HILARIOUS Video: Angry Texter Ejected from Movie Theater; Debbie’s Movie Rules

Posts Tagged ‘Austin’

Would You Let This Masked Woman Into Your Store?

Posts Tagged ‘Austin’

Guess the Religion, Toxic Toothpaste & ICE Edition; UPDATE: Did Muslims on Our Soil Deliberately Target Americans w/ Toxic Toothpaste?

Posts Tagged ‘Austin’

Dumbest New Workplace Trend

Posts Tagged ‘Austin’

Michael Chertoff’s “Project 28”: Serpenthead’s (and Barack’s and Hillary’s) Failed Virtual Border Fence

Posts Tagged ‘Austin’

SAD: Something Else the Terrorists & Anti-War Protesters Killed

Posts Tagged ‘Austin’

Cronyville AGAIN?: New DHS Secretary Rumors Cause for Concern

Posts Tagged ‘Austin’