FIGHT JIHAD: How YOU Can Help Israel Beat the Anti-Semitic European Boycott – Details

Posts Tagged ‘BDS’

Alien v. Predator: Palestinian Authority Jails Anti-Israel Boycott Activists

Posts Tagged ‘BDS’

“Pet Shop Boys” Tell Anti-Israel Creeps Where to Go

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Alice Walker Refuses to Have Boring, Stupid Novel “Color Purple” in Hebrew, Calls Israel “Apartheid”

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Lara Fabian Boycotted for Performing in Israel; Madonna Begins Tour in Tel Aviv

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Hey, Someone Finally Has Some Balls: Showbiz Jew-Hater Denied Honorary Degree

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Spain Sponsors “Boycott Israel” Ads (VIDEO); Boycott Spain

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DISGUSTING: Sabra Hummus, Elite Candy Cave to Israel Boycott Crowd

Posts Tagged ‘BDS’