Weekend Box Office: The Other Uday-Qusay Hussein Girl, Silly Will Ferrell Flick, Anti-American Abu Ghraib/Gitmo Diatribe, Etc.

Posts Tagged ‘Brits’

This is What You Get When Your Country Gives Up Sovereignty: Meet Janet Devers, Metric System “Criminal”

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More Proof Royals Are Useless: Queen Elizabeth Honors Christiane Amanpour’s “Journalism”

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Shocker: Even Effeminate Brits Say Men Funny, Women Not

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The Best Editorial Page Saudi Money Can Buy

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“Severance”: Al-Qaeda’s Fave Horror Movie

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Yet Another Oscar Winner Linked with Pro-Palestinian Propaganda

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Frogs, Scorpions, the Mid-East & the UK: Letter to the Editor of the Day

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Brits Go Capits to Muslim Holocaust Denial: Coming Here Soon? (It’s Already Here)

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What Happened to Me on BBC: Hate & Intolerance Tries to Silence the Right of Far Left

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