January 26, 2006, - 10:39 am
On HAMASastan & “Democratic” Elections in the Muslim Mid-East
A lot of you have asked for my reaction to the predictable win by HAMAS in the Palestinian elections. (In case you wondered, HAMAS is not only an Arabic word for “zeal”, but an acronym for Harakat Al-Muqawamah Al-Islamiyah or “The Islamic Resistance Movement.”)
As I , it was a choice between two terrorist groups. If that’s democracy in the Middle East–and with the exception of Israel, it is–it’s not something we should be promoting. And, unlike George W. Bush, William Kristol, and other dreamers, that’s always been my position.
It’s rare that I agree with Pat Buchanan on Mid-East issues, but on this one I favor his view to that of Bush and even Israeli conservative Natan Sharansky, whose book on this President Bush read and touted. Unlike the Bush fantasy, democracy does NOT overcome tyranny and terror in the Muslim Mid-East. It solidifies it, as yesterday’s elections proved for the umpteenth time.
“Democratic” elections in the Mid-East–unless heavily “swayed” by our money and troops, as in Iraq–always result in fundamentalist Islamic theocratic disasters for our country, when a benevolent dictator of our liking would be much preferred. Even in Iraq, Islamic shariah law rules.
Remember, this is a region where Nick Berg videos are more popular than porn videos; where beheadings and multiple wives are more popular sports than even soccer; where sand and wannabe homicide bombers are plentiful, but new ideas and civilized behavior are rare.
Look at the results of “democratic” elections in the Middle East and lot of the Muslim world. It’s a world Superbowl victory for Islamists.
Iran: We had our ally, the Shah.
“Democratic” election improvement: Holocaust Denying Wackjob with Nukes Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Palestinian Authority: We had incompetent terror supporting Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas.
“Democratic” election improvement: Homicide Bombs ‘R’ Us (HAMAS)
Egypt: We had phony peacenik Hosni Mubarak.
“Democratic” election improvement: Terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood gained many seats and could take over when the ailing, elderly Mubarak goes to meet Allah. The Brotherhood is the group where Arafat, Bin Laden, and Bin Laden mentor Ayman Al-Zawahiri got their start.
Lebanon: We had Hezbollah-backed/installed Lebanese President Lahoud and majority Lebanese Parliament ruled by sub-rosa Hezbollah supporters.
“Democratic” election improvement: First openly self-identified Hezbollah members elected to Lebanese Parliament. Parliament President/TWA847 Hezbollah spokesman-negotiator Nabih Berry re-elected.
Saudi Arabia: We have the phony “Allies in the War on Terror”, the Saudi Royal family monarchy.
“Democratic” election improvement: If they ever have open, free elections there, Bin Laden will be elected leader (polls show) and control a lot of the oil supply and moneys in banks and businesses in our country.
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (largely Palestinian): We have minority Hashemite King Abdullah and Palestinian Queen Rania, both mostly live in the Hashemite Jordanian Kingdoms’ of Fifth Avenue, Manhattan and Bethesda, Maryland. Former King Hussein (Abdullah’s father) murdered over 10,000 Palestinians in September 1970 (“Black September”) rather than give them and leader Arafat free, “democratic” elections.
“Democratic” election improvement: If there were ever elections here, HAMAS would win. Polls show this as the most anti-Semitic (100%), pro Bin Laden, and anti-American Mid-East state (with many close followers; Saudi Arabia not polled).
Pakistan: We have Gen. Pervez Musharraf, who took over in a military coup over democratically elected President Benazir Bhutto.
“Democratic” election improvement: If an election were held there today, Abdul Qadeer (A.Q.) Khan–the Paki official who gave our nuclear secrets to Iran, China, and North Korea, but did zero jailtime–would win. He is the most popular figure besides Bin Laden.
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Tags: Abdul Qadeer, Abdullah, Al-Muqawamah Al-Islamiyah, Arafat, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Benazir Bhutto, Bethesda, bin Laden, Black September, China, Debbie Schlussel, Egypt, Gen., General, George W. Bush, Hamas, Harakat Al-Muqawamah Al-Islamiyah, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Hizballah, Hosni Mubarak, Hussein, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Resistance Movement, Israel, King, Lahoud, leader, Lebanese Parliament, Lebanon, Mahmoud Abbas, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Maryland, Middle East, Muslim Brotherhood, Nabih Berry, Natan Sharansky, Nick Berg, North Korea, oil supply, Paki official, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Pat Buchanan, Pervez Musharraf, President, Queen, Rania, Saudi Arabia, shariah law rules, soccer, spokesman-negotiator, William Kristol