January 3, 2006, - 1:47 pm

Catching Up: Belated Heroes/Villains of 2005

With a combination flu/cold/strep throat illness for the last five days, I was too ill to post much and am, therefore, late in posting my list of heroes/villains of 2005. But, as they say, better late than never (and if not now, when?).
So, here goes . . . .
War on Terror/Justice System

* Judge Elizabeth Hacker: Brave Immigration Judge applied the law and ordered the deportation of Islamic Terrorist , despite united chorus of mainstream media, activists, movie critic Roger Ebert, and spineless elected public officials against her. Decision by Immigration appeals court. Co-winner of the Schlussel Gavel of Justice Award for 2005.
* Mark Jebson: Star ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) attorney, who won and terrorist decision, too. A true warrior on the legal front-lines in the war on terror.
* Judge William M. Skretny: Federal Judge in Buffalo has the guts to put U.S. security, as permitted by the law, first. Upheld the right for Homeland Security officials to inspect, detain, question, and fingerprint American Muslims who attended Canadian Muslim conference featuring terror supporters and those linked to terror. Big defeat for ACLU and Muslim plaintiffs. Big win for America. Co-winner of the Schlussel Gavel of Justice Award for 2005.
* : Napoleonic Detroit-based Federal judge made a mockery of judicial system by inserting himself into Detroit terror case and pressuring the overturning of the verdict against terror. Conducted improper extra-judicial proceedings and was an “anonymous” media source in discrediting terror case and its prosecutor, all while case was still before him. Has a problem convicting terrorists. Should be impeached. Completely unethical.
* –Idiotic federal judge gives a light sentence, then denounces the U.S. War on Terror. Should recuse himself from all further terror-related cases . . . if he has any ethics at all.
* : Managed to bore jury to death and turn a very strong case with strong evidence into an acquittal for Islamic Jihad founder and chief Sami Al-Arian. All should be fired. But no way–they work for the government, and they’re here to help you.
War on Terror/Law Enforcement

* : A Real Law Enforcement Hero; High ranking ICE agent heroically survived 9/11 attacks on World Trade Center and exposed FBI and ICE bureaucracy for refusing to allow wiretaps of high level Al-Qaeda terrorists in Texas. As a parting shot, Homeland Security and ICE officials began investigating and harassing him for speaking out against this neglect of our national security. This man should be running Homeland Security, not retiring from it.
* : Andrew Thomas, Rick Jones, Michael Fox, Courtney Combs, Bob Gosselin, Russell Pearce
* : ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) chief of Detention and Removal Operations for Michigan and Ohio went faced off against “former” Islamic terrorist in deporting Muslim drug felon; stared the media and other forces down in fighting to deport Islamic terrorist .
* –inept Homeland Security chief managed to transform much goodwill (including my own) into very justified resentment. Under his “leadership”, borders continue to spill over with illegal aliens, and the problem is getting worse, despite his ). Allows key agency, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to go aimless and leaderless, but pushed for incompetent wife (Julie Myers) of chief of staff to head it. In power play, he about for his department. The DHS fish rots from the head down.
* –With no checks on the selection process, the inept, unqualified Myers picked herself for law enforcement job well beyond her abilities and experience. Despite constant complaints about her absolute lack of qualifications to head ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), she refuses to do the right thing and step down, a la Harriet Miers. Has lots of cronies, relatives in high places, , but no class in continuing to keep her absurd nomination alive. Look at me, I’m about to be Queen of the ICE Palace. Like way totally cool.
* –Lilliputian ICE Special Agent in Charge of Michigan and Ohio, the heart of Islamic America, is not investigating Islamic terrorists and illegal aliens. Instead, he’s partying with them (like his bud, “former” Islamic terrorist/FBI award revokee ) and having them head up his recruitment efforts for new agents. Using limited, stretched ICE budget and resources for new office furniture, extensive investigation of me and who my sources are, and day-long picnic to denounce me and stop agents from talking, and extensive recruitment/whining and dining of personal harem (perhaps something he picked up from radical Islamic cronies). Dishonorable Mention: , Abu Moskowitz’s cantankerous boss; As ICE Director of Investigations, she told others she’s happy with Abu Moskowitz because “he’s smoothed things over with the Islamic Community.” I can only see an FBI boss saying they’re happy they “smoothed things over with the Gambino and Genovese Families.”
* Daniel Sutherland–Casey Martin’s disabilities lawyer against the PGA Tour is now radical Islam’s in-house cheerleader at Homeland Security. Encourages high-ranking agents to kowtow and pander to terrorists and terror supporters. Your tax dollars at work.
* –High-ranking Customs and Border Protection port director and intelligence official took bribes to allow drug and illegal alien smuggling to take place. Bad apple was promoted every step of the way, despite Feds’ knowledge of this as early as 2000. Great example of why affirmative action is a bad idea. Dishonorable Mention: Feds who are despite air-tight case.
War on Terror/Journalism

* Bloggers and Conservative websites, like Frontpagemag.com–Reporting the truth that the Mainstream Media is covering up. Like the genie, you can’t put us back in the bottle.
* : Detroit News “reporter” covering the Justice Dept., War on Terror, and Federal Law Enforcement, . We caught him with his pants down. Dishonorable Mention: Detroit News, which continues to employ this fabricator.
* : Extremely biased, pan-Islamist Detroit News “reporter” who affectionately covers extremist Islam in Little Ramallah (a/k/a Detroit area). . When called on it, he got extremely angry and called me “the dumbest woman”. No mirror for him was available, apparently. Rumor has it that he has uttered the Shehadah (Islamic oath of martyrdom, said when converting to Islam). Dishonorable Mention: Detroit News, which has zero fact-checking department, never makes Krupa prove the phony numbers he uses.

* Makers of FOX’s “24”–Even though they gave in and did a , they were courageous unlike most others in Hollywood in showing who the terrorists are: Muslims in our midst. Honorable Mention: Makers of
* John Dahl–“” director who had the courage and respect to portray our WWII soldiers in the way they ought to be portrayed. Told me he was very careful to depict their sacrifices in an honorable, accurate manner.
* Stephen Spielberg–Absurd “” and “War of Worlds” remakes were explicitly meant to question our war on terror. Abu Spielberg thinks we should just roll over and die, instead of fighting those who hate us . . . after we’ve paid more cha-ching at his box office.
* George Clooney–made two left-wing films attack America’s just wars on Communism (“Good Night and Good Luck“) and Islamic terrorism (“”). We’re the bad guys, yet he still lives amongst us when not vacationing at his Italian villa.
* — for her self-ingratiating “Look at Me and My Kindness in N’awlins” Katrina show. Used “O” Mag (with her modest self on the cover for the gazillionth time) to .
* –Billionaire blowhard NBA owner brat-boy just wants some respect from the self-anointed arthouse culturatti. So, to get it, he completely funded, produced, distributed, etc. the absurd “” movie, which makes us like the terrorists and justifies their blowing up of Grand Central Station, because we tortured them when they were innocent. Like that really happened. Mohammed Atta, anyone?
* Tyra Banks–Minority supermodel Jerry Springer-wannabe who just wants to be taken seriously, so she hosts White minstrel show on daytime TV. Highlight: Had male doctor feel up her breasts to prove she is real. Whatever. Also: “Heroically” wore fat suit to prove that fat people are discriminated against and “it just ain’t right.” Yes, that’s why Tyra gained a million pounds to be in the Victoria’s Secret catalog and runway show.

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January 3, 2006, - 12:27 pm

Catching Up: Belated Best/Worst Movies of 2005

With a combination flu/cold/strep throat illness for the last five days, I was too ill to post much and am, therefore, late in posting my list of best/worst movies of 2005. But, as they say, better late than never (and if not now, when?).
So, here goes . . . .
Best/Worst Movies of 2005
1) “”–What our brave soldiers went through in order to beat evil in WWII. Must see for all those who waiver in having our country make similar sacrifices to fight the Nazism of today, Islamo-fascism.
2) “”–Great triumph of old fashioned grit and will in boxing; a parable for non-sports.
3) “”–Wonderful, mythical fairy tale that is said to be symbolic of Christianity.
(CAN’T come up with more than three great movies for the year. Says a lot about Hollywood’s “offerings.”)
1) “”–fraudulent film based on a fraudulent book based on a fraudulent Mossad agent (who was really an El Al airline screener); says we should not fight terrorism and just roll over and die. Moral equivalence extraordinaire. Lowlight: Murder of innocent Israeli athletes moronically interspersed with sex scene of metrosexual Mossad agent. Sick.
2) “”/”Paradise Now” (tie)–Two movies that blame us and the Israelis for terror, make terrorists the nice guys. But big problem: We never tortured the 9/11 hijackers, so premise of War Within is fallacious.
3) “”–sickening violence, stupid plot, two plus wasted hours of life that makes you ask “Why?” Among the most disturbing, gratuitously violent movies I’ve seen.
4) “”–Cross between far-leftist and Farrakhan-esque drivel, the plot of this “film” says: Western White men, pharmaceutical companies–evil, vicious, AIDS virus implanters/spreaders; Black Africans–nice, pure, innocent, peaceful. Long and boring as all get out.
5) “”/””/””–Revisionist fantasy movies that tell us that Muslims are not the terrorists, Black Africans with AIDS from fictional Mobutu or Federal Air Marshals and flight attendants are; and that Saladdin was a nice, loving, peaceful guy during the Crusades, that it’s all the Christians’ fault that we have terrorism, etc. Plus, added minus: “Interpreter” stars Jeff Spicoli a/k/a Sean Penn.
6) “”–Jessica Simpson plus yet another remake equals two plus hours of stupid.
7) “”–“”. Don’t know why the usually right-on Don Feder of FrontPageMag.com said this movie is “not about sex,” when that’s all it’s about (and why he absurdly named it among the top ten movies of the year; huh?). Movie version of Donna Summer’s “Bad Girls” if taking place in pre-WWII Japan.
8) “”–dysfunctional, sick, bizarre set of chick-flick vignettes is just plain awful.

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January 2, 2006, - 2:17 pm

Mainstream Media Gets it Wrong About Me

Since when do I write for the unduly snobbish, left-wing Vanity Fair? I don’t.
But–more evidence how the Mainstream Media gets it wrong–the Lake County, California Record-Bee newspaper says I am a “Vanity Fair journalist,” and makes it seem as though I’m one of the conventional blind, deaf, and dumb who heaped praise on the unworthy, late Marla Ruzicka. Exactly the opposite. I wrote about in unflattering terms, because she was involved in equating our soldiers with Iraqi terrorists and groups that raised money for the murderers in Fallujah. Ditto for Palestinian terrorists. She loved them, too.
Here’s the quote in question from Record-Bee “reporter” John Lindblom’s “Top 10 stories: Ruzicka dies in car bomb in Iraq”:

Writing in Vanity Fair, journalist Debbie Schlussel noted that the New York Times, “Nightline” and CNN nominated her for sainthood ahead of the pope. The Wall Street Journal, Time magazine and London’s Guardian were among media that did their takes on the loss.

1) I don’t now nor have I ever written for snobby, left Vanity Fair. Perhaps they, without my permission, took a quote from my piece because Vanity Fair lefty nutcase, Christopher Hitchens, got his panties in a bunch over my anti-Marla Ruzicka piece.
2) I noted these publications to point out that they got their story wrong in gushing over this woman in death, when what she did in life was not so praiseworthy.
. Clearly the Record-Bee does not do its research. Or someone was in a hurry to get ready for his New Year’s Eve party.

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January 2, 2006, - 1:54 pm

SCHLUSSEL Among “Best New Blogs of 2005”

Thanks to Jay Stephenson of the popular, excellent Stop the ACLU blog for picking this site as one of its 13 “Best New Blogs of 2005“. It is an honor to be amongst the other excellent blogs so designated. (Thanks also to Michelle Malkin and John Hawkins of Right Wing News who helped make the selections.)

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January 2, 2006, - 1:46 pm

Very Sick but Getting Better; More Posts Later Today

To all my friends and readers, I have been extremely sick the last five days–a combination flu, cold, and strep throat, the likes of which I cannot remember having so bad. That’s why I haven’t posted anything new since Friday. No voice for four days, even with no talking–and I like to talk. I think I’ve drunk at least half of my extensive hot tea collection to not much avail. Thank G-d, the voice is now back about 97%, throat still on fire.
But I’m getting better, and will post a few things later today, including my lists for 2005 and 2006. Thanks for your patience.

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December 30, 2005, - 4:46 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Al-Arian, the Sequel–What I Saw @ the Damrah Deportation Proceedings

Today, I attended a pre-trial hearing in the deportation proceedings against convicted felon Palestinian Fawaz Abu Damra (a/k/a Fawwaz Damra, a/k/a Fawaz Damrah and multiple other spellings he deliberately used for multiple identities and deliberate confusion), the Imam of the Cleveland Mosque, and a conspirator with Islamic Jihad chieftain Sami Al-Arian.
Damra was also an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing–another piece of evidence showing that Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad are working together. He headed Brooklyn’s Al-Farooq Mosque where the ’93 attack perpetrators worshipped, and which was later headed by convicted terrorist, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind cleric.

Islamic Terrorist Fawaz Abu Damra

Even though it was procedural, the hearing was interesting for a number of reasons. There was almost no-one there. I was the only media person, as far as I could tell (although I was told an AP reporter was expected to be there; don’t think they showed up). No Cleveland media, no Detroit (where the hearing was held) media, no national media. Why? This man, Damrah, is an important story, a great parable for other “moderate”, mainstream Islamic leaders in America–and how many of them, if not themselves terrorists, are vehement terror supporters and enablers. Not friends of America, and certainly not the loyal, law-abiding citizens they claim to be.
Damrah was respected as the leader of the largest mosque in Cleveland (reportedly, the largest in Ohio), and was a nationally respected Islamic figure. To the public, he represented himself as a moderate who opposed terrorism and only wanted peace. Easily duped Jewish and Christian leaders frequently had unity dinners, lunches, and town hall forums, all for the purpose of embracing this “peaceful” Muslim man who played the role they craved, especially after 9/11.
But the real Fawaz Abu Damra was a violent, hateful man, who supported the destruction of Christians, Jews, and America. An FBI transcript of a 1991 speech shows Damra imploring Muslims in attendance to give to Islamic Jihad movement through fraudulent means, and he makes it clear that the money will go to stab and kill Jews:

Tonight, Dr. Sami Al-Arian . . . he is the president of Islamic Committee for Palestine and a short briefing about the Islamic Committee for Palestine, it is the active arm of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, and we like to call it the Islamic Committee for Palestine here for security reasons.
Donate to the Islamic Jihad! Nidal Zaloum from the Islamic Jihad held a dagger and stabbed four of the Jews in the courtyard of Al-Haram Al-Qudsi . . . For the Intifadah, for the Islamic Jihad, I say it frankly for the Islamic Jihad. The Jihad is still erupting in Palestine from village to village, I tell you it is not for the organizations with respect to everyone but for the Jihad. The Jihad! One of them would leave his house with a knife to stab the Jews–twelve Jews after the events of the Gulf War. Brothers, the Intifadah calls you. Five hundred dollars! Who would add to five hundred dollars? Who would add to five hundred dollars? If you write a check, write it for the Islamic Committee for Palestine, I.C.P. Who would add to the five hundred dollars of Hajj Ahmad?
[Muslims should be] Directing all the rifles at the first and last enemy of the Islamic nation and that is the sons of monkeys and pigs, the Jews.

The money Damra helped Sami Al-Arian raise for Islamic Jihad went to fund Islamic Jihad terrorist attacks on innocent people, such as the bus bombing that murdered New Jersey college student Alisa Flatow, the daughter of my friend Stephen Flatow.
This man, Damra, is on trial for deportation because of crimes in which he conspired against many people, but few bothered to show up for his hearing. Besides me, his lawyers and family members, there were six ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents and detention and removal officers. I wondered if they were protecting America from his possible fleeing or protecting Damra against would-be attackers our government likes to see in peaceful Americans like me who dare expose their bend-over-backward-to-extremist-Muslims policy. We are the threat in the eyes of our government, which tends to be paranoid in the wrong places.
At the hearing, today, Damra was dressed in a very expensive suit and accessories. He has the most expensive immigration attorney in town representing him. One of his daughters had a clearly visible nose job. One wonders who paid for all of this. Is it Islamic Jihad? Al Qaeda? (That’s not far-fetched since well-founded rumors have swirled for years that the Bin Laden family paid for his partner, Al-Arian’s, kids’ private college tuition.) The Muslims at the Islamic Center of Greater Cleveland, who claim to be against terrorism, yet embraced Damra despite all that has come out about him?
I heard Damra’s lawyer try a delay tactic, claiming he needs much more time to decipher this “very complex matter” against his client. But actually, it’s not complex at all. (When someone says something is “very complex,” that’s usually a major hint that it’s not.) It’s very simple. Damra was raising funds for terrorist groups. He wasn’t raising funds for “humanitarian” operations. He was raising funds for mass murder. People are deported on a daily basis for a lot less, and in many cases, those deportees are much more worthy of America than Damra.
I watched the able immigration judge, Marsha Nettles, cut through the thick but transparent BS put forth by Damra’s high-paid legal prostitute. I will reserve further judgment about her until I learn of her judgment after the trial. (I’m told her written decision is confidential, unless Damra decides to make it public.) But I can already see she will not be anything like the Judge Ito clone that ran Sami Al-Arian’s circus of a trial. That, alone, is reason for hope.
Another reason for hope is ICE’s attorney, Mark Jebson, a terrific litigator whose work I respect a great deal. He is sharp, quick-witted, and discrete. If all federal prosecutors were like him, we’d be in great shape (but, alas and unfortunately, most are not). If only someone like Jebson had tried Sami Al-Arian, it’s a good bet the outcome would have been different. At least, he is trying one of Al-Arian’s partners in crime.
I watched Damra’s wife and daughters (one wore jeans–nice way to respect the court). I wondered what they think of their father’s activities and utterances. They’re probably supportive. I wondered, sitting there as American who is Jewish (a proud “daughter of monkeys and pigs”), did they want to raise money to stab me and my family, too? How about my cousins back in Israel or scattered throughout Europe? (I’d have asked them, but I was and am sick with laryngitis.) I don’t really need to wonder because I know the answer. And it’s beyond un-American. (Even the likes of , useful idiot that he is, are non-distinct “sons of monkeys and pigs” to them, all worthy of the same fate.)
Yet, these people get to live in my country because their father lied on his application to become a citizen (about his associations with terrorist groups)–and because, as a result of that lie, they had the fortunate accident of birth in our country. Even if their criminal father gets deported, they will get to grow up here and spread their father’s hatred of not just Jews–but America and Christians, also uttered in the transcript–to their children, to their community–in their father’s place.
I would much rather be the daughter of “monkeys and pigs” than the daughter of a terrorist, a daughter who agrees with her father’s hateful, murderous enterprise.
They were dressed in typical American teenage garb, plus hijabs. But the Damra offspring are anything but American. They are their father’s daughters. The daughters of a terrorist. A fundraiser and cheerleader for mass murder. He will likely be deported. But they won’t. And that’s why we need to end the citizenship birthright. Their father was here under false pretenses, and therefore, not only he–but they, too–must be stripped of their citizenship.
I look forward to the trial, beginning in about a week. But I wonder what happens to Damra if and when he is deported. If he goes to the Palestinian Authority, he will be a hero there. Will he run terrorist operations from there? Probably. Will he continue to spread hate and urge mass murder? Certainly.
But, at least, he will be away from our great country. And away from the non-Muslim fools who continued to embrace and promote this man, all while he plotted the murder of Americans (at the WTC) and Jews (throughout the world). Stay tuned.

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December 30, 2005, - 4:01 pm

Muslim Terror Attack on Home Depot: Where’s the Media Coverage?

Where’s the “mainstream media” coverage of the “Religion of Peace’s” latest attack? This time, it’s a terrorist attack on Home Depot in Chandler, Arizona. And you, I, or our loved ones could have been there. And get this: The perpetrator, Palestinian Muslim Ali R. Warrayat, drove his truck into the store because he was mad at the U.S. for the proposed fence along the Mexican border.
Hmmm . . . . Why would a Palestinian Muslim living in Arizona be angry about more barriers to illegal aliens at the Southern Border? Hint: It’s not because he’s a philo-Hispanist. Maybe it could have something to do with the fact that a lot of OTMs (Other Than Mexicans), some Muslims with terrorist ties, are invading are country illegally, through that border. Are some of them Warrayat’s buddies, relatives, associates, etc.?
We’d bet the FBI and other authorities say this has “nothing to do with terrorism,” as they do with all other such Islamic terrorist attacks, like the one on the El-Al counter at LAX on July 4, 2002. You be the judge. (Warrayat is a Palestinian Jordanian–and 75% plus Jordanians are Palestinians.)
Oh, and Warrayat tried to kill his cat and a dog, too. Don’t hold your breath for PUTA (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and Humans) to protest.
It happened on December 18th, so why haven’t we heard about this?
Read these excerpts from a scary article in today’s East Valley Tribune, documenting the Home Depot attack:

He placed both hands on the steering wheel, stared straight ahead and barrelled toward the front entrance of Home Depot.
Ali R. Warrayat hadn’t slept in days, planning this moment down to the last detail. Now, his face was void of any expression. A store employee jumped out of the car’s path. To drown out the man’s yells, Warrayat reached over to his car radio and blasted Arabic music before crashing through the front doors.
The scene was only the beginning of a violent rampage through the Chandler store on Dec. 18. For the 24-year-old Arizona State University student, the motives behind the attack were personal.
He told Chandler police he was angry at Home Depot, where he worked as a paint stocker, about not getting a proper raise. He was mad at the United States for proposing a 700-mile fence along the Mexican border.
He wanted to make America “more free.”

So the Jordanian-turned-U.S. citizen devised a plan to make a grand statement by crashing into the store at Alma School Road and Chandler Boulevard and setting it on fire.
At first, he wanted to wear a Palestinian flag, but later decided to place it in the trunk of his car, along with a copy of the Quran and a necklace.
He then grabbed his cat and his uncle’s pit bull and brought them along for the ride with the intent of killing them in the fire.
After crashing through the doors at 6 a.m. that Sunday, he expertly navigated the aisles and headed straight for the paint department, slamming his car into the flammable goods.
He jumped to the roof of the car, looked around for a second and then hopped to the ground.
He used a lighter to ignite the blaze, and loud explosions followed as store employees ran for safety.
Bustamante said Warrayat was deeply religious and had a Quran hanging from his rearview mirror.
He also described trying to put the dog in his trunk to show it the Quran. He said dogs are “filthy” and that was why the dog didn‚Äôt want to be in the trunk with the holy book.
Police served a search warrant on the Gilbert house where he lives with his parents, seizing a computer and other items.
Initial images on his computer depicted men lighting Molotov cocktails and a cartoon of two bloodied and dead children with a Middle Eastern flag in the background.

Read the whole account. Kudos to reporters Kristina Davis and Katie McDevitt for daring to cover this and include all of the very relevant details about this man’s religion and nationality.
Kudos also to this paper, Arizona’s East Valley Tribune, which seems to be on the right track. It also knocked CAIR’s absurd whines about monitoring radiation outside mosques. Right on.

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December 30, 2005, - 3:33 pm

“South Park’s” Spielberg Truer Than the Real Thing

Caught an old re-run of “South Park,” last night, featuring a caricature of Steven Spielberg. Judging from his “” outrage, we can say that “South Park” creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone were ahead of their time on Abu Spielberg.
On their show, the Shlemielberg character says this: “We are just passing through history. This [my movies] is improved history.”

South Park’s Steven Spielberg: Prescient Caricature of the Real Thing

That’s exactly the attitude exuded by the revisionist history called “.” Trey and Matt, sometimes you are really on the money. (Plus, , too.)
We do, however, find their recent show on the Catholic Church and the Virgin Mary to be unacceptable and outrageous.

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December 30, 2005, - 10:32 am

To All My Friends and Readers: Happy New Year!

To all my friends and readers, I wish you a Happy New Year! May 2006 be a good one for our great country and a bad one for our enemies and the forces of evil (two categories which are usually not mutually exclusive).
Yesterday and today, I’ve been sick, so I hope you’ll excuse less posted items. Hope to post more later today and over the weekend. Putting together a list of this year’s heroes and villians; good judges and bad in the war on terror.
Also: Trying to get up my strength to attend an immigration hearing, today, for a really bad guy. Will say who it is and report back, later. This is a guy written about here on this site and extensively in my writings.
Stay tuned.

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December 29, 2005, - 4:12 pm

Secretary Chertoff Wishes You a Happy Chanukah; But Shames the Maccabees

For Jewish Americans, it’s occasionally charming when public officials recognize our minor holidays (Chanukah is a minor Jewish holiday, not on Christmas’ scale in terms of Judaism). But that’s merely cosmetic. We’d be far prouder if those public officials–Jewish or not–did their job in protecting America and making our national security priority #1.
That, however, would be expecting too much–in the case of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff (a/k/a “Mr. Burns”). He’s often bragged about how he’s the son of a rabbi, and this week he was lighting a Chanukah menorah (candelabra) for all the cameras. But we all–Jewish or not–would be a lot better off, if he actually did something about our homeland security. In case he forgot, that is–after all–the name of the department he heads.

Happy Chanukah: Chertoff “Protects the Country” by Lighting a Menorah

Instead, Chertoff’s busy ignoring an important DHS Inspector General report just released (yesterday)–a scathing document, which sets out glaring deficiencies in his department. This is giving Democrats–who created his dysfunctional agency, now more dysfunctional under Son of Rabbi Chertoff–a lot of fodder. They call this the “33 unfulfilled promises,” which include a lack of financial accountability (ie. a ton of waste) in ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) while illegal immigration metastasizes. We’re sure that includes the $30,000 wasted on new furniture for the already well-appointed offices of ICE Special Agent in Charge Brian Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz”.
The document also identifies problems with infrastructure protection (bridges, water plants, etc.) and border security, and urges a merger between ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP)–.
Chertoff’s response: A big “F-U.” According to the New York Daily News, he said he won’t heed the advice. Well, at least he’s consistent–he’s ignored all of these disturbing Inspector General reports. DHS agents are outraged, as are we. So we say, to heck with his phony menorah lighting and braggadocio about being a rabbi’s son. That means nothing, and he’s missed the whole point of Chanukah. The heroes of Chanukah were Matatias, Judah, and the other brave Maccabees who fought the enemy, some to their death–and they did so without a massive Homeland Security budget. The fought for their lives against the Syrian-Greeks to protect the homeland that was the Land of Israel. And among the first people they killed were fellow Jews, who got in the way and consorted with the enemy (sounds like today’s ACLU and , who consort with Islamic terrorists and use all means to help their cause, not America’s). It was bloody, turning brother against brother, but it was necessary.
Looking at the Maccabees’ awesome feat and victory for the security of the Jewish people in Israel, it’s shameful to repeatedly watch Chertoff barely lift a finger when he is ostensibly in charge of fighting the war on terror internally in the most powerful nation on earth. We’re not advocating murder. We’re just advocating a modicum of attention to our border problems, immigration problems, ICE problems, and basically the mess that is DHS, in which Chertoff has done little in this past year “on the job.” Chertoff could start by applying a little Talmudic skills that his rabbi father must surely have learned . . . such as studying the text of the DHS Inspector General reports and following some of the advice therein.
If Chertoff can’t take any constructive steps to fix DHS and help better protect us, all the menorah lighting and rabbi parents in the world are meaningless. The bottom line is ensuring America’s security. We’re still waiting to receive that ultimate Chanukah present.

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