Buh-Bye, “Saw” Puppet Look-alike Helen tHAMAS; Don’t Let the Door Hit Ya . . .

Posts Tagged ‘Christian Arab’

Who Are Huwaida Arraf & Adam Shapiro? Gaza Flotilla Leaders Sheltered “Mike’s Bar” Homicide Bombers

Posts Tagged ‘Christian Arab’

Don’t Enter The False “Kingdom”: Moral Equivalence and Saudi Deception Populate This “Thriller”

Posts Tagged ‘Christian Arab’

The Windsor Hezbollah Billboard:CBS Violates Federal Law

Posts Tagged ‘Christian Arab’

Shame on You, Gen. Holmes: Top CENTCOM Official Fetes Extremist Muslims

Posts Tagged ‘Christian Arab’

La Shish Owner Indicted: Does Your Fave Mid-East Restaurant Fund Terror?

Posts Tagged ‘Christian Arab’