Your Day in Palestinian Statehood & Islamic “Modesty”

Posts Tagged ‘chief of staff’

Awful Close: Israeli Arab Indicted for Spying on #1 IDF Soldier for Hezbollah

Posts Tagged ‘chief of staff’

CYA Reading of the Day: Congress Excoriates DHS’ ICE Princess, “Serpenthead” Over Racist Behavior/Cover-Up; What is DHS/ICE Hiding in Secret Internal Report?

Posts Tagged ‘chief of staff’

Thanks, Dr. Death: Suicide Doctor’s Nader-esque Congressional Race Will Help Hezbollah’s Republican Get Re-Elected; SCHLUSSEL Endorses Dems Running Against Hezbo Republicans

Posts Tagged ‘chief of staff’

“D-Day” in Detroit: Thuggish, Pan-Islamist Mayor Kwame “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick Learns His Fate; UPDATE: Hizzoner Kilpatrick Charged in 12-Count Felony Criminal Complaint

Posts Tagged ‘chief of staff’

On Detroit’s Lying Pimp-Daddy Mayor & His Latest Scandal

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What Happened to My Former Boss Mark Siljander?: Indicted for Helping Islamic Charity That Funded Al-Qaeda, Taliban

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The Immigration “Leaders” Who Praised Blackface Costume; UPDATE: Rumor – ICE Princess Asked to Resign

Posts Tagged ‘chief of staff’

Cronyville AGAIN?: New DHS Secretary Rumors Cause for Concern

Posts Tagged ‘chief of staff’

OUTRAGE: Vital Immigration Functions OUTSOURCED! PLUS, ICE Princess, Now the Queen: Agents Ordered to Demure to Royalty

Posts Tagged ‘chief of staff’