January 6, 2006, - 11:33 am

More Clueless: New Immigration Chief’s Chosen Staff Raises Incompetence Quotient

Uh-Oh. New recess-appointment ICE Princess, , doesn’t begin the job at Immigration and Customs Enforcement until Monday. But she’s already hired an even more inexperienced and incompetent side-kick/advance boy, Daniel T. Fahner (he’s been at ICE for a month, preparing for her arrival and reporting back to the Princess about the goings on). Oh, and he has cronies in high places . . . just like Julie Myers.
Myers claimed that, to overcome her absolute lack of law enforcement experience, she’d surround herself with seasoned ICE people. Not quite.
Daniel Fahner is only 30, and, until recently, was exclusively a litigation attorney at disgraced felon/lobbyist firm, Greenberg Traurig. Here’s his bio (the firm removed it, but thank Heaven for google’s cached files). The guy looks like he just had his Bar Mitzvah, yesterday. Her first hire . . . not a very good sign.

(Clueless Julie Myers, Courtesy of our Friend, David Lunde)

How does a 30-year-old commercial and corporate litigator (who did some criminal defense, nice) know anything about running the most important agency when it comes to stopping illegal immigration, money-laundering and smuggling? He doesn’t.
But he does know the right people. Besides knowing fellow cronyist and new boss Ms. Julie, Fahner’s daddy, Tyrone C. Fahner, was Chairman (in 2002) of one of the world’s biggest, most high-priced law firms, Mayer Brown Rowe & Maw, where he is now a partner. Reading about him is revealing about the background of his son, the ICE Princess’ new courtier.
We learned that Pere Fahner, a high-priced criminal defense attorney for much of his career (and currently), also filed class-action lawsuits and owned a Porsche AND a Lexus. We learned that he was friends with then-Illinois Republican Governor Jim Thompson (of the 9/11 Commission), who appointed him Illinois Attorney General. We learned that affirmative action hiring and “diversity” is VERY important to him. Will that be the course of action at ICE? We learned that the senior Fahner was on his firm’s “government practice group.” If that’s still the case, we think he needs to quit that (hello, conflict of interest).
We learned that Daddy Fahner is friends with U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Joel Flaum, who–whadda coincidence!–hired Daniel Fahner as his “judicial extern” (whatever that means). We learned that Pops Fahner is also friends with the Dean of Northwestern University Law School. Guess which law school admitted and graduated Daniel Fahner?

Unqualified Crony Myers’ Unqualified Crony Daniel Fahner

It’s official: Both Julie Myers and her new flunky are lawyers with Ph.Ds in cronyism. How that translates into stopping illegal aliens and money laundering, we’d love to know.
Who is coming to the Myers’ ICE team that has even a modicum of law enforcement experience and some minimum qualifications? We can see President Bush’s use of a recess appointment for this lightweight went to such good use. NOT.

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January 6, 2006, - 10:40 am

Thanks, Canada: Blatant Anti-Americanism @ Hockey Competition

Hmmm . . . . Why is there almost no media coverage of egregious anti-Americanism at this week’s World Junior Hockey Championships in Vancouver, Canada? The only thing we saw was a tiny article buried in the USA Today sports section.
But the competition is important because it was filled with anti-American booing. Seems our to the North cheered for every opponent country playing the U.S.

And, predictably, USA Hockey officials–whose salaries we subsidize through tax-deductions and security our taxes provide–are sticking their heads in the sand. Here’s what USA Today reported about what happened to Team USA:

Their on-ice struggles were exacerbated by anti-American sentiment. U.S. officials believe fans’ decision to root for the USA’s opponents primarily reflected a pro-Canadian philosophy about hockey. . . . “I’m not going to speculate wether politics had anything to do with it,” USA Hockey President Ron DeGregorio said. “To me, this is just sports . . . . I’m a Red Sox fan. We root against the Yankees.”

Whatever. One wonders: Is this a prelude to what we can expect at next month’s Winter Olympics? Count on it. But don’t plan to read about it in the “Mainstream Media”.
*** UPDATE: Reader David E. calls the anti-American country to the North, “Canuckistan”. We concur.

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January 6, 2006, - 10:16 am

Buffalo Bills Give New Hope to Senior Citizens

Is 80-year-old Marv Levy returning to the Buffalo Bills? YES!
That’s the story coming out of the frigid city. With recent firings of team management, Levy–the Bills’ winningest coach and a Pro Football Hall of Famer–is the team’s new GM. This is one employer no-one can accuse of age discrimination.
Gives hope to the older set that even in the NFL–where youth is king–you can return as a senior citizen in some capacity . . . and even run the show.

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January 6, 2006, - 9:49 am

ABC News’ Vargas on Jose Puh-DILL-Uh

We’ve been critical of new ABC News’ anchoratrix and her HAMAS-pandering ways. Now, we’ve watched confirmation that she is even more clueless than we had earlier diagnosed.
You’d think someone with the surname “Vargas” would know how to pronounce the surname “Padilla” (Puh-DEE-uh). (After all, she was named a “Latina of Excellence” by Hispanic Magazine.) But you would be wrong. Beginning on Wednesday’s newscast and repeated again, we heard Vargas talk about Jose Puh-DILL-Uh. Huh?
If she can’t yet even correctly pronounce a name that’s been in the news for almost four years, she’s even more clueless and unsuitable for the job than we had earlier diagnosed. If Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh did this, they’d be all over it. And they’re not even “objective” news anchors.

Abdullah Al-Muhajir . . . or Jose Puh-DILL-uh, to ABC’s Elizabeth Vargas

One other question: Why are Vargas and all other news anchors calling Puh-DILL-uh by his former name? Don’t they remember that he is now the Muslim Abdullah Al-Muhajir? All part of the campaign to make this terrorist seem like one of us . . . when he is really one of them (the enemy, for those who can’t figure it out).
***UPDATE: When we’re wrong, we’re wrong. A number of people have written to us, saying that FOX News Channel’s John Gibson made a point, recently, of saying that Abdullah Al-Muhajir wants his former surname pronounced the way Vargas pronounced it (Puh-DILL-Uh). We’re glad “Fair and Balanced” pointed this out when ABC did not. THANKS to all of the readers who pointed this out in e-mails and comments.
Still we have this question: WHY won’t they pronounce his name the real way, as in Ahb-Duh-Luh Ahl Moo-Hah-Jer?

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January 6, 2006, - 8:16 am

Coyote Ugly: Take That, PETA . . . & Laura Ingraham

PETA (or as we call it, PUTA–People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals & humans) just got put in their place by Stan Gehrt. Same for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and Environmental Liberation Front (ELF)–both designated terrorist groups.
Gehrt–an Ohio State University wildlife extension specialist, biologist, and professor–just completed a six-year study showing that not only do coyotes adapt to urban settings (the study was in Chicago), but they also live longer than their rural counterpart. A coyote living in urban Chicago has a 60-percent chance of surviving for one year, while a rural coyote has a 30 percent chance of living for another year.
Hmmmm . . . doesn’t exactly jibe with the shrieking claims of PUTA and ALF that we humans and our “urban sprawl” are hurting the animals.

Prof. Stan Gehrt Proves Animal Rights Activist Laura Ingraham Wrong

Ditto for “conservative” Laura Ingraham. That’s right. On September 6, 2001, Ingraham wrote an absurd op-ed in USA Today, “Scariest Animal Wears Pants,” which could have been written by the most militant PUTA, ALF, or ELF activist. She excoriated humans for building shopping malls, golf courses, and ski slopes–saying it drives animals out, and it’s our fault when they attack. Because I’m sure she’s never shopped, golfed, or gone skiing.
The complete scoop on the coyotes-in-the-Windy-City study is here. A summary of the findings of research, as reported by UPI:

Coyotes are thriving in some of the largest U.S. cities, despite scientists’ belief that these mammals intently avoid urban human populations.
Stanley Gehrt, an assistant professor of environmental and natural resources at Ohio State University, has been studying coyote behavior in Chicago for six years.
Gehrt and his colleagues have found that urban coyote populations are much larger than expected; that they live longer than their rural cousins in these environments; and that they are more active at nighttime than coyotes living in rural areas.
Coyotes also do some good, helping control rapidly growing populations of Canada geese throughout North America.
“We couldn’t find an area in Chicago where there weren’t coyotes,” Gehrt said. “They’ve learned to exploit all parts of their landscape.”
Since the beginning of the study, the researchers have caught and tagged more than 200 coyotes. They estimate that there may be somewhere between several hundred and 2,000 coyotes in Chicago.
Some of the animals live in city parks, while others live among apartment and commercial buildings and in industrial parks.

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January 5, 2006, - 3:26 pm


Islamic terrorist will soon be deported and will NOT be having a deportation trial, which was scheduled to begin Monday.
Late yesterday, Immigration Judge Marsha Nettles of the Executive Office of Immigration Review issued a final order of deportation for Damra, partner in crime with Islamic Jihad chief and founder Sami Al-Arian. The order will not be appealed by Damra, and he will be deported shortly.
We attended a preliminary hearing, last Friday, and . (Oddly, we were the only media source in attendance.) We note that Mr. Damra’s attorney concurred in the final order of deportation, and we see that as a sign that he did not want disclosed to the public the extensive record of Damra’s involvement with fundraising and support for Islamic terrorism and mass murder from within our own country. We noted Mr. Damra’s involvement with Al-Qaeda’s 1993 World Trade Center bombing and with Palestinian terrorist group Islamic Jihad.

BUH-BYE! Islamic Terrorist Fawaz Abu Damra Ordered Deported

We also note that this deportation order would not have been possible were it not for the excellent work of star ICE attorney and Assistant Chief Counsel in Michigan, Mark Jebson (one of our HEROES of 2005). We note the 2-foot high stack of exhibits he served on the defense at the hearing we attended. It was clear that Damra had a losing case.
We also note that, at that hearing, Mr. Jebson, requested subpoenas for copies of the passports and for the testimony of Mr. Damra’s wife, Nesreen Mahmoud, and two of his daughters, Tasmeen and Maram. We wonder which countries were stamped on those passports, and why they traveled there. Were they involved in money laundering and terrorist operations for their father? Only they can answer that. Without the trial, we will not know–for now. We hope an eye is kept on them and their activities when they go to visit their deported father in the Palestinian Authority, Terror Central.
We also commend the ICE Detention and Removal Operations for Michigan and Ohio, who detained Mr. Damra. Keeping him in custody to rot in jail was at least some punishment, since Mr. Damra had no regard for the lives of innocent lives, for whose murder he openly solicited funds at his Cleveland mosque, reportedly the largest in Ohio. We only wish he could rot much more.
Finally, we hope the evil saga of Mr. Damra is a lesson to foolish misguided clerics and politicians everywhere. As , Damra was feted, ad absurdum, by kowtowing Jewish and Christian leaders and clerics, as well as Ohio politicians–all hailing him as a moderate Muslim . . . when he was anything but, and uttered the wishing death upon Jews and Christians. Damra was an Islamic terrorist in our midst parading as something else. But he isn’t the first, and he won’t be the last.
We hope that in the future, self-anointed religious leaders and elected political ones will hone their critical thinking skills instead of their Rodney King-esque skills of “Can’t we all just get along?” at all cost. The lives of innocent people and the vanquishing of the fifth column within our country depend on it. And those are far more important than a few Islamic votes or campaign contributions.

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January 4, 2006, - 8:27 pm

BREAKING: As PREDICTED by SCHLUSSEL, Unqualified Julie Myers Gets Bush Recess Appt. to Head ICE

DAMN! You heard it here, first. that –President Bush’s unqualified nominee to head Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)–.
Unfortunately, yet another of our dark predictions has come true (like ). Today, the White House announced that President Bush gave Ms. Myers the ultimate undeserved Christmas present over the holidays. Bush gave Julie Myers a recess appointment as Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, overseeing ICE.

Laverne & Julie:

Myers Recess Appointment Latest Sitcom Disaster at Immigration Agency

(Artwork by a Concerned Federal Agent)

Happy New Year! Or rather, an UNHAPPY one. On this site, we’ve for this most important of Homeland Security positions. This silly recess appointment was in response to a number of holds placed on Ms. Myers’ nomination because she is as qualified to run the agency as our personal friend, Carrot Top (and he knows how to use cool gadgets). Put to a vote, Myers would have been voted down. That should have sent a clear message to the President. But, apparently, he is even more out of touch on Homeland Security than we had earlier diagnosed. This appointment is a huge joke on America. What’s the punch line?
Now, thanks to this recess appointment, Myers’ appointment will be valid only until the end of this session of Congress, at the end of 2006. This makes her a lame duck for an entire year–in “leading” this rudderless agency without a clear mission (or leader). Myers has never held a job longer than 11 months, and we hope this new one is no exception. Although, we predict that lazy, gutless politicians will clear the way for this inexperienced Martha Stewart wannabe, when the time comes in 2007 to renew her “contract.”
ICE agents are not celebrating. And no American should be either. Except Myers’ husband (DHS Secretary Chertoff’s Chief of Staff John F. Wood), uncle (Retired General Richard Myers), and the lucky Myers, herself, who selected herself for the job in her job at White House personnel for the Bush Administration. Look at me, I’m the new Queen of the ICE Palace. Like way totally cool.
Look for illegal alien problems to get worse, not better. Ditto for Islamic money laundering through such means as Hawalas. The clueless Myers doesn’t have an inkling about any of this–or about law enforcement. Extensive tutoring and hand-holding by Senior ICE officials didn’t help. But, hey, we hear . . . complete with White House trinkets.
After she’s gone, we vote for Anna Nicole Smith to head ICE next. We hear she, too, is looking for a new position.

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January 4, 2006, - 11:27 am

Lefty Sen. Carl Levin Took Abramoff $$$ . . . & Did His “Bidding” (THANKS, RUSH for reading on-air!)

***RUSH LIMBAUGH just read this on his nationally syndicated radio show. THANKS, RUSH!***
The is not the sole property of conservatives or Republicans. We note that today’s Detroit Free Press discusses the campaign contributions connected with him that were gladly accepted by (D-Michigan) a/k/a “Millennium Combover Man.”
Today’s Detroit Free Press reports that Levin took thousands from Abramoff’s then-firm and from his client, the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe.
And in exchange for that, Casino Jack’s Indian tribes got a lot for their money–at least $3 million. According to the Helena Independent Record, Levin wrote a letter (with Debbie Stabenow, also a liberal Dem U.S. Senator from Michigan) urging and pressuring Sen. Conrad Burns’ Appropriations Committee to give $3 million for the Saginaw Chippewas–one of America’s wealthiest tribes (which didn’t need the money). Today’s Free Press says Levin admits he asked for the $3 mill.

Carl Levin: For Campaign $s, Helped Casino Jack Abramoff Get $3 Mill

Here’s what Appropriations Committee staffer Ryan Thomas told the Montana paper:

“All actions taken were in response to active requests from other senators and their delegated staff,” he [Thomas] said. “I was one of many staffers whose jobs required us to make sure we were being responsive to the requests of senators before the subcommittee. In this case (Michigan) Senators (Debbie) Stabenow and (Carl) Levin had expressed interest to the subcommittee and submitted a letter of request for the Saginaw school.”
Burns insists . . . he acted solely at the request of Michigan’s two senators, both Democrats.

So will Carl Levin return the money?
We’ve noted that Carl Levin has a strange set of priorities these days that don’t really involve the American people or even just the people of the State of Michigan, whom he’s supposed to be representing. Levin to make a Canadian ice skater (and many more like her) into an immediate U.S. Citizen. Because, G-d knows, we don’t have enough good, competitive ice skating Olympic hopefuls that are already U.S. citizens. Clearly an emergency.
Plus there are , one of whom Levin successfully pressured the U.S. Govt. to make a citizen in the ’90s, and the one he’s trying to make a citizen–through a private bill–now. One Islamic terrorist U.S. citizen per decade seems to be the hallmark of Carl Levin’s “illustrious” career.
So, will Carl Levin be explaining the tit-for-tat Abramoff contributions and then millions for the Indian Tribe? Don’t hold your breath.

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January 4, 2006, - 11:00 am

OOPS! Hero of 2005 We Missed: JOE WEBBER

OOPS! Some on-the-money people pointed out that we were remiss in not including brave former ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Special Agent in Charge Joe Webber in our . They are 100% correct. We wrote about earlier in the year, so we amended the list to include him in his rightful place atop the list. Here’s what we wrote:
War on Terror/Law Enforcement

* : A Real Law Enforcement Hero; High ranking ICE agent heroically survived 9/11 attacks on World Trade Center and exposed FBI and ICE bureaucracy for refusing to allow wiretaps of high level Al-Qaeda terrorists in Texas. As a parting shot, Homeland Security and ICE officials began investigating and harassing him for speaking out against this neglect of our national security. This man should be running Homeland Security, not retiring from it.

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January 3, 2006, - 5:26 pm

You Don’t Know Jack (But I Did): Notes on Sleazy Lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s Guilty Plea

Today, indicted uber-whore-lobbyist Jack Abramoff pled guilty to several of many counts in two separate federal indictments against him.
I knew Abramoff, not well, but met him and immediately thought him to be a huge sleazebag. Those were my instincts, and that was back in the mid-’90s. I warned prominent friends of mine, in Congress and the private sector, not to do business with him. Some listened and recently thanked me for my warnings. Others did not, and–although they had no connection to his unethical, criminal enterprises–are hoping they escape public scrutiny.
I told others of my suspicions that he was tied to organized crime and had something to do with the gangland style murder of Gus Boulis, from whom he bought SunCruz casinos. I said there was no way he’d have the money to pay even the small amount down on the multi-millions required for that deal. That was back in 2001. They didn’t believe me. But I was right.
Now, however, a guilty plea by Casino Jack makes it official that he is a criminal and sleaze-bucket. So on this, I am not Cassandra any more.

Abramoff and Norquist: Islamo-fascist Sleazebag-a-palooza

What needs to be emphasized here is that Abramoff was a professional slut–not of the conservatives–but of the Islamo-fascists. He was a lobbyist for terror-state Sudan, for Malaysia (at the time its then-Prime Minister Mahathir Muhammad encouraged homicide bombings against Casino Jack’s fellow Jews), for a Saudi Islamic banking organization tied to funding the Al-Qaeda bombings of the two U.S. embassies in Africa, Pakistan’s army–tightly woven with the brutal, pro-Bin Laden I.S.I., etc.
Then, there are his tight, sleazy dealings with Grover Norquist, a trusted Bush and Rove adviser who is Islamo-fascism’s chief cheerleader in the halls of power. Norquist eagerly served as Casino Jack’s personal money-launderer using his Arabs for Tax Reform . . . er, Americans for Tax Reform, as the conduit–with Norquist taking his usurious cut. I guess they didn’t teach Jihad Grover at Harvard Business School that money laundering is generally illegal.
Abramoff and Norquist secretly hired Islamo-fascist Khaled Saffuri, an admitted funder of Palestinian homicide bombers, through a secret Abramoff limited liability company to get more Islamic money and do lobbying for such un-American causes. Too bad they weren’t ripped off by him, instead of American Indians.
Plus, Norquist hooked Abramoff up with his Muslim co-indictee, David Hossein Safavian, who used his influence inside the Government Services Administration to help Abramoff’s sleazy money-grubbing–in exchange for free trips. Safavian and Norquist (whose “wife” is a Palestinian Muslim) co-founded and sat on the board of the Islamic Free Market Institute (the Islamo-fascist Lobby) together.
It’s time for Norquist to be indicted. And for federal prosecutors to look very closely at Abramoff’s and Norquist’s chief defender in Congress, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher–also a friend of Islamo-fascism, the Taliban, and anything anti-Israel (and you thought he represented Orange County, California, not Riyadh). Rohrabacher was still defending Abramoff in The Washington Post, as late as last week. Norquist still claims he doesn’t see that Casino Jack did anything untoward. Of course, he doesn’t, since he was a co-conspirator in the money laundering trail.
I communicated everything I knew about their sleazy ways with Sen. John McCain’s investigators a couple of years ago. We’ll see what happens when Casino Jack “helps” prosecutors per his agreement.
***UPDATE–Check out Michelle Malkin’s excellent round-up on this. Read, especially, her own related previous entries about Faisal Gill and others, all linked at the end of her post.

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