VIDEO Shows Saudis Auctioning Off Suicide Bombers Against Syria

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’

You Stay Classy: Muslim Miss USA Contestant Has “High-Class” Supporters; More “Islamic Modesty”

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’

EXCLUSIVE: Meet Miss USA Contestant’s Hezbollah “Martyr” Family

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’

EXCLUSIVE: Miss USA Contestant is Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah Supporter, Used Pageant Name to Promote Muslim Female Subjugation; Hezbo Taqiyyah Allows Bikinis?

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’

Hezbollah Forces Lebanese Schools to Censor Textbooks, History

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’

Hezbollah Also Claims Credit in Yesterday’s Islamic Massacre of Jewish Kids in Israel

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’

So This is Peace?: Muslims Kill At Least TEN Jews, Wound 35 in Deadly Attack on Jewish School in Israel; UPDATE – Insider Source: New Hezbo Grp in Gaza Takes Credit

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’

Rhetorical Question(s) of the Day

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’

Muslim Bites (Non-Halal) Dog

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’

Justice Department Asks About Schlussel Site in Federal Jury Questionnaire; Will Eliminate Readers of this Site from Important Terror Trial

Posts Tagged ‘Al-Manar’