Told Ya: Marco Rubio is a Dirtbag – Pulls an Arafat on Amnesty; Rush Limbaugh, Other Conservatives Continue to Defend Him

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’

War on Terror or War on Terror-Fighters?: Malicious Prosecution of Brave Terror Prosecutor Must End

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’

UPDATE: H-1B Avoidance Law Firm Engages in CYA; Under Investigation?; Even Socialist Senator Decries H-1B Fraud

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’

What Took Them So Long?

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’

Sen. Grassley Questions DHS Sex Offender’s Pension

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’

SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Immigration Agency’s Sweetheart Deal 4 Sex Criminal Agent; ICE Official Clark Made Deal

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’

VINDICATED: Indicted Terrorism Prosecutor Was Right All Along

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’

Homeland Security for Sex Criminals: ICE/Customs Knew of Agent Fig’s Arrest, Promoted Him

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’

The Strange Case of Butch Jones: How a Drug Kingpin Helped the Justice Dept. Free Terrorists

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’

FBI Would Have Ignored Able Danger Warnings

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Grassley’