Happy Chanukah From CNN: Host Says “Let’s Ban Jews From USA”

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

Howard “Howie” Kurtz: Meet FOX News’ New Liberal, Islam-Lovin’ Unreliable Source

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

VIDEO: McCain’s, Obama’s Precious Syrian Rebels Cut Out Soldier’s Heart & Liver, Eat Them

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

FUNNY VIDEO: The Iranian Space Monkey; Iran Announces Plans for Human Astronaut

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

CNN Says Schlussel a “2012 Low for Women in Hollywood”; Twitter Feminazis Call for Violence Against Me

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

Even NYTimes Shocked by Blithering Wacko Piers Morgan, Clobbered by Gun Advocate Larry Pratt – MUST WATCH VIDEO

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

CNN’s Erin Burnett, Author Mitch Albom Blame Embassy Attacks on “Judaism, Christianity” – VIDEO (& Albom Whitewashes Hezbollah, HAMAS)

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

HILARIOUS: CNN Says Hezbollah “6th Most Romantic People in World”

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

Crescent News Network: CNN Fires All Jewish Reporters in Israel; But No Tears for the Self-Haters

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

Purple Jihad: Gay Thought Police Win Another One – Don’t Attack Pink on Twitter!

Posts Tagged ‘CNN’