Be a Lion, Don’t See This Lying “Lamb”: The Mythology of Professor Redford

Posts Tagged ‘Commander’

More Proof Royals Are Useless: Queen Elizabeth Honors Christiane Amanpour’s “Journalism”

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HOTTT: These Men From Oklahoma Have Cojones

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Don’t Enter The False “Kingdom”: Moral Equivalence and Saudi Deception Populate This “Thriller”

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Simply “Vomitous”: Liberal Dem is Lone Sane Voice on Myers/ICE Vote

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I Told You So: The Muslim Doctor Terrorists Are No Surprise; Revealing Muslim Doctors’ Oath

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Hot Off the Presses: Get Your Gitmo Terrorists Poetry Book

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Iraqi Terrorist Bomb Mastermind Uses Cellphones to Kill Our Soldiers

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Happy Father’s Day, Dad (& the Rest of America’s Patriotic Pops)

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Who is Piers Morgan & Why is He on American TV? (No Thanks, Simon Cowell)

Posts Tagged ‘Commander’