Question for Michael “Serpenthead” Chertoff

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Not Dead Yet, The Sequel: Amnesty Advocates Pressing on

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Strange Brew: Only George Bush Celebrates Feminist Anniversary, Male Defeat

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Quote of the Day: Sen. Domenici on Now-Killed (YAY!) Immigration; Congressman Give Themselves More Pay

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Document Fraud Ring Gearing Up for Immigration Amnesty Law; ICE Ignores

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Gay Marriage, Fraud & Immigration: Not Addressed in the Amnesty Bill

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Boneheaded Move of the Week

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

UPDATE: H-1B Avoidance Law Firm Engages in CYA; Under Investigation?; Even Socialist Senator Decries H-1B Fraud

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Why Doesn’t This Work on The Border?

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’

Bush on Amnesty: Meaningless Promise of the Day

Posts Tagged ‘amnesty’