Only Moronic “Parents” Are “Waiting for Superman”

Posts Tagged ‘Bill Gates’

Bravo, Mr. Kohlberg: Putting His Millions Where His Mouth Is For Our Troops

Posts Tagged ‘Bill Gates’

“American-Owned” and Jihad Inn: Who Owns Your Hotel?

Posts Tagged ‘Bill Gates’

And the Award for Bloviating Mayor of the Week Goes to . . .

Posts Tagged ‘Bill Gates’

Nuts: Newsweek Claims These 15 Make America Great

Posts Tagged ‘Bill Gates’

O’Neal is Right: NBA Rule is Wrong, Anti-Free Market

Posts Tagged ‘Bill Gates’

“All I Need is a Cool Buzz and . . . Bill Clinton’s Cell # ?”

Posts Tagged ‘Bill Gates’

Bono: Bush’s Absurd Rock-Star Advisor

Posts Tagged ‘Bill Gates’