Hooded Frenchmen Taunt Jewish Fans of UK Soccer Team w Nazi Salutes, Chants of “Jew!” & Violence

Posts Tagged ‘anti-Semitism’

Remember Ilan Halimi: Tortured to Death by French Muslim Gang for Being Jewish

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Your Day in Polish Philo-Semitism

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Weekend Box Office: Parker, Quartet, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

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Martin Luther King, Jr.: Muslim Extremists Continue to Hijack Pro-Israel Civil Rights Leader’s Name Like It’s a Plane

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Golden Globes Honor a Nazi Lover

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DISGUSTING Sandy Hook Trutherism: CT Shooting “Perpetrated” By Israel, the Jews’ Fault

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Top Norwegian Youth Politician, Bro of Breivik Victim Wishes for More Jewish Holocaust Deaths; “F-ing Jew Whores”

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Praying for Another Holocaust: Muslim Anti-Semitic Tweet of the Day

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Sheet Metal Workers Union to Schlussel: “Jews Go to Israel! We Don’t Want You Here!”; WHAT YOU CAN DO

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