February 5, 2006, - 4:39 pm

NFL Super Bowl’s “Family Values”: Meet Larry Foote

We’ve written about the man we think is the REAL role model of the Super Bowl, of the Seattle Seahawks and the U.S. Air Force.
But meet the “new” kind of role model the NFL is promoting: Larry Foote of the Pittsburgh Steelers, who will play in today’s Super Bowl.
The NFL claims he’s a “hero” because he is taking care of his son. While that’s nice, it is hardly “heroic”. And there are some pretty jarring details in the whole unsavory story.
The 25-year-old Foote only found out about his kid, Trey-veion, a year and a half ago. The son is now age ten. That means Foote conceived this kid when he was about age 14. Splendid.
Then there’s these prize quotes from a USA Today profile of Foote’s “new, unexpected role of father”:

Confirmation from the [paternity] test took about three weeks. Foote, who was engaged at the time immediately took custody of Trey-veion. He never considered merely offering financial support. Trey-veion’s mother has five other children.

She is a single mother, and it’s a good bet the other five are from multiple different fathers. Ain’t life in the hood grand.
Then there’s this:

Foote doesn’t believe he has other children waiting to be claimed. “I hope not,” he said. “I’m quite sure that just with the publicity we’ve had, if there were, it would have come out by now.”

Like we said, meet Larry Foote, new NFL Super Bowl “role model.” Not too mention, , who is prominent in this weekend’s NFL and Super Bowl sponsor activities.
(We note, also, that Foote, is wearing a U.S. Marines shirt with medals in the picture accompanying the USA Today profile. Yet, he never served in the Marines. Hmmm . . . . Contrasts very nicely with Capt. Fisher who wears the uniform for the right reasons.)

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February 3, 2006, - 4:46 pm

Weekend Box Office: Bad, Less Scary Horror Remake; Disgracing the Border Patrol

This weekend, we say skip these movies, debuting today:
* “When a Stranger Calls” (2006)–On this site, we’ve decried the constant bad remakes of movies that weren’t “broke” to being with. It epitomizes the decline of creativity and capitalism–and therefore, ultimately, freedom–in our society.

1979 “When A Stranger Calls” Much Better Than 2006 Remake

We were scared stiff by the 1979 original version of this movie, a great horror film. But this remake, starring complete unknowns, while slightly scary, is just plain silly. It’s not even half as scary as the original starring the Carole Kane, Charles Durning, and the late Colleen Dewhurst.
The remake relies heavily on contemporary technology in a very modern house that is some sort of Frank Lloyd Wright perversion, but all the new technology, cool house design and appliances, and searing, high-pitch violin music don’t make it more scary than it was in 1979. They, interestingly, make it less so (cell and cordless phones by VTech are apparently not as scary as rotary dial from Ma Bell). And the ending of the original was much scarier, and a much better ending.
We recommend getting the video or DVD of the original ’79 version instead of paying to see this new, very lite version (if you can find it–hard to find). We also hope they don’t remake “When a Stranger Calls Back,” the 1993 TV-movie sequel to the original (also starring Kane, Durning, and Dewhurst).
* “The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada“–THIS MOVIE IS AN OUTRAGE. Tommy Lee Jones’ horrid film defames Border Patrol agents as evil, sex-crazed murderers who kill innocent illegal aliens for sport, while masturbating to Hustler Magazine. As you probably guessed, the illegal aliens are such nice people, and we Americans are unworthies who treat them like dirt. A column/review on this over the weekend.

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February 3, 2006, - 4:31 pm

Win or Lose, A REAL Super Bowl Hero

Meet Air Force Captain Bryce Fisher of the Seattle Seahawks. He’ll serve nine years in the reserves and already served two years active duty. Although he’s playing in Sunday’s Super Bowl XL, we like this defensive end for the things he says and does OFF the field and in the service of our country.

Seattle Seahawks Defensive End/USAF Reserves Capt. Bryce Fisher

For instance, Fisher told USA Today this about playing pro football vs. serving in the military:

The fact is that we get to play a game for millions of dollars and get to play on national TV. The reason why is because we have brave men and women who are doing things in places that none of us would ever want to be at.

Read the WHOLE USA Today profile of Capt. Fisher.

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February 3, 2006, - 4:19 pm

Super Bowl Odds & Ends: Snooper Bowl Disgrace; Funding Cuban Despotism

* Snoop Dogg
If I had it my way, I’d stay far away from this week’s Super Bowl festivities in Detroit. I hate crowds and congestion, and for the first–and last–time in 40 years, there are both in the nation’s poor, crime-ridden city headed by the Pimp-Daddy Mayor.
But, alas, I had to meet friends in town to cover the game, and then to see my friends at FOX Sports Net’s “Best Damn Sports Show Period” (a show on which I’ve appeared), to which I took my little brother and his friend.

Great Kids Role Model: Official Commissioner of the Snooper Bowl

There, we saw the man I consider among the most repugnant in “entertainment” today, Calvin Broadus a/k/a “Snoop Dogg”. He is in town because he is overseeing Saturday’s “Snooper Bowl”, the football championship for kids in the Snoop Youth Football League that he founded and heads.
The sad thing is that Snoopball is on its way to replacing Pop Warner football for kids in inner cities. How nice: Your young boys playing for the former drug dealing Crip and Girls Gone Wild and “Snoop Dogg’s Hustlaz: Diary of a Pimp” host. (Not to mention, .) Shame on the Detroit Police for allowing its Athletic League to participating in “Snooper Bowl” festivities.
Even sadder: We watched how the crowd of football fans in town for the Big Game all worshipped this unworthy thug with the fanaticism reserved for a real hero, which he certainly isn’t.
When the cold-eyed Snoop Dogg walked by us with his posse of many large thugs, look-alike Crip-types, and assorted unattractive harlots, it reeked like a giant bomb of his signature cologne–Eau de Cannabis–had been dropped on the venue. Blechhhh!
* Cuban Cigars
There are a lot of reports that Super Bowl visitors to Detroit will also go over the border to Canada to partake in, among other things, fully-nude strip bars (known here as “the Windsor Ballet”) and Cuban cigars.
Just a reminder: If you buy Cuban cigars, you are helping to support Communist tyranny, persecution, and brutal repression. Besides it’s still illegal, under American law, to buy Cuban products abroad–and/or to smoke them.
Don’t do it.

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February 3, 2006, - 3:33 pm

What Terrorists Surely Know: Super Bowl Security Not so Super; FBI/DHS Neglect

Well, we were right about the fact that there isn’t sufficient security at this weekend’s Super Bowl festivities. Michigan/Ohio Homeland Security “leader” is too busy , and FBI Michigan chieftain is too busy glad-handing reporters and giving them media tours so he’ll get that . And the head of DHS? is too busy changing facial hair (he’s now sporting a Grecian Formula mustache to hide his resemblance to “The Simpsons” character) to pay attention to the most televised television event of the year.

Super Bowl Security in Distress

But terrorists ARE paying attention. And so are we. We hope the many FBI and DHS agents who read and/or monitor this site will pay attention and address the details below.
Today, we went to downtown Detroit to have lunch with our friends, two of the greatest sports writers/columnists on the planet (can’t disclose their identities for several reasons)–and see our friends at FOX Sports Net’s “Best Damn Sports Show Period.” We noticed GAPING, OBVIOUS HOLES IN SECURITY.
We parked in the underground parking lot on Detroit’s Jefferson Avenue. There was absolutely NO security at the lot. No one asked us to pop our trunk, and we could have easily snuck in a massive ton of explosives.
This is significant because lot, underneath the busy street is right on front of the Detroit Marriott Hotel inside the “Renaissance Center”–where NFL Super Bowl headquarters and “radio row” are. Most media are there. A ton of Super Bowl traffic is above the lot. The lot is also just next to the entrance of the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel to Canada and the Customs inspector booths.
A smart terrorist could make a big statement and hit a lot of important venues and people in that lot, and Super Bowl weekend
The lot should have been shut down. And SMART FBI and Homeland Security minds would have done so. But “smart” is a key word that we don’t see in action at the higher levels of management and planning at either DHS or the FBI.
When we left the lot, we did so out an emergency exit to which the lazy rent-a-guard inside the lot directed us. The door, right next to the international Tunnel opening and Customs booths, was kept open. When we went back into the lot, we did so through the same door ajar door, through which anyone with explosives could have entered.
Ditto for the crowded “People Mover” train cars we rode and the various stops. All were crowded, no-one searched anyone, and anyone could have been carrying explosives.
As for the NFL headquarters, the Renaissance Center, there are police everywhere but not much security. We wore puffy coats, and no-one checked us to see if we were wearing explosives at the crowded, media-saturated venue. There is no-one checking bags and anyone can get in–credentials are NOT needed.
New definition of “fool”: Anyone who thinks the Super Bowl is safe. The actual Ford Field may be, but the surrounding venues are not. That’s the case regardless of how many times Homeland Security Spokesman/ICE Agent Marc Raimondi tells the media how safe we are.

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February 3, 2006, - 9:18 am

Anti-Muslim Cartoons?: Detroit News Already Cowered to Islam; It’s NO Jyllands-Posten

Judith Apter Klinghoffer and Michelle Malkin have written about the Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, which published Mohammed cartoons that have led to riots throughout the Muslim world. Michelle is rightly up in arms about American media kowtowing on this story. But neither of these things–Muslims and Arabs going nuts over the expression of free speech and trying to silence it, and the American media acquiescing to it–are new.

Take The Detroit News. It is the anti-Jyllands-Posten, except for when it runs Michelle’s column (and we doubt it will run her column on the Mohammed cartoons, lest it upset the Muslim audience to which the Detroit paper panders).
The Detroit News editorial page ran the cartoon, above, on December 15, 2005–a cartoon which is arguably more tame and less offensive than the anti-Muhammad cartoon.
But the paper and its editorial page removed the cartoon immediately and issued an apology (also posted below), when “former” Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist and FBI award revokee, (who now heads the Muslim-dominated Midwest American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, which is also whining about the Mohammed cartoons) bitched and moaned.

We note that while The Detroit News dumped the cartoon and immediately apologized, its hypocritical editorial page editor, Nolan Finley and op-ed page editor, Richard Burr, continue–without apology–to run on Detroit News editorial pages the rantings of anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-American Hezbollah agent in a monthly column. Again, they run this column despite complaints by the Jewish and Christian communities. But don’t hold your breath to see Michelle’s column on Jyllands-Posten on the paper’s pages.
Another example is Detroit’s television affiliates, like NBC’s local affiliate, WDIV-TV, and ABC’s WXYZ-TV. Both censored out showings of movies like “Delta Force” and “True Lies” when their respective networks ran them on national TV, lest they offend local Muslims and Arabs. We got to see old reruns of “Columbo” movies. Ditto for WXYZ’s coverage of Arab and Muslim issues: it was the “Official Network of the 2003 U.S. Arab Economic Conference” and, therefore, its reporters, and even then-news director, told me they could not cover mid-east, Islamic, or terrorism issues in a way that would be “negative” to Arabs and Muslims.
Muslim fundamentalist suppression of free speech and exercise of anti-Semitic, anti-Christian free speech is alive and well because it has willing human tools like The Detroit News’ Nolan Finley and op-ed editor Richard Burr (and editor and publisher Dave Butler, who issued a personal letter of apology to Hamad and ADC) and TV stations like we have, here in the Detroit area, the heart of Islamic America.
But, unfortunately, there are a ton more cowering, spineless parties like them in media outlets all over the country.

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February 2, 2006, - 1:24 pm

Boycott Gary Busey: Washed-up Actor Plays Evil Jew in Turkish Blood Libel Film

Thanks Gary Busey! (And Billy Zane, too.)
The whacked out former star of failed, dumb reality show “I’m with Busey” repeats the age-old anti-Semitic blood libel, that Jews steal others’ organs, blood, etc. for some ill purpose–in this case, by playing an evil Jewish doctor. We have a suggestion for all Jewish-American doctors: Since Gary Busey defamed you, refuse him as a patient.

“I’m with Anti-Semites”:

Washed-up Actor Gary Busey Plays Evil Jewish Doctor

In a new Turkish movie, “Kurtlar Vadisi – Irak” (“Valley of the Wolves–Iraq”) U.S. soldiers are portrayed as brutal murderers who “kill dozens of innocent people with random machine gun fire, shoot the groom in the head, and drag those left alive to Abu Ghraib prison – where a Jewish doctor cuts out their organs, which he sells to rich people in New York, London and Tel Aviv,” according to AP. Gary Busey plays the Jewish-American doctor.
Thanks, Gary. And congrats. You’re now an official member of the Anti-Semite club. In the grand tradition of Hitler, the authors of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, etc., etc., etc. So Hollywood, so “enlightened.”
We’d say, boycott Busey. But he’s not been in much to speak of that anyone has watched (not even anti-White man, “Into the West“). So he whored himself out to anti-Semitism in order to make a buck.
Then, there is actor Billy Zane. Boycott him, too.
He defames American soldiers, portraying one of this nasty movie’s version: evil, brutal, cold-hearted murderers. According to an IMDB.com summary of the “fabulous” anti-American plot of this “film”, his character, Sam W. Marshall,

raids [an] Arabian wedding where everyone from the region comes together. He kills tens of people. All are civilians. Leila, the bride of the wedding, loses her future groom in the killings. Apart from the people who were murdered there, also a lot of people are declared terrorists and arrested.

As noted by reader Tim, we recall only one Muslim Arab wedding deliberately attacked in recent memory, the one in Amman, Jordan. But the attackers were NOT American soldiers. They were fellow Muslim Arabs from Al-Qaeda. Hmmmm . . . where’s the Billy Zane movie about that, Hollywood?
We note that this movie also stars Syrian Muslim actor Ghassan Massoud, who was in the anti-Christian, pro-Islamist fairy tale, “.”

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February 2, 2006, - 12:21 pm

Where’s Homeland Security?: Superbowl Exposes HUGE HOLE @ US/Canada Border

More negative security implications from the Super Bowl. Not only are in Michigan for the week, but maybe Customs & Border Protection (CBP) top brass is also. We like their inspectors/agents. It’s the leaders we question (remember ?).

Detroit’s Ambassador Bridge: Homeland Security MIA on Superbowl Week

This morning, we got this VERY DISTURBING e-mail from a concerned trucker regarding glaring absence of CBP customs border inspectors–until 300 feet into Detroit–at the Detroit, Michigan/Windsor, Canada border (part of which can be blamed on DHS authorities kowtowing to the Lebanese-American bridge owner and refusing to challenge the current logistics):

I cross the border into the States a few times a week in my truck. Usually at Port Huron.
I went across Windsor to Detroit yesterday and observed something. I can drive into Windsor over the bridge and get about 300 feet into America. There were no inspections, cops, border guards, radiation detectors, barricades and even toll collectors. I could have anything in my truck and nobody would ever know until I’m in Detroit when I get to the U.S. border guards. Before I reach them and any type of inspection is done, I looked on my map and realized I am only 3000 feet away from Ford field.
On the radio I kept hearing that the baseball All-Star game was used as a trial run for security. I wonder if someone else also used it as a trial run to check out security?
Concerned Conservative Canadian

Like , if you’re a terrorist money-launderer or illegal-alien smuggler, this is your week to get the job done, unfettered.

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February 2, 2006, - 9:58 am

High-Class Oscars: Pimp Song Nominated for Best Original Song

We noted that this years Academy Awards are the . But we were wrong. It’s the Terrorism & PIMP (& Gay) Oscars.
In fact, “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp“–the theme song for the pimp movie, “Hustle and Flow“–is nominated for the Academy Award for “Best Original Song” (full Oscar name: “Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures”). Memphis rappers and Three Six Mafia members Juicy-J, DJ Paul and Frayser Boy co-wrote the song. Class comes to the Oscars.

Check out the lyrics for this classy “song” coming soon to your kids’ “musical” repertoire (can they really call what’s in this a “chorus”?):
[Chorus 2X: Shug – singing] + (Djay)
You know it’s hard out here for a pimp (you ain’t knowin)
When he tryin to get this money for the rent (you ain’t knowin)
For the Cadillacs and gas money spent (you ain’t knowin)
[1] Because a whole lot of bitches talkin shit (you ain’t knowin)
[2] Will have a whole lot of bitches talkin shit (you ain’t knowin)
In my eyes I done seen some crazy thangs in the streets
Gotta couple hoes workin on the changes for me
But I gotta keep my game tight like Kobe on game night
Like takin from a ho don’t know no better, I know that ain’t right
Done seen people killed, done seen people deal

Done seen people live in poverty with no meals
It’s fucked up where I live, but that’s just how it is
It might be new to you, but it’s been like this for years
It’s blood sweat and tears when it come down to this shit
I’m tryin to get rich ‘fore I leave up out this bitch
I’m tryin to have thangs but it’s hard fo’ a pimp

But I’m prayin and I’m hopin to God I don’t slip, yeah
Man it seems like I’m duckin dodgin bullets everyday
Niggaz hatin on me cause I got, hoes on the tray

But I gotta stay paid, gotta stay above water
Couldn’t keep up with my hoes, that’s when shit got harder
North Memphis where I’m from, I’m 7th Street bound
Where niggaz all the time end up lost and never found
Man these girls think we prove thangs, leave a big head

They come hopin every night, they don’t end up bein dead
Wait I got a snow bunny, and a black girl too
You pay the right price and they’ll both do you
That’s the way the game goes, gotta keep it strictly pimpin
Gotta have my hustle tight, makin change off these women, yeah

(Thanks to reader UUnlisted, who wrote, “It will go in my ‘Cole Porter and Ira Gershwin and Oscar Hammerstein and Henry Mancini are rolling over in their graves’ file. Can’t wait for the some Symphony Pops to include it in one of their Hollywood concerts, or perhaps one with a ‘Valentine Love Songs’ theme?”)

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February 2, 2006, - 6:57 am

Super Bowl XL: Mid-East Hate, Race Preferences Come to the Big Game

DETROIT – Much ado is being made about this weekend’s National Football League Super Bowl being played in the nation’s poorest city.
But far more disturbing is what the media are not writing about: how racial politics and even the politics of Middle East hate are being visited upon this weekend’s contest between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Seattle Seahawks.

(Photo on Right from DetroitWonk)

In addition to the official Super Bowl, there is an affirmative action Super Bowl that takes place off the field–who decides who gets the lucrative service contracts that come with Super Bowl parties and galas put on by thousands of visitors and spectators visiting Detroit.
While those playing on the field got there through merit, by being the fastest runners, the best pass-rushers, the most prolific tacklers, those “playing” off the field got lucrative contracts by virtue of their ethnicity and race. The NFL designed it that way.
The League required all Super Bowl sponsors to hire a portion of their contractors from its “Emerging Business Program.” But only female- and minority-owned businesses qualify as “emerging businesses.”
Throughout 2005 NFL and Detroit Super Bowl XL Host Committee officials held seminars for women- and minority-owned businesses on how to qualify and how to get contracts from Super Bowl sponsors. At these seminars, the message was clear: white-male owned business need not apply (or even attend). The same went for the first ever NFL online business database provided to NFL sponsors and advertisers (at www.sbxl.org).
The Super Bowl Vendor Workshop Series, Super Bowl Business Resource Guide, Super Bowl Matchmaking Program, and Super Bowl Hotel Merchandising Program, are all reserved for minorities. NFL Super Bowl licenses are sold to minorities at a much discounted rate, and the League “then assists the selected licensees by seeking various channels of distribution for their products,” according to the Super Bowl XL website. It isn’t a one-time thing. The NFL assisted Detroit-area minority contractors during Detroit’s 2005 Major League All Star Game, and has pledged to do so for the 2007 NCAA Men’s Basketball Regional and the 2009 NCAA Men’s Final Four.
It’s nothing new. Starting in 1994, the NFL started this preferential treatment program, making it harder for non-minorities to compete. So far, the NFL and the Host Committee have awarded $5.8 million in game-related business to 250 “minority” firms, according to the Detroit Free Press, leaving the ‘non-preferred” out in the cold in this economically depressed area of closing Ford plants and lost Kmart jobs.
This year, Black-owned Detroit cleaning services business J&J Cleaning Services, Inc. will make $100,000 from NFL-steered contracts. Ditto Sharon Mann, who got an exclusive contract to sell Super Bowl memorabilia at the NFL’s headquarters inside Detroit’s Renaissance Center. And for Mimi Markofsky, a caterer who got a contract to do an invitation-only NFL Tailgate party because she is a woman.
Then there is the issue of just who is a “disadvantaged minority”–an “emerging” business–under the NFL’s program. Some crafty male business owners told me they set up temporary new companies in the names of their wives or mothers–or temporarily designated them as 51% owners–in order to qualify for the NFL minority largesse.
Then there are the other minorities. This year, they’re people like John Jonna, owner of Merchants Fine Wines in Dearborn. Jonna is not Black, Hispanic, or even Native American. He is Chaldean–an Iraqi Christian minority, the majority of which now live in the Detroit area, because of persecution from Muslims. But he is hardly “disadvantaged” or “emerging” in the business world. He is a very successful business man without ethnic preferences. A store he owned in suburban Detroit has closed, soon to be replaced by multi-million dollar lofts he’s building.
In this Super Bowl, a new class of “minorities” has emerged–Arab Muslims and Chaldeans. If you fit into this category, you qualify for all the NFL minority contracting advantages. And the organizations doing the certifying are not without controversy.
The Chaldean Chamber of Commerce was founded by its executive director, Martin Manna. When FBI director Robert Mueller revoked a planned award to a suspected “former” member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Manna strongly objected in Detroit newspapers. He served on the board of an Arab welfare agency raided by the FBI for providing phony social security numbers to Muslim women aliens defrauding Medicaid. The agency also was a sponsor of the 2002 Palestinian Students Divestment Conference at the University of Michigan, which supported divesting from Israel, and at which accused terrorist Sami Al-Arian was the keynote speaker.
The Arab American Chamber of Commerce is hardly better. It’s best known for hosting and organizing the U.S.-Arab Economic Conference in Detroit in 2003, a sponsor of which, the Arab Thought Foundation, was funded by Bakr Bin Laden and Saudi Royals, and hosted an anti-Semitic speaker at a Washington forum.
In planning the event, Arab Chamber chairman and founder Ahmed Chebbani and then-executive director Nasser Beydoun spoke at an American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt event at which they described their conference and raison d’etre as using Arab Americans’ businesses to change U.S. policy in the Middle East. They “highlighted the significant role of Arab-American businesses in the U.S. economy as well as how these businesses share the concerns of the wider Arab community with regard to U.S. policy in the Middle East,” according to notes of the event on the Egyptian group’s website. “On the economic front, it is possible for us to make headway,” Beydoun told Egyptians. “The U.S. understands trade and business. We are a capitalist nation.”
Yes, we are. But we also have other moral principles that aren’t in play at Super Bowl XL or the NFL.
The League must remember that a lot of its fans–its customers–don’t buy into its new-found Mid-East politics and its tired old racial ones.

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