Security in Special Conference Call

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What’s in a Name?: Not Much, if You’re a Girlie-Man

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