Black ICE Agent: Black DHS Group Doesn’t Speak for Me on Julie Myers Blackface

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Story on Myers’ ICE Nomination, Not News; News: Unrepresentative DHS Black Org Has No Self-Respect; News: Joe Lieberman Worse Panderer Than Earlier Diagnosed; News: Sen. McCaskill – No Backbone, Sen. Bond – Myers’ Hubby’s Cousin Has Backbone

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Happy Halloween, Julie Myers: ICE Princess Praised Racist Costume @ Official Party She Hosted

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

What Price Would You Put on Being Black?: Study Authors Upset at Anti-Shakedown Results

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

The New “Outrage” Fad: Liberal Jews Lynch Couple Over Benign Campaign Flyer

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Conceited Enabler & Big Phony: Sean Vannity Performs in Al Sharpton’s Minstrel Show

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

HOprah Watch: Oprah’s Imus Race-Fest, Day 2 of the Ordeal

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

HOprah Watch: Oprah Still Harping on Imus Story; Read the Incredibly Stupid Comments

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

My New Hero, Jason Whitlock

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Animal Rights Terrorist-in-Chief Writes a Book: Life w/Al Sharpton & Martha Stewart; KFC “Huge w/Blacks”?!

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’