Meet the Christians Murdered by Obama’s Fave Terrorists, the Syrian Rebels

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’

HILARIOUS VIDEO: Parody of Baba Wawa Interview w/ Her Assad Pal

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’

Baba Wawa Softpedals Her Friends, Syria’s Assads; Calls Them “Intelligent, Thoughtful, Lovely”

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’

Who is Murad Muwafi?: “Liberated” Egypt’s Top Spy in Syria to Re-Unite HAMAS

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’

Latest Wikileaks NOT NEWS, Confirms What We Knew Re Muslim Nations

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’

BARF: Barack Obama Helps Syria Market Itself as “Post-Dubai” Western Paradise; Homes by Bin Ladin Grp

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’

Whores: America’s New Syria-Enabling Money Men

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’

I Warned People: Lebanon’s Leader Pals w/ Dad’s Killer to Screw Israel

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’

Jihad Darrell’s Thuggery v. Rahm’s Way: Mega-Pot, Kettle, Black; Issa’s Criminal Past

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’

Let ‘Em Rot: “Hiking” Americans Detained in Iran Are Pro-Syrian, Anti-Israel, Far-Left “Journalist” Activists

Posts Tagged ‘Bashir Assad’