February 1, 2006, - 4:33 pm

Why?: Furniture-Breaker Chosen As U.S. Olympic Hockey Captain

Oy! Why did the USA Hockey choose overgrown baby captain of the 2006 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team?
It certainly can’t be because of age. He may be 44, but he acts like a 4-year-old kid. His past behavior–also as captain of the team–included breaking furniture and damaging rooms at the Olympic dorms. even being picked for the team, based on his blatant unsportsmanlike behavior.

Whining Thug Chris Chelios (left) , 2006 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team Captain

But making him captain, yet again, is just ludicrous. We can’t wait ’til he retires from hockey–long overdue. And we say: Bring back amateur hockey players to the Olympics. .
Here’s a recap (as he likes to be known):

Chelios–who tried, but failed to make the 1980 Team–never belonged on the U.S. Olympic Hockey Team. But, unfortunately, he has served as the U.S. Team’s captain in at least two Olympics. Chelios is a punk, who threatened the life of NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman during the NHL strike in the mid-’90s and, as Captain of the 1998 Olympic team, broke furniture and trashed the dorms where his team was staying in Nagano.
That should have barred Chelios forever from future Olympics, but didn’t. If ever there was a good argument to return to the class-act amateur players, like the ones who won in 1980, the spoiled, ingrate (but not Gold Medalist) Chelios is it. So is his friend and co-conspirator in the dorm and furniture trashing, , who retired earlier this year.
Chelios should take a cue from Hull, and at age 43 (senior citizenship in hockey), retire. We’re tired of hearing Chelios whine and threaten. In addition to his threat on Bettman in the ’90s, Chelios attacked Bettman again during last year’s NHL lockout (which showed Bettman knew what he was doing–the players lost big), and is now attacking the new NHL Players Association leadership.
Chris Chelios doesn’t compare to guys like my friend, , but no pro hockey career. For years after, he slaved nights as a night shift manager for Ram’s Horn 24-hour Restaurants. To hear that Chelios has a chance, yet again, to dishonor what Mark and the 1980 Olympians did in Lake Placid is sad news.

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February 1, 2006, - 3:45 pm

Sad Day in Israel: Soldiers’ Bloody Attack on Own Citizens

Kelo in the West Bank?
There was horrible violence against Jews in Israel, today, with hundreds seriously injured. But the violence was not at the hand of Islamic terrorists. It was at the hand of acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Ohlmert. He can write his political epitaph with their blood on his hands. He okayed the orders to beat and torture Israeli citizens in order to hand their land, their homes over to Islamic terrorists.

Israeli Members of Knesset Brigadier General Effie Eitam and Dr. Aryeh

Eldad Attacked by Israeli Soldiers

(Photos from Israel National News)

“With friends like this, who needs HAMAS?!”
That’s the feeling of Israelis and others around the world who watched today’s brutal attack by Israeli soldiers on fellow Israelis, including Members of Israel’s Parliament–the Knesset. One of them, Knesset Member and Brigadier General Effie Eitam–sustaining head injuries, including a skull fracture and concussion–was rushed to the same neurosurgery unit where vegetative Ariel Sharon (who started this whole mess) is now comatose.
Women were attacked and beaten, and hundreds of Israelis in Amona were brutally injured by metal clubs, including one of my heroes, Aryeh Eldad, a Member of Knesset and medical doctor (who is one of the strongest advocates against the phony “land-for-peace” Israeli retreat; yet treats Palestinian wound victims and nurses them to heath). Eldad had his hand fractureda and was knocked unconscious, today, by Israeli police. The violence was so bad that several Israeli soldiers resigned their commissions, today.

Israeli Distress: War on Citizens Now Beats Out War on Terror

Can you imagine American police beating Americans to get them to give their homes to Muslim terrorists and terror-supporters, say Al-Qaeda? That’s what happened, today, in Israel. Just last week, the Palestinians show, yet again, what they want, what they think, and what they mean when they elected HAMAS–hardly a suprise, despite what Condoleeza Rice and others fertilize. But the dovish Israeli government still doesn’t get it.
You don’t brutalize your law-abiding citizens to help terrorists. Not here in America. Not there in Israel. It is a sign of weakness, not strength. And it will NEVER bring peace. Only catastrophe.
A nation turned on itself today. So the terrorists don’t have to.
READ more details at Israel National News, the best source for accurate news on Israel and the Mid-East.
***UPDATE: See vivid, disturbing pics at Sultan Knish (thanks to reader Scott).

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January 31, 2006, - 3:59 pm

Illegal Aliens? Fuhgedaboutit: ICE Agents Now NFL’s Superbowl Trademark Police – Abu Moskowitz Update

If you’re a terrorist laundering money to Hezbollah or smuggling illegal aliens over the border, this is the week to do it. At least, in Michigan–the heart of Islamic America. Just make sure you and the aliens aren’t wearing NFL or Superbowl t-shirts.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge is taking ICE agents all over Michigan off the job of protecting us . . . so that they can help NFL billionaires.

Abu E. Moskowitz:

What Me Worry (About Illegal Aliens)? I Have a Superbowl Party to Attend.

In July, we wrote about .
Now, the weather is colder and the game is football. Different season and sport, same story. Abu Moskowitz is busy trying to get his picture in the paper and in sports media outlets far and wide.
We appreciate Lilliput native Abu Moskowitz’s desire to engage in the proverbial jock-sniffing (and maybe a swanky Superbowl party invite from R. Kelly and Diddy) that comes with being an ineffective immigration law enforcer and terrorism money-laundering stopper in the vicinity of the premier televised sports event. But not all his agents appreciate being National Football League Properties’ auxiliary trademark enforcement police. Can you blame them?
They are taking their orders not from Homeland Security or even the inept, ineffective new ICE Princess, . Nope. They are being commandeered by the NFL and NFL lawyers, like Paula Gibault, who described the new-found immigration law enforcement “activities” thusly:

“There will be a much bigger team of Detroit police and Customs officials that will be out with the NFL” than there were at previous Super Bowls, Guibault said.
“There’s the potential to catch a lot more counterfeiters,” she said, particularly since Detroit is a border crossing. All agencies involved assign more officers every year to the effort.
Officials from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Detroit Police Department and the National Football League are gearing up for Operation Gridiron, a law enforcement initiative around Metro Detroit looking for sales of unlicensed Super Bowl and NFL merchandise.
Federal officials and NFL officials plan to announce the counterfeit crackdown at a press conference in Detroit on Feb. 2.

We, taxpayers, pay for Abu Moskowitz and his agents to protect us from the illegal alien invasion and terrorism money-laundering and smuggling. But Abu M–the proud Donna Summers “Bad Girl” to the most extremist Muslims in town (including “former” terrorist and FBI award revokee )–has failed miserably at both those tasks in his heart-of-Islamic-America jurisdiction. And most of the press he’s gotten on these topics has been on this site and others excerpting and reprinting from it.
So, Abu M figures he can please his glad-handing enablers at ICE Headquarters by working for the billionaire NFL owners and getting some positive press in places like ESPN.com. Problem is, the person who pays Abu M’s and his agents’ salaries is Joe Taxpayer, not Joseph Billionaire NFL Owner III.

Official Garb of Illegal Aliens?: ICE Supermodel Abu Moskowitz Hard at Work

While Abu Moskowitz is telling any press who will listen and pander–like his buddy, Detroit News –that he is having his agents enforce laws against counterfeiting by investigating those who produce counterfeit items and finding “terror links” (as he claimed to ESPN), his agents say otherwise.
In fact, according to Abu M’s agents, all persons at baseball’s All-Star festivities caught by ICE agents selling counterfeit items were released on the spot, in exchange for relinquishing the t-shirts and hats they were selling. And none of their information was even taken by the agents. How there could then be an investigation is a question only Einstein (or perhaps, lesser light, Abu Moskowitz, could answer–but the pandering reporter didn’t bother to ask).
Still Abu Moskowitz lied to Shepardson (who, as usual, ) and The Detroit News, fertilizing richly:

Operation Gridiron is similar to efforts to find and deter fraud during last summer’s Major League Baseball All-Star Game in Detroit, said Brian Moskowitz, the special agent in charge of ICE.
During the baseball sweeps, authorities confiscated about 16,000 illegal hats worth about $250,000, he said. The investigation is ongoing with an eye toward tracing the merchandise back to its maker.
“What you’re looking at is a $250 billion loss to U.S. industry,” Moskowitz said of general trademark theft. “This represents organized crime and potential threats to the safety of the public. This is not a victimless crime.”

Hmmm . . . . organized crime and threats to the safety of the public–and Abu Moskowitz had his agents release the suspects without even identifying them?! Not very swift . . . assuming this is really a big threat. And it isn’t. Unless you are a member of the Rooney or Allen families . . . or any of the other select, elite NFL billionaires sharing in the pot. We’re all for capitalism, but let them pay for their own trademark police.
We once wrote that ICE–because it’s too cheap to spend money on oil changes for agent’s “G” cars, but spends thousands on important law enforcement activities like re-decorating Abu Moskowitz’s office–should be called the “Anti-Pimp My Ride.” But we were wrong. It’s now the “Pimp My Law Enforcement.”
Here’s what Abu M told ESPN back in July:

“A lot of people ask ‘What the heck are you guys in Homeland Security doing with counterfeiters?'” said Brian Moskowitz, special agent in charge of ICE in Michigan and Ohio. “First and foremost, we’re looking for vulnerabilities in our trade system; vulnerabilities that criminals — and by proxy, terrorists — could exploit.”
The cost of the raid may be staggering, but Moskowitz sees it as important work.
“Our focus is not the individual vendor,” Moskowitz said. “It’s the criminal organizations behind the vendors.
“But it’s something more than someone buying a hat at a cheap price. It’s fueling activity that might be worse than the counterfeiting. At the end of the day, this stops if people don’t buy.”

Again, “terrorists”, “criminal organizations”, and “activity . . . worse than the counterfeiting.” Yet, Abu Moskowitz is releasing them without even a modicum of investigation.
Well, at least he’s consistent on that year-round. We just hope we don’t see him at any Superbowl parties.
We won’t feel any safer with him around . . . unless Mohammed is wearing a phony Matt Hasselbeck jersey.
***UPDATE, 02/01/06: Here is what a high-ranking ICE Agent, who worked on this issue for his entire career, said. It confirms everything we wrote above publicity-hungry, law-enforcement-empty Abu Moskowitz’s Super Bowl “efforts” and makes us wonder just what we are paying for in the billion-busting ICE budget. Hmmm, maybe if his quest to become ICE Director of National Security doesn’t work out, maybe we will see Abu M at the Park Avenue offices of the League:

The reason ICE has jumped on the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) bandwagon with the NFL (in addition to the reasons you have already cited) is as follows:
ICE shares responsibility on IPR enforcement with the FBI. ICE management’s worst nightmare would be for the FBI to generate a big dollar, high publicity case involving NFL merchandise. They (ICE management) would engage in any high publicity stunt to reduce the chances of that happening.
IPR cases are fairly easy to work from an Agents standpoint, low in complexity, high in return and statistical value. These cases don’t, for the most part, involve your sophisticated drugs-and-guns-for-t-shirt cartels, but rather energetic entrepreneurs who want to make a quick buck and are willing to take a chance and openly sell Super Bowl merchandise, believing that they will not get caught, and if they do, nothing will really happen to them. They’re not trying to finance terrorism. I am unaware of any IPR case worked by ICE (or US Customs) that was directly connected to financing a known terrorist organization.
It is all about the continuation of an illusion and creating the perception that ICE is on the front lines of preventing terrorism, which is the stated mission of DHS and ICE. This type of operation does not and will not stop, hinder, reduce, redirect, or intercept terrorism in any way. But it will give the public the IMPRESSION that those goals have been achieved when, after the Super Bowl, ICE management can release statistics that state ” $x-million” dollars worth of merchandise have been seized and x-numbers of people have been arrested. The fact is, unless there are other circumstances involved (guns, violence, drugs, etc.), the vast majority of these cases will NOT be prosecuted in Federal court.
Some ICE employees, particularly highly visible management, will love working this because it ingratiates them to the NFL, who could be a potential employer after retirement. In addition, the NFL is likely to reward those involved with this operation in some innocuous way like NFL trinkets, photo ops, player autographs, access to behind the scenes activities, access to NFL functions and parties, and thus, more
and better personal contacts.
I am not at all opposed to the creation of a “task force” of sorts comprised of people from all the agencies (Federal, state, and local) to combat, detect, and eradicate counterfeit Super Bowl merchandise. All IPRs (not just NFL’s) are subject to protection and there are real violations of law taking place. But this needs to be balanced within the total mission and priorities of ICE. This should not be approached as an opportunity for an infomercial for ICE. Dedicating an entire SAC [Special Agent in Charge] office staff to this is erroneous and counterproductive, and simply put: bogus!
IPR cases used to be good training cases for new Agents just out of the Academy–they were simple, fun, and introduced new Agents to a variety of law enforcement techniques and processes on a very basic level. They are not, and never have been, connected with terrorism. And if they were, who do you think would instantly take over the case from ICE in accordance with the ICE/FBI memo of understanding? The FBI!

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January 31, 2006, - 10:41 am

The Terrorism (& Gay) Oscars

Hollywood Loves Islamic Terrorists! Especially Palestinian ones. And they don’t care for Israel, either.
That’s the message we got with this morning’s announcement of Oscar nominations. Oscar turns 78, and dementia in old age has apparently set in.
Both Steven Shlemielberg’s “” and pro-HAMAS Palestinians’ “” (Best Foreign Film) got nominations for Oscars (with “Munich” getting several). More lies from “Paradise Now”: Check these European posters vs. the American one for the jihadist film. No truth in marketing in America.

“Paradise Now” movie posters in Europe (left & center) vs. in America (right)

But the most meaningful award, box office returns, gave both movies a strong thumbs down. Both movies, which legitimize Islamic terrorists, were . “Munich” fell to #18 over the weekend, making less than $2 million. It’s only fitting that while “Munich” never cracked the top five, Martin Lawrence’s “Big Momma’s House 2” was #1, on this–its opening–weekend.
Since “Paradise Now” already for the same category, watch for it to clean up at the Oscars, too. Apparently, Oscar does support the HAMAS “map of hate” and Jews-poisoning-the-water canards. Both are heartily endorsed by this movie.
“”–which also paints Islamic terrorists as nice people who had to do it because we made them lose their jobs on the oil fields, so they had to turn to extremist Islam and homicide bombs–also got nominated (blowhard George Clooney as “Best Actor”).
Oscar also loves gay agenda films, too, apparently. Not only did “” get eight nominations, but “” was also nominated.

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January 31, 2006, - 10:19 am

Att’n Treehugging SUV-Haters: Compact Cars Have Highest Death Rate

For all the attacks on SUVs by environmentalists and phonies like Arianna Huffington and Laurie David, one thing remains constant: death rates in compact cars are the highest.
That’s what the latest National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s report, released yesterday, says for the gazillionth time. As AP reports:

People love compact cars as gas prices soar, but there’s a sobering cost: The government says they have the highest fatality rate.
Compacts had a fatality rate of 17.76 per 100,000 vehicles in 2004, followed by compact pickup trucks with 16.87 and subcompact vehicles with 16.85, according to a report Monday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Large vans had the lowest rate, 9.34, while pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles had rates of about 15 deaths.
The report examined fatality data from 1997 to 2004 to compare death rates among different types of vehicles. It reaffirmed past studies that found smaller and lighter vehicles more vulnerable to fatalities compared with their counterparts.
“You can never repeal the laws of physics, and a smaller, lighter vehicle is always at a disadvantage no matter how many safety features are built into it,” said Russ Rader, a spokesman for the Virginia-based Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
Rader, whose organization has conducted similar studies, said even with “all the air bags in the world,” smaller and lighter vehicles in a category typically have higher death rates than larger models in the same category.

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January 30, 2006, - 3:00 pm

Monday Radio Appearance Across America

By Debbie Schlussel
Today, I’m appearing on:
* 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time: Fred Honsberger Show on KDKA-AM 1020, Pittsburgh (You can listen to this show on-line across the world.)

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January 30, 2006, - 10:00 am

Angelina Not Jolie: Starlet “Absolutely Ashamed” of U.S.

Hmmm . . . . Maybe she should stay there.
Angelina Jolie–new face of St. John fashions and old face of support for Palestinian kiddie terrorists-in-training–said she’s “absolutely ashamed” of America at this weekend’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Skank Angelina Jolie at pro-HAMAS Arab Children’s Conference Hate-Fest in Jordan, 2004

Accompanied by skank-o-phile Mr. Angelina Jolie (Brad Pitt), the actress told the self-absorbed international rich-and-famous beautiful people lefties at the navel-reflecting/pontification gathering, that she’s hopping mad that the U.S. Congress hasn’t ratified the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Daily Telegraph quotes the tattoo-notched human bedpost, thusly:

“I am absolutely ashamed” Washington has not formally ratified the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child,” she said.
“Being an American I think it’s horrible. I think Congress should ratify that. If we really care about that how dare we not ratify it?”

But the treaty is more of the same old Angelina Jolie BS that will make our country–among other things–impotent in fighting the illegal alien invasion. For example, it would force our country to pay for ACLU-style attorneys for kid terrorists and kids of illegal aliens.
As , skank-in-chief Jolie has already toured our illegal alien holding facilities demanding lawyers for the kiddies. She did the same in a meeting with then-Secretary of State/Jolie groupie Colin Powell. She pushed for establishment of a National Center for Refugee and Immigrant Children and lobbied for the Alien Child Protection Act that provides the same. That’s why she was honored at a reception for “kid” refugees at the KUWAITI Embassy.
And, , she toured Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan, cheering on Palestinian kids’ songs and plays about getting “revenge” on Jews and “taking back Jerusalem.”
And SHE is ashamed of US?! . . . .

Skanks for Terror: Angelina Jolie and Jordanian Queen Noor Exchange Wet Kiss at Arab Children’s Conference Hate-Fest, 2004

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January 30, 2006, - 9:42 am

Stolen Land?: Earwax, B.O. More Proof “Native” Americans Not Native

***To all the liberal idiots who’ve left dumb, insulting comments on this entry (and if you insult me, your comments will be deleted), as directed by similarly intellectually-challenged lefty websites, I’m well aware Indians came here over the Bering Strait, which you’d realize if you actually bothered to read what I wrote below in this entry. I simply quoted the NYTimes that this was yet more proof. Yet, there is no proof they were the first here. And even if they were, this is yet more proof that they originated in ASIA. Hello? . . . This is yet more evidence that we did NOT steal THEIR land. It means it was not THEIRS to begin with.***
Today’s New York Times details a Japanese scientific on earwax and body odor in Asians vs. Europeans and Africans. There is actually an “earwax gene” in DNA that determines this.
But the paper glosses over the most important finding. The study found that Europeans and Africans tend to have wet ear wax, sweat more, and have more under arm body odor than Asians, who have dry ear wax and don’t sweat much. But the study also found that “Native” Americans have dry ear wax and body odor similar to Asians, proving they migrated here from Asia.

So whom did THEY steal the land from? Somebody else, obviously. Yet, no “Dances With Wolves” and “Into the West” from Hollywood about that.
Here’s more from the NYTimes:

The dry form, the researchers say, presumably arose later somewhere in northern Asia, because they detected it almost universally in their tests of northern Han Chinese and Koreans. The dry form becomes less common in southern Asia, probably because the northerners with the dry earwax gene intermarried with southern Asians carrying the default wet earwax gene. The dry form is quite common in Native Americans, confirming other genetic evidence that their ancestors migrated across the Bering straits from Siberia 15,000 years ago.
They write that earwax type and armpit odor are correlated, since populations with dry earwax, such as those of East Asia, tend to sweat less and have little or no body odor, whereas the wet earwax populations of Africa and Europe sweat more and so may have greater body odor. Several Asian features, such as small nostrils and the fold of fat above the eyelid, are conjectured to be adaptations to the cold. Less sweating, the Japanese authors suggest, may be another adaptation to the cold climate in which the ancestors of East Asian peoples are thought to have lived.

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January 27, 2006, - 4:41 pm

Special Agent “in Charge”: Abu Moskowitz’s Weekend Plans

In about an hour or less, our “favorite” Islamist-pandering federal law enforcement Special Agent in Charge, of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), will arrive at the held by “former” PFLP terrorist, FBI award revokee, and Abu M crony .

(left) and Brian’s (right) Excellent Adventure
As , the essay contest was for Arabs only–no Blacks allowed, strange for an MLK event. In addition, it is being held at Dearborn’s Bint Jbeil Cultural Center, a social club for proud supporters of Hezbollah, many of whom are suspected of laundering money back home to the “guys” (but aren’t under investigation because Abu M has kept it hands off).
And don’t you worry. Abu Moskowitz is there for purely non-investigative purposes. He’s there to be the resident federal pander bear of the evening. Terrorists tonight, Superbowl trademark police next week. Attention, illegal immigrants: Go back to what you were doing. To remind you, this is the man who wants to become National Security Director of ICE. Lucky America.
More on Abu Moskowitz’s excellent Superbowl adventures coming. We have the details on his lies about snatching t-shirts, but we’ve been saving them for T minus one week. Stay tuned . . . .

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January 27, 2006, - 12:11 pm

BREAKING SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Bomb Found on Detroit Plane Pre-Superbowl

***SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATES from Northwest Airlines & Federal Air Marshal***
DETROIT–Just over a week before the Superbowl takes place here, reliable law enforcement sources say local and federal authorities are trying to keep quiet a story about a bomb found on a flight at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
Sources say that a week ago, Thursday or Friday, a bomb inside a small black box was found on a departing Mesaba Airlines flight, after passengers had boarded (Mesaba is a commuter airline that partners with Northwest Airlines on connections). The bomb, found on a seat, contained shrapnel and ball-bearings, the sources said. Reportedly, passengers were deplaned after the device was found.
If this story is correct, it once again calls into question the ability of TSA screeners to prevent explosive devices from getting past airport checkpoints. It also raises questions regarding whether terrorists are testing the system just prior to the Superbowl, here.
*** UPDATE: Northwest Airlines Vice President of Government Relations Andrea Fischer-Newman called me to say that it was not a bomb but a kid’s science project. She said she will send me e-mails (with the names removed) proving it. Have not gotten them yet, but will post when I do. I have heard of other, previous similar incidents at DTW (Detroit Metro Airport) from reliable sources in a position to know, as were the sources for this one.
*** UPDATE: Northwest Airlines VP Andrea Fischer-Newman sent this e-mail from Mesaba Airlines security personnel, but asked that I remove certain names. So was there a bomb? Or wasn’t there? Hopefully, there was not. But, as FOX News would say, I report; you decide. It should be noted that Ms. Fischer-Newman was one of the University of Michigan Regents who allowed Islamic Jihad terrorist Sami Al-Arian to speak on campus (as well as other terror and murder supporters) at the 2002 “Divestment Conference” (in the name of “free speech”).

Sent: Fri 1/27/2006 4:31 PM
To: Ramsay, Scott B [Northwest Airlines Security]
Subject: Re: Suspicious Item on board XJ Flight 3521 in DTW 18JAN06
Wayne County determined it was not a threat. They tracked down the inbound passenger and found that it was part of a young kid’s science project for his school.
Director of Safety, Security and Emergency Management
Mesaba Airlines

*** UPDATE: Here is what a Federal Air Marshal in the know wrote in response, and I agree (but feel a tad safer knowing there are people like this person protecting us):

I trust NWA [Northwest Airlines] to give me the truth…not. DTW [Detroit] is as porous as it can be. We search every plane that we get on no matter how long it has sat. Then the crew are like, “Nobody has access to the plane but crew, cleaners and caterers.” Riiight. Caterers and cleaners with names like Habib, Jamal, Rafiq….

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