First Casualty of the Mitchell Report? Plus: Take the Comprehensive Steroids Test

Posts Tagged ‘analyst’

“A Touchy Area”: Detroit Won’t Give Firefighters Anti-Terror Intelligence Info B/c It Would Offend Arabs

Posts Tagged ‘analyst’

**** UPDATE: Arab FBI/CIA Agent Spy for Hezbollah is Sis-in-Law of Hezbollah’s $20 Million Financier; FBI/CIA Allowed Her to Remain on Job for FOUR! Years ****; Shocker: Hezbollah Said They’d Infiltrate the FBI & They Did; When a Spy is “Not a Spy”;

Posts Tagged ‘analyst’

EEUUW! – Laurie David Award Finalists: Julia Roberts’ & Other Dumb Environmentalists’ Antics of the Week

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DUMB to the Nth: FBI Imitates “Transformers” Movie, Gives Teens Top Secret Clearance

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Forget the Lingerie Bowl: CBS to Broadcast U.S. Soldiers in “Baghdad Bowl”

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In L.A., Muslim Dry Run for Subway Terrorism (L.A. Sheriffs Take 8 HOURS! to Respond)

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More “24” BS

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Too Late, State Dept. Admits Arafat Ordered Murder of American Diplomats; EXCLUSIVE: NSA Palestinian Analyst Contacts Schlussel

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Pets-the New People-Alert: The Absurdity Continues

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