Ariel Sharon Z”L: Heroic Israeli General Betrayed Israeli People as PM, Created HAMASastan

Posts Tagged ‘Ariel Sharon’

Ovadia Yosef Z”L: Important Israeli Leader Dies; Opposed Camp David, But Backed Oslo Disaster

Posts Tagged ‘Ariel Sharon’

Quote of the Day: Ariel Sharon’s Son Said What?

Posts Tagged ‘Ariel Sharon’

Whitney Houston, Tremendous Talent & Tragedy, RIP (Remember Her in Israel?)

Posts Tagged ‘Ariel Sharon’

Videos of the Day: Killing Terrorists–This is How It’s Done; Smelly Palestinians Celebrate Yesterday’s Homicide Bombing in Israel; My Analysis

Posts Tagged ‘Ariel Sharon’

Quote of the Week: Islam, Molestation & Rape; Palestinians Gang-Raped Jews for “Revenge”

Posts Tagged ‘Ariel Sharon’

“I’m Your Baby Tonight”: Bin Laden Wanted Menage a Qaeda w/ Whitney Houston

Posts Tagged ‘Ariel Sharon’

Sad Day in Israel: Soldiers’ Bloody Attack on Own Citizens

Posts Tagged ‘Ariel Sharon’