He . . . She . . Ze?!: Most Absurd Language Police Yet

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’

1st–Sharpton, NAACP Defending Rapists; Now, NAACP, SCLC Defending Teacher Killers

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’

The “Chiquita Mike” Chertoff Connection: Relatives of Five Slain Missionaries Sue U.S. Company for Financing Terrorists

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’

Me in New York Post’s PAGE SIX – Why Are Hillary, Lib Jews Lying About Anti-Semitic Filmmaker, Hillary Fundraiser?

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’

Tom Lantos, Z”L*: Rare Democrat Who Understood Islamic Terror Will Be Missed

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’

“First Black President” Utterer Won’t Vote for His “Bony-Assed White Bitch” Wife

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’

Last Minute Gift Ideas

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’

EXCLUSIVE/OUTRAGE – The Myers Hearings: Immigration Chieftess & Senator Cornyn Trade Votes & Raids; Alien Tats

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’

OUTRAGE: Homeland Security Chief Chertoff Allowed Payments to TERRORIST GROUP! Myers In On It?

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’

OUTRAGE: GOP Chair Martinez Condemns U.S. in Latin America (including Contra Defeat of Communism)

Posts Tagged ‘Chair’