Video of the Day: Ahmadinejad Denounces Paul the Octopus as “Western Propaganda”

Posts Tagged ‘Ahmadinejad’

Caterpillar Does the Right Thing on Iran (Finally); When Will Shell?

Posts Tagged ‘Ahmadinejad’

“Death to America” From SpaceWorm: Iran Space Program Enters 19th Century; Testing Nukes Rocket (Funny VIDEO)

Posts Tagged ‘Ahmadinejad’

20 Years Ago: “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall” (Today: Bush Tears Down Our Borders)

Posts Tagged ‘Ahmadinejad’

1st The Saudis, Now the Chi-Coms: The ICE Princess’ Patrons & Your Immigration Tax $$$s

Posts Tagged ‘Ahmadinejad’