When Your Doctor is a Muslim: Medical Terrorism Comes to America

Posts Tagged ‘Ayman Al-Zawahiri’

Our Friends & “Allies” From the “Religion of Peace”

Posts Tagged ‘Ayman Al-Zawahiri’

HOprah Watch: Oprah Uses “World’s Moms” to Promote Al Gore Film, Sanitize Jihadists

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Why Are Mormons (& John Conyers) Funding Islamic Terrorism?

Posts Tagged ‘Ayman Al-Zawahiri’

Terror in the Skies: Brit Plot is Operation Bojinka All Over Again; Tied to Dearbornistan Terrorists Arrested in Ohio? Islamic Jihad Link

Posts Tagged ‘Ayman Al-Zawahiri’

Trojan Horses: USC Muslim Students Celebrate Al-Qaeda’s Adam Gadahn

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New Qaeda Tape Features American Azzam Al-Amriki a/k/a Adam Gadahn

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Counterterrorism Brainless: Not Connecting the Dots

Posts Tagged ‘Ayman Al-Zawahiri’

On HAMASastan & “Democratic” Elections in the Muslim Mid-East

Posts Tagged ‘Ayman Al-Zawahiri’

Jewish Republicans Host Islamic Terror Supporter

Posts Tagged ‘Ayman Al-Zawahiri’