January 11, 2006, - 1:34 pm

PETA-Proud: Penguins Get Cataract Operations

PUTA (our name for PETA; People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) must be proud. Here’s the latest in the continuing crisis of animal rights absurdity:
While old people everywhere are in need of cataract operations–and many can’t afford them, the tax-subsidized Detroit Zoo is providing cataract removal operations for its penguins. Although the article, in The Detroit Spews, says that a veterinary hospital will provide the cataract surgery (normally costing $1,500 per eye) free of charge, this is still a dangerous development.
Apparently, cat and dog owners everywhere regularly pay the $1,500 per eye cost for their pets, and penguins generally don’t live past 35. Nest time, the surgery may not be free, and we taxpayers will subsidize it. PUTA is applauding the operation, but in the past, the surgery did not improve a penguin’s vision.

Latest Indigent Recipients of Free Cataract Surgery

Other recipients of cataract surgery have included four or five other Detroit Zoo penguins, a goose, and a polar bear.
Again, there are many humans in need of cataract surgery, who can’t afford it. Given that, it’s absurd that the operation is being provided for animals. Remember, the synonym for such actions is “humanitarian,” NOT animalitarian.

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January 10, 2006, - 3:00 pm

Me on FOX NEWS, Tomorrow Morning 6:10 a.m.

***UPDATE, 01/11/06: For those who missed it live and want to view it, the VIDEO of my appearance on FOX News, this morning, is here, thanks to the Intelligence Summit.
I will be on FOX News Channel, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, at 6:10 a.m. Eastern Time (dark and early). I will be debating the nomination of Judge for Supreme Court Justice with FOX News liberal contributor and New York Newsday columnist, Ellis Henican.

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January 10, 2006, - 2:49 pm

Me on ABC Family/TBN/Christian Broadcast Net, Today (Various Times)–Abu Moskowitz/Roberts/Murphy Update

Inspired by my research into extremist Muslim cleric, , an agent of the government of Iran and the Hezbollah terrorist group, my friend, Erick Stakelbeck–Christian Broadcast Network’s (CBN) outstanding terrorism analyst and correspondent–came to Detroit a month ago to do a story on Mr. Elahi and why all the top feds in town kowtowed to Elahi at his mosque–as I detailed . I was interviewed for the story, which Erick saw on Jihad Watch.
The story airs repeatedly today on the ABC Family Channel at 11:00 p.m. Eastern (runs twice–check local listings), CBN’s “700 Club” (listings here), and TBN. You can also view it online at CBN’s site (click on “700 Club”) , (the segment comes on about 10 minutes in; first, there is also a promo for Billy Ray Cyrus (from mullets to Muslims)). Read the script, here.

Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi (left) w/ Hezbollah Spiritual Leader Sheikh Fadlallah

Strangely, the feds either wimped out of talking to Stakelbeck or set very strange conditions for interviews. Take , the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan and Ohio. He was at the Hezbollah Mosque feting Elahi, but he refused to do an interview about it with Stakelbeck–hemming, hawing, and stuttering about it and making all kinds of excuses about how he doesn’t judge people’s points of view and needs to do outreach. Since he doesn’t judge, we suggest he next do outreach to David Duke and the Klan. It’s not nice to judge.
Abu Moskowitz pimped his colleagues, U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III, the Justice Department’s top official in Detroit, and –saying that he should interview them instead. They, too, were at the radical Muslim pander-fest.
Abu Murphy’s press person, Gina Balaya, and Abu Murphy’s other personnel refused to return Stakelbeck’s phone calls.
Then there’s , who heads the FBI here in the heart of Islamic America (Michigan). His press person, Special Agent Dawn Clenney, told Stakelbeck they’d only grant him an interview, if Elahi was not mentioned specifically and no questions were asked about him. Yet, off-camera, Roberts consistently praised Elahi, and said he had to meet with him because “he knows a lot of people and has a lot of followers.” Again, David Duke knows more people and has a lot more followers. So we look forward to covering Roberts’ meeting with Duke.
Shame on Nolan Finley, Detroit News editorial page editor, who hired Elahi to spew his pro-terror hate as a regular Detroit News columnist. For this, Finley gets a Schlussel Jihad Journalism Award, for helping the forces of hate get respect, legitimacy, and exposure for their extremist views. Abu Finley gave the same absurd, phony asnwers as Roberts et al. Where’s David Duke’s Detroit News column?
Imam Elahi should be deported. He became a U.S. citizen under false pretenses. He was sent here by the government of Iran and Hezbollah to radicalize Shi’ite mosques, and he succeeded. It’s time to strip this evil man of his citizenship and deport him. But, unfortunately, the men in charge of doing this are–you guessed it–Abu Moskowitz and Abu Murphy.
Who’s watching the watchers while they party with Hezbollah and Iran’s U.S. agent?
Watch Erick Stakelbeck’s report tonight.

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January 10, 2006, - 2:29 pm

Starbucks Bomb: Are Muslims Behind it?

Today, many media outlets are reporting on an explosive device found (and disabled by police) in the bathroom of a San Francisco Starbucks, Monday.
But what you didn’t read in any of these stories was the fact that, beginning in 2002, an extremist Muslim group tied to Al-Qaeda and HAMAS–and based RIGHT NEAR San Francisco–started an international Muslim boycott of Starbucks. I first reported the boycott in a New York Post column (). I appeared on FOX News’ “O’Reilly Factor” and “Hardball with Chris Matthews” to debate the issue of the boycott.

Muslims in Lebanon Boycott Starbucks:

Are Muslims Here Behind Starbucks Bomb?

The group, the falsely named American Muslims for Global Peace and Justice (AMGP&J), is based near San Francisco, and has an award lecture named after an Al-Qaeda fundraiser. Its spokesman, Raed Tayeh, who debated me on both O’Reilly and Hardball, was an employee of a HAMAS charity and an employee of Jihad Cindy #1 (nutcase far-left Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney).
The reasons for the boycott–and possible reasons for Monday’s explosive device–are that Starbuck founder and CEO, Howard Schultz, is Jewish, pro-Israel, and dared denounce anti-Semitism in a speech at a Seattle area synagogue. (What a crime!)
Since this group–which is still boycotting Starbucks–is based right near San Fran and is linked to two huge Islamic terrorist groups, it’s not far-fetched that Islamic terrorists had something to do with the explosive device inside Starbucks.
And there is another dynamic at play. Caribou Coffee, Starbuck’s top competitor, is largely Muslim-owned and has ties to Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist groups. It’s believed the AMGP&J boycott, which is ongoing, has something to do with Caribou’s desire to drive down Starbuck’s stock prices, increase its own stores and store sales, and prepare for last year’s Caribou IPO–another stock offering of which is expected this year.
When I first reported the Muslim boycott of Starbucks, Christopher Dickey–the far-left, pan-Islamist Newsweek Mid-East Bureau Chief–wrote about it in an article ridiculing me and my credentials, yet reporting my scoop on the boycott as a fact (which it is). The article is reprinted on the British Islamic Boycott Israel Campaign site (site of Islamic terrorist group Al-Muhajiroun) (sorry to link to them, but no other choice). Perhaps Dickey was jealous that a person living in Detroit scooped an ignorant, biased national weekly Mid-East bureau chief (based in Paris, which I suppose is now the West Bank of the Greater Mid-East).
Dickey’s resentment and ignoring the story, until he was forced to, mirrors the media silence on discussing the Muslim antagonism towards Starbucks and their possible connection to Monday’s explosive.

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January 10, 2006, - 12:10 pm

USA Today Wants SuperModel for Top Court: Absurdly Attacks Alito “Appearance”

Do the chick reporters at USA Today want a male supermodel on the Supreme Court? To read the “reporting” of the paper’s persnickety Kathy Kiely and Joan Biskupic, you’d think so.
It appears they think appearance and lack of thirst are the top crednentials for our nation’s highest court.
Here’s the insulting, absurd description they wrote in today’s edition of McPaper:

The judge cut a different profile than the smooth John Roberts, whom the Senate confirmed in September as chief justice of the United States. Alito’s suit and hair were a bit rumpled. He paused before he began testifying to take a long drink of water.

Alito: Disqualified from Supremes by USA Today

for Bad Coif/Couture, Drinking Water

HUH?! So, now, even drinking water is suspect (when you are an “evil” conservative nominee)?
As for the comments on his hair and suit, we wonder where USA Today was during Clintonista Justice Breyer’s nomination hearings (he’s almost bald and at the time had a similar, even more “rumpled” combover hairdo than Alito appears to have now). Or how about during Clintonista Justice Ginsberg’s hearings? Her choice of “sartorial splendor” is anything but. The bizarre, clown-inspired outfits are a shoo-in for Blackwell’s “Worst Dressed List.”
But appearance–and drinking water–at a hearing is not the key, or even any, credential is deciding the most important legal cases of the land. So sad that USA Today can’t comprehend that.
What’s next for the paper–Moon Unit Zappa covering the War on Terror? “Like Donald Rumsfeld’s thick head of hair is so way totally cool, even though he’s like so serious, for sure.”
Gag me with a spoon.

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January 9, 2006, - 3:21 pm

Myths & Facts About the Islamic Bank

Over the last month, many friends and readers have sent me links to articles about the University Bank (of Ann Arbor, Michigan) and its new Islamic banking division. Since then, Michael Savage has railed about it on his nationally syndicated radio show. Michelle Malkin and other bloggers have put in on their websites.
I didn’t write anything about it because it’s actually nothing new, but since I keep getting asked about it and about other commentators’ statements about it, I present to you a brief “myths & facts”–setting the record straight about this bank and what should and shouldn’t disturb you about it.
First, you must note the reason for the bank: Muslims are forbidden by shariah (Islamic law) from paying interest on loans.

“New” Islamic Banking Division Engages in Employment Discrimination

MYTH: University Bank of Ann Arbor is part of the University of Michigan and, therefore, subject to church and state separations. (Michael Savage repeatedly made this claim.)
FACT: University Bank is completely a private-sector bank traded on NASDAQ, which services, among others, many students at the University of Michigan. It has no connection to the University of Michigan, so it is not subject to church and state separations.
MYTH: University Bank only allows Muslims to use the Islamic portion of their bank and the shariah-compliant home loans. Michelle Malkin asks (but does not state as fact) whether this is a “Muslim-only bank”. (It is a good question.)
FACT: It had better not be a Muslim-only bank, or it will violate federal banking laws prohibiting discrimination in lending. A great test to determine the answer to Michelle’s question would be for a non-Muslim to try and get one of these shariah-compliant loans. If the non-Muslim is turned down on any sort of discriminatory ground, I know a great lawyer who would love to take on that lawsuit (me).
The bank does appear to discriminate on the basis of religion in other areas, however. Its employees are ALL Muslims. Will they hire non-Muslims in face-to-face lending positions? I doubt it. If a non-Muslim is turned down for such a position, that is a good ground for a lawsuit. Where are the bank’s all-Christian and all-Jewish banking teams? University Bank would be sued big-time if they had these–and the government would shut the bank down.
I’m sure the bank will argue that Muslims won’t trust non-Muslims in this specialized shariah-based lending. Tough. Some Whites and Blacks won’t trust those of the opposing race, but a bank would have a hard time making that argument and defending its hiring choices in a legal forum and/or government EEO investigation.
Detroit’s FOX affiliate showed, in its gushing coverage of the bank, that it has a special prayer room facing Mecca, and allows Muslims to pray five times a day–at work. Do you know of any banks with church or synagogue facilities within, who allow their employees to pray several times during the business day? Will the bank do the same for its non-Muslim employees. Dont’ count on it. But, again, these are grounds for a lawsuit.
MYTH: University Bank’s shariah-compliant bank does not charge interest.
FACT: That’s what they claim, but it’s phony. Islamic law forbids the payment of interest, but the way this Islamic lending system is set up, it’s just a fraud. The bank utilizes a land contract for the Muslim customers to avoid paying interest, and instead, they pay monthly rental payments. The bank is in it to make money. The bank has to charge interest to recoup the investment and make a profit. Therefore, the monthly payments on the mortgage are set up to include interest for the entire period of the payments. They can call it whatever they want, but the customers are still paying interest, regardless of the semantics.
MYTH: University Bank’s Islamic financial services division is new and the first of its kind in the country to comply with shariah. This has been reported in a number of Mainstream Media publications and media outlets, like Business Week, Forbes, the New York Times, etc., etc., etc.
FACT: Banks all over the country have been offering these shariah-compliant, “interest-free” loans, and your tax dollars are subsidizing them. The most prominent is American Finance House–LARIBA, based in Pasadena, CA. Freddie Mac invested millions in LARIBA contracts.

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January 9, 2006, - 2:41 pm

To USA Today Dimwit: God Dead in Europe; But Allah Alive & Well

Today’s USA Today dedicates its entire op-ed page to a clueless article by retired (thankfully) journalist James P. Gannon. What a waste!
The piece, “Is God Dead in Europe? (And What Might That Mean for America?),” talks a lot about the death of Christianity in Europe but doesn’t mention Islam a single time. Hello? That’s like talking about lack of exercise for the reason someone gets fat, but totally glossing over the person’s daily trip to Dunkin Donuts to consume half a dozen glazed, trans-fat loaded donuts.
Gannon writes of a “post-Christian society” in Europe, “Christo-phobic” and anti-religious class and cultural leaders, but he fails to mention the fastest growing religion in Europe: Islam. And it’s not a moderate Islam. It’s an extremist Islam, which dominates the religion around the world today. That’s what America needs to notice, as much as the decline in the significantly more moderate religions of Christianity and Judaism.
Gannon looks at church and synagogue attendance in Europe and America, but not mosque attendance. Looks at belief in G-d, but not Allah. This ostrich really stuck his head in the sand.
The growth of Islam is the reason Europe will fall, not just the decline of Christianity. And that’s what our country needs to beware of it in immigration policy and other areas. Instead, we have government immigration officials, like who .
Contrary to Gannon’s false article, Europe loves religion, so long as the religion worships Allah and wears a kefiyeh or hijab. It’s Judaism and Christianity that are under attack . . . and Islamists are a big reason why.
Question: What’s the fastest growing religion in Ireland? Answer: Islam–and, again, an extremist kind, just like the kind that dominates Islam universally, today.
Too bad James Gannon (and USA Today, too) is too deaf, dumb, blind . . . or blatantly PC to notice. They really missed the mark on this one.

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January 9, 2006, - 1:45 pm

Life Imitates Art: Sean Penn/Nicole Kidman Movie Aids Terrorists

Did Jeff Spicoli a/k/a “Sean Penn” and Nicole Kidman clue in Islamic terrorists via a movie they starred in, last year?
It appears that way. “,” which starred the two, featured a plot in which terrorist homicide bombers (whose identity was changed, post-9/11, in the script from Islamic Arabs to the more “true-to-life” Black Africans) were infected with AIDS. We reviewed the movie , and noted the AIDS-infected terrorist homicide bombers.
It’s yet another case of life imitates art–where Hollywood is giving islamic terrorists their cues on how to best harm innocent people. Thanks, Spicoli!

Jeff Spicoli: All He Needs Are Some Tasty Waves, A Cool Buzz, and to Aid Terrorists.

Yesterday, the British Sunday Mirror reported that Al-Qaeda is recruiting homicide bombers infected with AIDS, in order to spread the disease as part of the attack. But this is hardly news. In Israel, Islamic homicide bombers have long inserted various diseases and viruses–along with ball-bearings and nails–in their bomb-belts.

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January 9, 2006, - 12:36 pm

Feel Old?: ROCKY Turns 30!

Do you remember when the original “Rocky” movie came to theaters in 1976? If you do (it won an Oscar for Best Picture that year), perhaps you feel old.
But don’t despair.
This month, “Rocky” turns 30. But that’s also a reason to give you hope in your old age. This year, Sylvester Stallone is both reprising the uplifting “Rocky Balboa” role that made him a star (in “Rocky 6”) AND turning 60. We think he is in very good shape for his age, judging from this December photo . . . especially with roughly one “Rocky” installment per decade of life and a lot of bad movies in between.

Rocky Balboa/Sly Stallone: Now and Then

Sly Stallone and the , both up there in age and both making comebacks. Very refreshing in an age where the Lindsay Lohans and 20-somethings of the world rule.

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January 7, 2006, - 6:50 pm

Me on FOX NEWS, Sunday Morning (“Fox & Friends”)–VIDEO HERE

***UPDATE, 01/08/06: For those who missed it live and want to view it, the VIDEO of my appearance on FOX News, this morning, is here, thanks to the Intelligence Summit.
I will be on FOX News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” tomorrow (Sunday) morning, at approximately 7:05 a.m. Eastern Time. I will be discussing disgraced former lobbyist .

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