Obama Lebanon Ambassador Funds Hezbollah Tourist Sites; Crashes US Car Into Wall, Shells Out Hezbo Cash

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Avoiding Prison for Manslaughter: Tackiest First Lady Memoir Ever

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Black Barber Shop Discusses Tiger Woods & Whether He’s Black

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About Tiger Woods: More Concerned w/ His Golfing in Apartheid Islamic Gulf States, But . . .

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Weekend Box Office: Hilarious Geeks-Fight-Back Flick, Depressing Anti-Christian Waste of Time, Etc.

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It Gets Worse: More on ADL’s Hezbollah Speaker – Ties to Syria, More Terrorists, Etc.

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Weekend Box Office: Semi-Robust Set of Offerings

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Weekend Box Office: Will Ferrell on Ice vs. Depressing “Thriller”

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Weekend Box Office: Ghetto-Sexual vs. Melodramatic Groundhog Day

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