Detroit Prosecutor Fired for Comment That Baltimore Rioters Should Be Shot After Black Criminal Lawyers Fuss

Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’

Irony of the Day: Famed Murderer Tells Baltimore Race Rioters Not to Be Violent; “We Know We’re Not Getting Justice”

Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’

Crank Up the Neil Diamond: TSA Finally Gets Its Priorities “Straight”

Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’

Vannity, You Look Great in Brown: Sean Hannity Must Come Clean on White Supremacist Neo-Nazi Friend Hal Turner; Incriminating Tapes For Sale

Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’

“A Touchy Area”: Detroit Won’t Give Firefighters Anti-Terror Intelligence Info B/c It Would Offend Arabs

Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’

Weekend Box Office: Race Musical w/ Fat Travolta, Gay Marriage Commercial, Islamic-Jewish Kumbaya Marriage

Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’

D-Day 63rd Anniversary: U.S.-Led Allied Forces Stormed Normandy

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Border Agents’ Unanimous No-Confidence Vote: Will ICE Agents Vote?; Peppermint Patty Update

Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’

Me on Baltimore’s Tom Marr Show, This Morning

Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’

New TSA Double Standard on Airport/Flight Liquid Policy

Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’