40 Years Later, “Death Wish” Movie’s Message as Relevant as Ever

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Bronson’

“Death Wish” Director Michael Winner, Of Blessed Memory

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Bronson’

Hypocritical Celebrities & Guns VIDEO: As I Said, Before, Demand They STFU

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Bronson’

Weekend Box Office: Boring “Wild Things” & “Game,” Pointless, Gory “Law-Abiding,” Anti-Semitic “Serious,” Rerun “Stepdad”

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Bronson’

“Death Wish”: Important Movie Celebrates 35 Years; The Anti-Obama Flick

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Bronson’

Weekend Box Office: Kevin Bacon, You’re No Charles Bronson – “Death Wish” Redo Fails

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Bronson’