Greta Thunberg: Attention-Whoring Drama Queen Needs to STFU

Posts Tagged ‘climate change’

Add Bob Seger to List of Global Warming Hypocrite-Pimps, Anti-Gun Nuts

Posts Tagged ‘climate change’

New Newt Gingrich Global Warming Book to be Released in 2013

Posts Tagged ‘climate change’

VIDEO: Wildlife, Nature (& Environmental) “Documentaries” ARE FAKED

Posts Tagged ‘climate change’

Video of the Day: Many Weathermen Think Warming is Globaloney

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Meet the New “Green Police”: The Girl Scouts “Teach” Your Daughters

Posts Tagged ‘climate change’

Another Network Green Stunt: Extra Stupid Propaganda Network

Posts Tagged ‘climate change’

Sleazy Lawyers: Hurricane Katrina was Manmade; Let’s Sue Oil Companies

Posts Tagged ‘climate change’