January 26, 2006, - 10:39 am

On HAMASastan & “Democratic” Elections in the Muslim Mid-East

A lot of you have asked for my reaction to the predictable win by HAMAS in the Palestinian elections. (In case you wondered, HAMAS is not only an Arabic word for “zeal”, but an acronym for Harakat Al-Muqawamah Al-Islamiyah or “The Islamic Resistance Movement.”)
As I , it was a choice between two terrorist groups. If that’s democracy in the Middle East–and with the exception of Israel, it is–it’s not something we should be promoting. And, unlike George W. Bush, William Kristol, and other dreamers, that’s always been my position.
It’s rare that I agree with Pat Buchanan on Mid-East issues, but on this one I favor his view to that of Bush and even Israeli conservative Natan Sharansky, whose book on this President Bush read and touted. Unlike the Bush fantasy, democracy does NOT overcome tyranny and terror in the Muslim Mid-East. It solidifies it, as yesterday’s elections proved for the umpteenth time.

HAMAS . . . as Brought to You by American Democracy

“Democratic” elections in the Mid-East–unless heavily “swayed” by our money and troops, as in Iraq–always result in fundamentalist Islamic theocratic disasters for our country, when a benevolent dictator of our liking would be much preferred. Even in Iraq, Islamic shariah law rules.
Remember, this is a region where Nick Berg videos are more popular than porn videos; where beheadings and multiple wives are more popular sports than even soccer; where sand and wannabe homicide bombers are plentiful, but new ideas and civilized behavior are rare.
Look at the results of “democratic” elections in the Middle East and lot of the Muslim world. It’s a world Superbowl victory for Islamists.
Iran: We had our ally, the Shah.
“Democratic” election improvement: Holocaust Denying Wackjob with Nukes Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Palestinian Authority: We had incompetent terror supporting Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas.
“Democratic” election improvement: Homicide Bombs ‘R’ Us (HAMAS)
Egypt: We had phony peacenik Hosni Mubarak.
“Democratic” election improvement: Terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood gained many seats and could take over when the ailing, elderly Mubarak goes to meet Allah. The Brotherhood is the group where Arafat, Bin Laden, and Bin Laden mentor Ayman Al-Zawahiri got their start.
Lebanon: We had Hezbollah-backed/installed Lebanese President Lahoud and majority Lebanese Parliament ruled by sub-rosa Hezbollah supporters.
“Democratic” election improvement: First openly self-identified Hezbollah members elected to Lebanese Parliament. Parliament President/TWA847 Hezbollah spokesman-negotiator Nabih Berry re-elected.
Saudi Arabia: We have the phony “Allies in the War on Terror”, the Saudi Royal family monarchy.
“Democratic” election improvement: If they ever have open, free elections there, Bin Laden will be elected leader (polls show) and control a lot of the oil supply and moneys in banks and businesses in our country.
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (largely Palestinian): We have minority Hashemite King Abdullah and Palestinian Queen Rania, both mostly live in the Hashemite Jordanian Kingdoms’ of Fifth Avenue, Manhattan and Bethesda, Maryland. Former King Hussein (Abdullah’s father) murdered over 10,000 Palestinians in September 1970 (“Black September”) rather than give them and leader Arafat free, “democratic” elections.
“Democratic” election improvement: If there were ever elections here, HAMAS would win. Polls show this as the most anti-Semitic (100%), pro Bin Laden, and anti-American Mid-East state (with many close followers; Saudi Arabia not polled).
Pakistan: We have Gen. Pervez Musharraf, who took over in a military coup over democratically elected President Benazir Bhutto.
“Democratic” election improvement: If an election were held there today, Abdul Qadeer (A.Q.) Khan–the Paki official who gave our nuclear secrets to Iran, China, and North Korea, but did zero jailtime–would win. He is the most popular figure besides Bin Laden.

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January 26, 2006, - 9:45 am

Patriotic Arab American: Mayor Allan Mansoor Stops Alien Invasion – Abu Moskowitz Update

On this site, we’ve written about who’ve taken it upon themselves to enforce immigration laws, like Maricopa County, Arizona Prosecutor Andrew Thomas.
They’ve chosen to do this, since top federal officials, like ICE’s (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) , are too busy with more important things . . . like transforming federal agents into the auxiliary trademark police subsidiary of NFL and Major League Baseball Properties and doing jock-sniffing activities, like getting their mugs on ESPN.com. When they aren’t doing that, they’re kowtowing to and .
The latest courageous local official is Costa Mesa, California Mayor Allan Mansoor, whose city will now become the first in the country to authorize its police officers to begin enforcing federal immigration laws by checking the immigration status of people suspected of serious crimes and gang activity. Because of his courageous stance, illegal alien advocates are trying to recall him.

Mayor Allan Mansoor (left) Enforces Immigration Laws

That ICE’s Abu Moskowitz (right) Won’t

Read the whole USA Today article about Mayor Mansoor and his patriotic activities to end the invasion.
Allan Mansoor, a patriotic Arab American we can be proud of.

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January 26, 2006, - 7:47 am

Today’s Radio Appearance Across America

Today, at 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time, I’ll be on J.D. Balart’s American Radio Journal on Washington, DC’s FOX News Radio WMET 1160 AM. You can hear it live online anywhere in the world here.
This is a show I do frequently. J.D. was, until recently, a popular news anchor on Miami’s NBC affiliate. He is now co-anchor and managing editor of Telemundo’s national morning news program “Hoy en el Mundo,” as well as being Telemundo’s National Director of Community Affairs. (His brother is U.S. Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-Miami, Florida).)

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January 26, 2006, - 7:35 am

Me in Yesterday’s Washington Times

Yesterday’s Washington Times’ “Inside Politics” column had an item about me and RogerEbert.com’s attack on my movie reviews (and Ann Coulter). The column quoted my blogpost about this, “.”
Here’s what The Washington Times said:

Pundits vs. Critics
First, it was movie stars like Barbra Streisand and Sean Penn pretending to be political pundits.
Perhaps inspired by this example, political pundits decided to become movie critics. The movie critics apparently didn’t appreciate the competition, and so now famous critic Roger Ebert’s Web site (www.rogerebert.com) is taking to task two conservative commentators for their taste in films.
In a column by Mr. Ebert’s editor, Jim Emerson, visitors to the site are asked to “try to guess which of two venomous, blonde-tressed scribes wrote blurbs about contemporary movies that may or may not have been used in the ad campaigns. Is it Ann Coulter? Or Debbie Schlussel? Or does it matter?” This is followed by excerpts of comments about such movies as “Brokeback Mountain,” “Munich,” and “Good Night and Good Luck,” by Miss Coulter and Miss Schlussel.
At her own Web site (), Miss Schlussel responds: “So does this mean Ann and I can now have our own movie review show?”

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January 25, 2006, - 12:00 pm

Palestinefeld: George Costanza, Brad Pitt Team w/ Islamic Terrorist

Why is George Costanza (Jason Alexander) teaming with a terrorist in today’s Palestinian elections? Ditto for .
It’s bad enough that to the tune of $2 million. But Costanza?
Yes. Both Costanza and Pitt are on the board of One Voice, a far-left group, that produced ads featuring Palestinian terrorist , which are running on Palestinian Authority TV today. The ads urge voting in the elections between terrorist group HAMAS and terrorist group Fatah. Along with Costanza and Pitt, Tamimi is also a One Voice board member.
Which George Costanza is More Disgusting . . .

George Costanza as Islamic Terror Apologist, or . . .

(The Hebrew above, “Peh Echad” means “One Mouth,” NOT “One Voice.”

Should be “One Big Mouth.”)

George Costanza Naked?

As , Richard Gere proved he truly is an “American Gigolo,” last year, when he appeared with terrorist Al-Tamimi in similar ads for last year’s Palestinian elections. (Could have been called “A Terrorist Officer and a Gerbilman.”)
To recap who Taysir Al-Tamimi is, here is an excerpt of on the man who Costanza’s and Pitt’s One Voice claims is a voice of “moderation”:

“Palestine’s” Islamo-Fascist Enforcer
There’s Al-Tamimi, the Palestinian Authority’s Chief of Judges and chairman of its Islamic law high council.
He uttered these words: “Islam is escalating and cannot be resisted. I pray that Allah may tear apart America just as the Soviet Union was torn apart.”
As the chief Palestinian judge and Muslim cleric, Al-Tamimi frequently appears on Palestinian Authority Television praising homicide bombers and spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and fatwas.
In 1994, Al-Tamimi said, “The Jews are destined to be persecuted, humiliated, and tortured forever, and it is a Muslim duty to see to it that they reap their due. No petty arguments must be allowed to divide us. Where Hitler failed, we must succeed.”
In August 2003, Al-Tamimi, a personal friend of Yasser Arafat (who appointed him Chief Islamic Judge), was arrested for inciting terrorism. Al-Tamimi’s extremist sermons are well-known for urging attacks on Israel and calling upon Arab nations to wage war. In March 2000, Al-Tamimi delivered a hate speech during the Pope’s visit to Jerusalem, accusing Israel of “genocide” and “strangling Jerusalem.” He called on Christians to join Muslims in a jihad to oust Jews from all of Israel.
In a recent Palestinian Authority appearance, Al-Tamimi defamed late Israeli Prime Minster Golda Meir, claiming she and the Israelis conspired to burn down the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He decreed Jews have no right to pray at the “Cave of the Patriarchs,” (where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are buried), one of the holiest of Jewish sites, which Al-Tamimi claims is a mosque. “Jews have no right to claim any bond or connection . . . . Jews are foreign interlopers.”

Not only are Costanza and Pitt board members of One Voice (Pitt’s also still listed as “Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston”–no word on who got this absurd group in the divorce settlement), but Costanza appeared on FOX News’ “O’Reilly Factor” pimping One Voice and defended his group’s alliance with Al-Tamimi in a debate with me on the Howard Stern Show (scroll to the bottom here), saying he believes in working with terrorists to get a “solution.”
Costanza’s priorities are striking: He pulled out of doing KFC ads when PUTA (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) objected, but supporting terrorists–he won’t back down from that. Chickens, yes; innocent civilians, no.
Is Bin Laden next in George Costanza Islamic terror love-fests? Now THAT would be an interesting episode of “Bin Ladenfeld.” Regardless, Jason Alexander’s attraction to Terrorist-in-Chief Taysir Al-Tamimi should be career-ending.
He should stick to “breaking a leg” instead of legitimizing the taking of innocent peoples’ limbs and lives.

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January 25, 2006, - 11:26 am

Some Ally: Mexico Issues US Safe Route Maps for Illegals

George W. Bush’s buddy, Vicente Fox, is issuing maps on how his people can best illegally invade our country, as reported in today’s L.A. Times. Some ally.
And while the Mexican government is distributing the maps, an Arizona group, the falsely named “Humane Borders”, is printing them. More like Insane Borders. If President Bush were really committed to stopping the illegal alien problem–he isn’t–he would prosecute the Arizona group and recall our U.S. Ambassador to Mexico for this invasion document war on America. And he’d stop providing U.S. government data to produce these evader-enabling maps.
Don’t hold your breath.
Even worse, Pima County, Arizona voted to spend $25,000 to pay for Insane Borders’ water stations for illegals, becuase it said that was cheaper than the $300,000 it costs to remove dead bodies.
What about the millions it costs in crime, lost jobs and taxes, etc.?

The ONLY Map Illegals and Their Supporters Should Be Given

Here’s more on this outrage:

[W]ork on the desert maps began in May using government data and donated mapping software. The maps also show how far an average adult can walk in one, two or three days.
“The idea is to put the fear of God into some of these migrants so they’ll stay in the main corridors and don’t go where there’s no water,” said Hoover [an Insane Borders leader], pastor of the First Christian Church in Tucson.
Jose Luis Soberanes, president of Mexico’s human rights commission, thanked Hoover and his group Tuesday, saying they have been saving the lives of migrants.
The group last year compiled safety tips for desert crossings that covered proper clothing and how much water to bring for each day’s journey. Mexico was criticized for printing a million of the 32-page booklets for migrants headed to the United States.

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January 25, 2006, - 10:56 am

Pork Soup or Truth Serum?: French Muslims Are New Food Police

Are the Muslim food police coming to America? Imagine American police using permits to shut you down if you serve pork or any pig products.
That’s what’s happening in France. Here in the States we have the Center for the Study of Science in the Public Interest, which comes out with monthly reports assaulting movie refreshments, Asian food, Italian food–virtually anything consumable.
But they ain’t got nothin’ on French Muslims. Pursuant to Muslims’ demands, French police are using permits to shut down homeless soup kitchens that serve Pork soup, an age-old French dish. (Pigs are not Hallal–or “permitted”–under Muslim dietary laws.) In some French cities, Muslims have succeeded in an OUTRIGHT BAN on the soup. That should disturb all freedom-loving Americans.

Coming to America?:

Islam’s Food Police Declare War on French Pork Soup

For the record, my religion, Judaism, forbids consumption of any pig products–which was copied by Islam (along with many other Jewish and Christian tenets) when the religion was invented. However, we Jews do not believe in imposing our restrictive religious beliefs on others. That is a disturbing Islamic precept. And the use of the state to do it is openly urged by many prominent American Muslim leaders, such as Ibrahim Hooper and Omar Ahmad of –both of whom have stated that they want the Koran and Islamic law to replace the U.S. Constitution.
Here are more of the details of France’s Muslim food police and their statist attack on Pork soup, as reported by AP:

“One has the right to be charitable toward whom one wants,” said Bruno Gollnisch, the [French National Front] party’s No. 2. Moves to forbid soup kitchens offering pork reveal authorities’ “alienation” from the French people, he said.
Pork soup is an age-old staple of the rural heartland from which all the French, at least in the national imagination, are said to spring.
The groups dishing up the soup say their victuals are no more than traditional French cuisine and deny they are serving up a message of racial hatred – a crime in France – or that they would refuse soup to a hungry Muslim or Jew.
In Strasbourg, pork soup was banned this month after officials deemed it could disrupt public order.
“Schemes with racial subtexts must be denounced,” said a statement by Strasbourg Mayor Fabienne Keller.
More than a dozen police surrounded volunteers at a recent soup distribution at Paris’ Montparnasse train station. Once police determined there was pork in the broth, they ordered the 10-gallon container sealed because the group had no permit.
There has been no outright ban on pork soup giveaways in Paris, but police have been using the permit issue as a way to shut down the kitchens and avert racial tensions.

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January 24, 2006, - 2:46 pm

Civil Liberties?: ACLU Urges No Retrial of Islamic Terrorist

Just protecting civil liberties of Americans, Huh? Then, why is the ACLU now urging no re-trial for Islamic Jihad chief and founder Sami Al-Arian?
The ACLU calls it “vindictive.” HUH?! Remember, he took the last civil liberty American Alisa Flatow had–HER LIFE.

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January 24, 2006, - 12:06 pm

Convicted Federal Agent: ICE Made Me Do it (& Ate My Homework, Too); Gets More Time Than Hezbollah Supporter

Yesterday, Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent Patrick Wynne (a “legacy INS” agent) pleaded guilty to stealing $308,736 from illegal alien detainees in prison awaiting deportation.
But Wynne didn’t just admit guilt. This criminal used the opportunity to defame the brave men and women who capture and detain illegal immigrants in ICE’s Detention and Removal Operations, and who–unlike him–are honest, law-abiding law enforcement officials. Wynne’s warped twist on “the dog ate my homework” is sad and an undue smear on his former colleagues, who’ve done some good things (detailed and ).

Predictably, the Mainstream Media ate it up. In Detroit, where Wynne was based and sentenced, the Detroit Free Press’ David Ashenfelter:

Wynne told Cook that his federal training taught him not to get attached to illegal immigrants, making it easier for him to steal from them. “I allowed myself to become an individual who looked at people and didn’t see a person, didn’t see a name, didn’t see a face. I saw bodies. I saw detainees. I saw traffic.”

Detroit News “report” was even worse:

Wynne also said he was trained to “dehumanize” immigrants.
“I didn’t think of them as people,” Wynne said, saying he was taught to refer to immigrants as “traffic” or “bodies” – and not people.
He recounted separating a nine-year-old from his mother – and putting another immigrant on an airplane – who screamed that they would be killed if returned home.
The “worse crime,” Wynne suggested, was taking part in a systematically cruel immigration system – rather than his repeated thefts.

Puh-leeze. ICE agents bend over backwards for illegal detainees. Just read this press release from non-detained “detainee” and Islamic terrorist Ibrahim Parlak. Not exactly cruel.
The real “cruel thing” is that Wynne used a time when he should have been contrite for stealing as an opportunity to defame his co-workers who are a lot more honest than he was. Another cruel thing: People who are not citizens, who invade our country, take our jobs (and lower the pay of other jobs), suck our Medicaid and social welfare systems dry, don’t pay taxes, etc.
But the cruelest thing of all is that a Detroit man who steals from illegals (Wynne) is getting a far harsher sentence than a Detroit man who committed credit card and bank fraud to help terrorist group Hezbollah and had explosives traces on his and his son’s passports. That man, Nemr Ali Rahal, will do less than four years in prison.
And Detroit-based U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III (whose office did both prosecutions) claims to be “tough on terrorists.” Not the case, based on this and what (the mosque of the credit card/bank defrauder Rahal–where I watched Rahal’s wife, Rania, praise “our leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah,” who heads Hezbollah).

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January 24, 2006, - 9:53 am

Canadian Bacon Sees the Light

On this site, we critiqued and Canada’s anti-Americanism .
We’re glad to see, however, that in yesterday’s Canadian elections, our neighbors to the north have finally seen the light. They said no to Martin’s anti-U.S. rants and shooed him out of office, electing conservative Stephen Harper as their new Prime Minister. Conservatives now dominate Canada’s Parliament with 124 seats.
We hope this means they have turned the corner and that the days of anti-U.S. Canuckistan are thawing.

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