OUTRAGE: GOP Chair Martinez Condemns U.S. in Latin America (including Contra Defeat of Communism)

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Border Guard Helped Smuggle Hezbo Muslims Illegals Into U.S., Took Bribes

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

GOP Amnestyites: “Please, Please, Please Give Us Another Chance to Bury America”

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Flip-Flop-Flip: Latest Mitt Romney Reversal on Immigration

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Clueless America, Clueless Prez/Congress: Interesting Amnesty Bill Poll

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Teodor Campan: They Think They Can Enforce Border Security Under the Amnesty Bill?

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

ICE’s “23rd Psalm”: A Tribute to Immigration Enforcement, The ICE Princess & Amnesty

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What Does Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill Have in Common with Cher, Streisand?

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

EXCLUSIVE/OUTRAGE: DHS Officials Say Welcome to the End of America

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

What is Michael Chertoff Doing on May Day?

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’