Mitt Happens . . . Again: Romney Still Doesn’t Get Jihad

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’

Hmmm: Al-Qaeda’s Adam Gadahn Embraces Virginia Tech Massacre

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’

How the Fort Dix Muslim Plotters Planned to Enter the Base

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’

When Atheists a/k/a Future Muslims Attack

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’

Obama’s “Debunking” of Islamic Background Raises More Questions

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’

B-F-D: Absent Al-Qaeda American Official Indicted

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’

New 9/11 Message?: If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em?

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’

New Qaeda Tape Features American Azzam Al-Amriki a/k/a Adam Gadahn

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’

More Notes on the Miami Terror Cell: FBI, ICE Incompetence Let Dangerous Muslim Go

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’

New Qaeda Tape: Ties to Group Where Bush Pandered

Posts Tagged ‘Adam Gadahn’