Pink Floyd’s Nazi: Roger Waters Troubled by “Jewish Power” in America

Posts Tagged ‘anti-Semites’

CyberPogrom: Polish Nazis (& Muslims) Hack Site Again, Trying to Silence Schlussel; WHAT YOU CAN DO

Posts Tagged ‘anti-Semites’

Sheet Metal Workers Union to Schlussel: “Jews Go to Israel! We Don’t Want You Here!”; WHAT YOU CAN DO

Posts Tagged ‘anti-Semites’

Evelyn Garcia: Florida Dem Official Resigns After Anti-Israel Diatribe, Called Israel “Concentration Camp”

Posts Tagged ‘anti-Semites’

She’s BAAACK: Jew-Hating HAMASnik Jihad Cindy Runnin’ For Congress

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Bare Naked Islam Karma: Nutjob Who Cheered CAIR Lawsuit v. Me Gets Website Removed by CAIR

Posts Tagged ‘anti-Semites’

Ron Paul Refuses to Disavow Stormfront, Other Anti-Semitic, Racist Groups Openly Campaigning for Him

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STFU: Robert Downey, Jr., Don’t Tell Me to Forgive Mel Gibson

Posts Tagged ‘anti-Semites’

Oregon Teen Murdered b/c His Name “Sounded Jewish”

Posts Tagged ‘anti-Semites’

Karma #2: Norway Utoya Camp Was Also FATAH PLO Terrorist Camp

Posts Tagged ‘anti-Semites’