Good AND Bad News: Arabic Fastest Growing Language in American Colleges, Reaches Top Ten

Posts Tagged ‘Central Intelligence Agency’

EXCLUSIVE Details: More on Hezbollah Spy/ FBI Agent/CIA Agent Nada Nadim Prouty

Posts Tagged ‘Central Intelligence Agency’

**** UPDATE: Arab FBI/CIA Agent Spy for Hezbollah is Sis-in-Law of Hezbollah’s $20 Million Financier; FBI/CIA Allowed Her to Remain on Job for FOUR! Years ****; Shocker: Hezbollah Said They’d Infiltrate the FBI & They Did; When a Spy is “Not a Spy”;

Posts Tagged ‘Central Intelligence Agency’

Weekend Box Office: Awesome Animated 10 Commandments Only Worthy Debut Among Much Garbage

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@ The Movies: “Rendition” Against America, Bin Laden Style

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Alhamdillullah [Praise Allah], Reese Witherspoon Joins the Jihad

Posts Tagged ‘Central Intelligence Agency’

H. L. Schlussel, M.D., My Dad, Z”L* (1937-2007): Blessed Be The Memory of an American Patriot, Proud Jew

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Weekend Box Office: Laudable Death Wish Redo, Great Donkey Kong-umentary Among Offerings

Posts Tagged ‘Central Intelligence Agency’

What Happened to Gene DeBruin?: How Hollywood Robbed an American Hero

Posts Tagged ‘Central Intelligence Agency’

Weekend Box Office: Mixed Feelings on “Bourne” Sequel, “Hot Rod”

Posts Tagged ‘Central Intelligence Agency’