PC NBA: You Can’t Say That About “Eye-Ran”; FOX Yanks Sportscasters

Posts Tagged ‘Borat’

OY: Bill Maher Vies to Become New Michael Moore, Makes Anti-Religion “Documentary”

Posts Tagged ‘Borat’

Best & Worst Movies of 2006

Posts Tagged ‘Borat’

In the Name of “Borat”: The Lives & Businesses Ruined by Sacha Baron Cohen

Posts Tagged ‘Borat’

Weekend Box Office: Anti-American “Borat” & “Babel” (pro-Illegals/Islamists, too); Charming Animated “Flushed Away”

Posts Tagged ‘Borat’

Me on FOX News “Cavuto” Today

Posts Tagged ‘Borat’

“Borat”: The Joke’s on You, America

Posts Tagged ‘Borat’

Thumbs Down on “Borat”: Hebrew Speaking Anti-Semitic Kazakh?

Posts Tagged ‘Borat’