Gingrich Critic Elliot Abrams Was Bush Pro-Palestinian Point Man; Anti-Semitic Attacks on Newt Donor

Posts Tagged ‘American Task Force on Palestine’

Religion of Peace . . . & Gubernatorial Candidates Who Diss White People, Dig 9/11 Trutherism

Posts Tagged ‘American Task Force on Palestine’

NY Times Scrubs Its Own Reporting on White House Party Crasher Tareq Salahi’s Board Membership in Pro-Palestinian Terror Grp

Posts Tagged ‘American Task Force on Palestine’

Jihad & Hair Products: Meet Texas Dems’ Palestinian Muslim Gov. Candidate

Posts Tagged ‘American Task Force on Palestine’

Condi-Clueless Endorses Gay Marriage, Phony Palestinian “Occupation” Claim to ALL of Israel

Posts Tagged ‘American Task Force on Palestine’