In Prep for Beijing Olympics, Deer Penis Off the Chinese Athlete Menu; George W. Still on it

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Weekend Read: Can a 247 lb. NFL Lineman Be a Vegan? (Subtitle: Vegans Are Lying)

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Woman of the Year: Tom Brady

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2 Dream Jobs in a Lifetime: Former NFLer Now Rocket Scientist

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Al Gore & The Karate Kid’s Girlfriend Meet Title IX

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Treated as House Slave, Kenyan Catholic “Bahraini Muslim” Gets Shaft in Marathon Apartheid

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Nastier Than We Want ‘Em 2 B: Dennis Rodman & Billionaire Marc Cuban Encourage Pimping

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Olympic-Level Bobsledder/Soldier Murdered by Islamic Terrorists in Iraq

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Dumb Lawsuit of the Week: Dumped NFL Groupie Sues

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Real Sports?: Racist Bryant Gumbel Attacks Ann Coulter on Sports Show

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