Women’s Mag Whitewashes (& Cheers) Hezbollah Spy

Posts Tagged ‘brother-in-law’

Weekend Box Office: The Other Uday-Qusay Hussein Girl, Silly Will Ferrell Flick, Anti-American Abu Ghraib/Gitmo Diatribe, Etc.

Posts Tagged ‘brother-in-law’

Death of Stethem’s Murderer Mughniyeh “A New Day”

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EXCLUSIVE Info on Dead Monster Imad Mughniyeh (Now w/ the 72 Dark-Eyed Ones)

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John Grisham’s Uber-Liberalism Gets Worse in Latest Diatribe, er . . . “Novel”

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So Sad It’s Comical: Lebanese Sis-in-Law of Jihad Jane (FBI/CIA Hezbo Mole Nada Nadim Prouty) Infiltrated U.S. Marines

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Shocker – Dr. Phil is Clueless: The Katherine Lester Islam Story

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**** UPDATE: Arab FBI/CIA Agent Spy for Hezbollah is Sis-in-Law of Hezbollah’s $20 Million Financier; FBI/CIA Allowed Her to Remain on Job for FOUR! Years ****; Shocker: Hezbollah Said They’d Infiltrate the FBI & They Did; When a Spy is “Not a Spy”;

Posts Tagged ‘brother-in-law’

Male Actor Brags About Girlie-Man Status

Posts Tagged ‘brother-in-law’

@ The Movies: “Rendition” Against America, Bin Laden Style

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