Figures: Guess Who the Gitmo Uighurs Met First? Lifestyles of the Rich & Terrorist

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Reality Check: About Those Israeli “Evictions” of E. Jerusalem Arabs

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

1st–Sharpton, NAACP Defending Rapists; Now, NAACP, SCLC Defending Teacher Killers

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

You’d Better Pay the White Tax . . . Or Else; Plus Sharpton Defends Rapists Who Forced Victim to Have Sex w/Her Son!

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

The Audacity of a Black Man Exposing Obama

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Cankles Makes Surprise Appearance on “SNL”

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Uncle Tom’s ICE: Congressmen, Senators Now “Shocked” At Myers Blackface Photos

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

More Deep Wisdom from “The View”‘s “Conservative” Genius

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Shameless Al Sharpton Shakedown #34588: Wants Olympics to Boycott Chicago

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Will This Broadcaster Get to Keep Her Job?: A “Philo-Semite” Who Never Met Me

Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’