February 10, 2006, - 3:47 pm

Geena Davis’ Stupid Cartoon Study

It’s a good thing isn’t really President. And even better that her “” show is in hiatus hell.
But, unfortunately, with too much time on her hands during the hiatus, Davis and her silly See Jane foundation (about which ) backed a University of Southern California study of gender in cartoons. (Gee, that sounds like a tough Ph.D. thesis: “I Watched the Simpsons.”) Now Davis is whining because 65% of cartoon roles are male and claims it hurts girls.

Fake President Geena Davis’ New Enemies, Buzz Lightyear & Woody

C’mon, they’re cartoons! Who cares what they’re “plumbing” is? Among the cartoons the study attacks, Woody and Buzz Lightyear of Disney’s “Toy Story“!
USA Today quotes the fake Prez as saying:

To just continually see worlds where girls are sidelined or don’t exist or are very peripheral to what’s going on, they sort of grow up realizing that they can just discount girls and that they don’t have to be interested in what girls do.

Whatever. Most of the Loony Tunes and Disney animated characters were men. Because they didn’t have female characteristics, they’re bad for girls?
Davis wants a dumb, narrow 50/50 split in male and female cartoon characters.

[It’s] important for boys and girls to see girls taking up half the planet – half the space of whatever movie they’re watching.

If Geena Davis really believes in this silly philosophy, then she should believe in the 50/50 rule for ALL interactions between the sexes, as in:
* Men should get 50% of the decision about whether the baby is aborted;
* Women should pay 50% of the child support they usually get and spend on themselves, their new boyfriends, and occasionally the kids the money is supposed to be for;
* Men should get 50% of the actual, physical full-time custody of their children in a divorce (currently, over 70% of the female parents get this; men about 13%);
* Men should get 50% of the slots in colleges/universities and grad schools ( from even that)
Etc., etc., etc. . . . . .

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February 10, 2006, - 2:10 pm

Why I WON’T Buy Danish: Danes Repent by Paying w/ Jewish Coin

Though I’ve the Mohammed cartoons, the absurd (but predictable) , and the apologists in the State Dept., media, and elsewhere who’ve condemned the cartoons, you’ve probably noted that I have NOT plugged buying Danish products, like Michelle Malkin and others have. Nor have I written the “We’re All Danes Now” BS like what Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby wrote.
Sorry, but we are NOT all Danes now. No way. I don’t support violence in any way, but I see the fire under which Denmark has now come to be something of poetic justice.
Denmark–and ALL of its media, Jyllands Posten included–has long been consistent with the other Scandinavian countries in being a harsh critic of Israel and its meek attempts to respond to Islamic terrorism and Arab anti-Semitism. (The Danes have hardly been staunch supporters of the U.S. War on Terror, either.) Denmark’s Channel 2 broadcast a “documentary” about the Israeli “raid” on Jenin that was full of lies and completely defamatory. The “raid” on this terror stronghold (in which less than 25 died) was in response to the blowing up of many Jews peacefully celebrating Passover (the “Passover Massacre”). Denmark re-broadcast this phony “documentary” within the LAST MONTH!
In 2001, Denmark threatened to arrest Israel’s Ambassador to Denmark, Carmi Gillon, on charges of torture because he admitted he used “moderate physical pressure” on Arab terror suspects as the head of Israel’s Security Services in in the mid-’90s, in order to save innocent lives. There are many other examples. Denmark condemned Israel’s raid on a Syrian training camp for Palestinian terrorists (and called on the UN Security Council to investigate), among many other reasonable Israeli actions it has condemned.
In Israel’s recent darkest days of multiple homicide bombings, murders, and maimings of its innocent civilians, the Danes withheld even the most basic supplies and refused to sell Israel various items and equipment. Denmark has given tons of money and moral support to the Palestinian cause and the exact opposite treatment to the Israelis. Israel can do no right, Muslims no wrong, as far as the Danes are concerned.
Now the tables are turned, and the Danes–not Israel–are in the eye of the extremist Islamic storm. So how do they respond?
They take it out on Israel.
Many media outlets, including yesterday’s USA Today sports section, reported that to appease Muslims, Denmark’s soccer federation was considering calling off a March 1st exhibition in Israel. Now the game might go on as scheduled. But what the heck does Israel have to do with Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten’s decision to publish anti-Mohammed cartoons? Zilch. Nada. Zip. Zero. Yet, the Danish were, yet again, considering paying the Muslims with Jewish coinage.
The Danes are not tough on Islamic extremism or they would support other countries, like Israel and America, when they do likewise.
So, you tell me? Does Denmark deserve your support and your dollars in response to this decision? It sure does not deserve mine. Period. Islamic violence or not.

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February 10, 2006, - 1:40 pm

Dumb Lawsuit of the Week: Did Flying Benihana Shrimp Kill?

On this site, the continuing American crisis of the litigation explosion. It is a $10 billion tax on American society. The latest offender is Plaintiff Jacqueline Colaitis.
Not eating shellfish, we guess we will never have the problem that Colaitis thinks killed her husband . . . Benihana flying shrimp. We call people like her, the “.”

According to the New York Times, Ms. Colaitis says her husband, Long Island furrier Jerry Colaitis, died because he was trying to keep a flying, sizzling shrimp from hitting him. So, she did what any red-blooded, attempted get-rich-quick American does. She sued Benihana, the Japanese steakhouse chain, for $16 million. Incredible.
In January 2001, Coalitis had dinner at a Munsey, New York Benihana. The chef at his table, he feared, had flung a shrimp near him. To avoid it, he dodged it and injured his neck. Mr. Colaitis then began to complain of neck pain, underwent two spinal operations, contracted a severe infection and died at age 46.
It’s sad Colaitis died, but at some point he took responsibility for the course of his life after dinner at Benihana. It’s impossible that Benihana is either responsible or could have foreseen this bizarre turn of events.
This absurd case was before the Mineola, New York jury, yesterday. We’re glad the jury had the good sense to just say no to this stupid litigation. Cases like this are what clog our nation’s court systems and keep genuinely aggrieved parties from getting speedy justice. Lawsuits like this–and the litigation explosion in general–also mean higher taxes and more expensive goods from the defendant to pay for the cost of attorneys.
Despite the win, don’t be surprised if the cost of your next steak at Benihana goes up. And thank Jacqueline Colaitis and her lawyer, Andre L. Ferenzo. Paying lawyers to defend a case in a 16-day trial–like this one–isn’t cheap.

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February 9, 2006, - 5:41 pm

Frankie the Fig, the ICE Princess & Mr. Burns: Why Are Immigration & DHS Chiefs Aiding Sex Criminal?

Why are new Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) chieftess –and Homeland Security sachem –keeping a sex criminal on the job when he knowingly, repeatedly lied on government documents and applications? Not a good start, barely a month into her “administration.”

Federal Agents Continue to be Embarrassed by their Inept ICE Princess Boss

(Artwork by our friend/Photoshop Master, David Lunde)

These days, if you are a sex criminal, and want to escape a fugitive squad and dreary life, we have an exciting, glamorous career for you: ICE Agent. (To be clear, we know a lot of ICE Agents, and they are mostly patriotic, dedicated, good people. But the exceptions are glaring, and cast an undeserved pall on others because they get to keep their jobs, despite their very unbecoming conduct. Ditto for their “leadership” in many cases.)
Our favorite Special Agent in Charge, , loves to brag to the press when he arrests sex tourists and those bringing in child pornography.
But when those on , there’s another name for them: currently-employed Special Agent. As we’ve noted, he has in his employ an agent who solicited a prostitute while drunk-driving in his government-owned vehicle. Then there’s another guy, who allegedly molested children. Neither will be pulled off the job.
And then, there’s Frank Figueroa a/k/a “Frankie the Fig,” the man whom Julie Myers refuses to fire. He is ICE’s own Pee Wee Herman. So, why is she protecting him?
As , the then-ICE Special Agent in Charge of Tampa was arrested for fondling himself in front of a teen-age girl at an Orlando mall. (Today’s Tampa Tribune interview with her is here is here.) He went there in his government-owned vehicle, after excusing himself from a meeting which he and his boss, ICE Director of Investigations Marcy Forman-Friedman a/k/a “Peppermint Patty,” attended.
After we wrote about this, we got tons of e-mail from current and retired ICE and Customs agents, saying Frankie the Fig had several similar arrests in his past. Virtually all the sources told us that they had reported these to Customs and its successor agency, ICE. The Tampa Trib’s acute reporter and editor, Howard Altman, has reported on this. (If you are one of those who contacted us with details of previous such Fig incidents, please do so again, or if you have yet to contact us, please do so here. We will protect your identity.)
Yet, every step of the way, Frankie the Fig was promoted by ICE officials who must have known better–and therefore, should be fired . . . ICE officials who made this sex criminal the national chief of its sex crime “Predator” program. (If they did not know of his “record,” that says even more about Customs’ and ICE’s inability to competently investigate even its own agents–not a good sign for its law enforcement investigative abilities when non-ICE criminals–like terrorists–are involved).
The confirmation (by the Tampa Trib) of a previous arrest of Fig for a sex crime in the Buffalo area tells us that Fig may have committed more than the sex crime(s). He may also have lied on Federal job applications and applications for renewal of security clearance, all of which ask about previous arrests. Presumably, Fig deliberately did NOT mention those on his applications (and inept Customs and ICE background checks either discovered the arrest(s) and did nothing about them; or didn’t even find them–bad, either way). If true, that is a crime for which Fig should be terminated immediately. Lying on a federal job application is a felony, for which TSA screener, , was recently convicted and sentenced to prison.
And yet, Julie Myers has NOT even terminated Frank Figueroa. Why? Sources say that Myers and her ICE cronies want to protect Figueroa’s pension of about $100,000 per year and full medical coverage. If he manages to stay on the job by July, when he turns 50 and has put in at least 20 years on the job, Fig is fully vested in his pension and cannot lose it but for a conviction for “high treason.”
We’d post a photo of Frank the Fig, but we can’t. Ms. Myers’ friends at ICE public relations have removed Fig’s pic from their websites (even though they refuse to remove Fig from the ICE payroll. Hello? . . .). And the Tampa Tribune reports that Figueroa signed some sort of paperwork that prevents his mug shot from being released to the public.
So, instead, we’ve posted an appropriate picture of the person who is allowing this lying sex criminal to continue to collect his pay and then get a generous pension most innocent, hard-working people never get. Her name is Julie Myers. And by keeping this man–who apparently lied on federal security clearance and other federal forms–on the job, she is an accessory to the crime. The same goes for Myers’ boss and fellow accessory, Chertoff a/k/a “Mr. Burns.”
Frankly, it’s time for both components of this Fig Newton sandwich, Figueroa and Myers, to go. Mr. Burns, too.

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February 9, 2006, - 4:40 pm

Not Really Political, But I Couldn’t Resist . . .

I know it’s not really political, but I just couldn’t resist. This model in an online Sprint ad is my good friend Chris Kennedy.

Sprint Ad Featuring My Friend Chris Kennedy

An actor and model, Chris is one of those life-long friends who has always supported my efforts. He’s been on “Friends,” and a number of other prominent shows. A distant relative of the Kennedys, Chris played on the 1994 Rose Bowl Champion University of Wisconsin Badger football team, when I was in grad school in Madison. And the best part: Chris is a conservative. (Hope I didn’t just ruin his Hollywood career with that.) He always showed up at my “Politically Incorrect” tapings in L.A. and cheered me on against Bill Maher and the other liberals ganging up on me on the show.
Given that, we’ll forgive the pic of JFK, Jr. Chris keeps in his room. To everyone in Tinseltown who’s reading this, we’d like to see more Chris Kennedy and less of the flaming liberals that dominate Hollywood and its big and small screen output.

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February 9, 2006, - 3:48 pm

New Horror Flick: Son of Carter

You’ve heard of “Son of Sam,” “Bride of Frankenstein,” and “Bride of Chuckie“?
Now meet “Son of Carter” (or is that, “Son of Jimmuh”?).
Yes, it’s the latest horror movie sequel, happening in a Nevada near you. It’s filled with the comedy of disastrous double digit inflation, the drama of hostages in Iran, the thriller of having a “kick me” sign around the world, the hilarity of high taxes, the excitement of long lines at the pump. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry . . . . Well, that was the original. Here’s our summary (who needs a sequel?).

“Son of Jimmy”?: Late Good Ole Boy “Bro of Jimmy”

Was Far More Entertaining

And we hear the sequel is similar. The son of the Peanut Farmer Prez a/k/a “The Man From P.L.A.I.N.S.”, Jack Carter, is running for the U.S. Senate from Nevada. He looks WAY too much like the original. Plus, there’s none of the fun of the late Billy Carter, his beer, and the Libyan payoff from Muammar Khaddafi.
Of note, Jimmuh Jr. is going on a “listening tour” of Nevada. We know of only two listening tours by politicos in recent years–Hillary Clinton in New York and Bush aide . Both were repellent.
As we’ve said often on this site, we frown on remakes and sequels. Is there really anyone that wants to return to the “Malaise Days” of the man who “liberated” Iran of the Shah and made “Peace” in the Middle East?

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February 9, 2006, - 1:46 pm

Bad News in Lebanon: “Democracy” Brings Scary Hezbollah Alliance

Yet more evidence that “Democratic” elections are no panacea to Islamic extremism and terror–but are, instead, a source of legitimization and strength for Islamic extremists and terrorists:

Lebanese Love Gaze: Hezbollah Leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah
& Maronite Political Prostitute Michel Aoun

Tuesday, Lebanese Maronite Christian leader and former General Michel Aoun made an “alliance” with Hezbollah leader Shiekh Hassan Nasrallah. In case you forgot, Hezbollah has killed the second most Americans and civilians of any terrorist group (Beirut barracks bombing, Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center Bombing, Col. Higgins torture murder, torture murder, CIA Attache Buckley torture murder, etc., etc., etc.).
But Aoun, a Member of Parliament, doesn’t care. He is seeking to become Prime Minister of Lebanon, despite the far more massive popularity of his Maronite Christian rival (pronounced “Xha Xha” as in Zsa Zsa Gabor). His alliance with this terrorist group is perhaps the only thing that could stop Geagea.
We only wish Geagea were running things in Lebanon, now, and Lebanon would be in much better shape. Instead, until last summer, Geagea was serving a life sentence on trumped up charges. He was given several chances to leave jail in exchange for supporting Syrian-backed parties, like Hezbollah, but refused. He is not only an honorable and decent man, but also charismatic. His wife is a Member of the Lebanese Parliament.
Despite the foreseeable HAMAS win in the “Democratic” Palestinian Authority elections, the State Department did nothing to stop it. We see the same thing happening in Lebanon, where Hezbollah is now very popular, by virtue of terrorist thuggery and extremist Shia dominance.
Despite Monday’s frightening alliance, we haven’t heard a damn thing from , who is supposed to be our Secretary of State. She’s too busy (despite their picking HAMAS), condemning anti-Mohammed cartoons (but not anti-Semitic and -Christian ones in Muslim/Arab press), and shoe shopping at Ferragamo.
She might want to take a look at their disturbing joint “Memorandum of Understanding” which sounds like a declaration of war on Israel and even us. So glad she’s “tending” to this potential gazillionth instability in the Muslim Mid-East.
We especially love the part where they refuse to settle the Palestinians who fled there decades ago, and whom they continue to treat as vermin. To wit:

[T]he rejection of the settling of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon is an issue that has the consensus of the Lebanese people and cannot be conceded under any circumstance.

Yup. Like all other Arab and Muslim countries, they hate the Palestinians, but expect the Jews and Israel to love them. Whatever.

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February 9, 2006, - 7:17 am

Hustler-Obsessed, Masturbating Murderers: Tommy Lee Jones Defames Border Patrol

It’s bad enough that illegal immigrants in Mexican Army uniforms are attacking Border Patrol Agents. But now, Al Gore’s Harvard roommate is doing it, too.
Actor Tommy Lee Jones, who has been Gore’s friend since Harvard, directed and stars in “The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.” This movie is an outrage.
Not only does the film portray illegal aliens as nice, innocent, abused people; but Border Patrol Agents are portrayed as evil, cold-blooded murderers of illegal aliens who do nothing else but masturbate to Hustler Magazine.

Tommy Lee Jones & Barry Pepper Defame Border Patrol

in “Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada”

“Three Burials” began in limited release around the country, beginning last Friday. It is shown mostly in arthouse movie theaters.
But the damage is big. And the view of Americans is warped.
Jones plays ranch hand Pete Perkins, whose employee and friend, Melquiades Estrada, is a kind, gentle illegal alien from Mexico. He’s only here to get some work and make money for his family, whom he hasn’t seen in years. Estrada is so nice he even gifts his horse to Perkins and tells him he wants to be buried back in Mexico.
When we first see Estrada, he is a dead body being eaten by Coyotes. Border Patrol Agents and a local sheriff, played by Dwight Yoakam, don’t give a damn about him. Because he’s illegal, they don’t treat him like a human being. In real life, authorities in border towns know it’s the exact opposite.
Then we meet Border Patrol Agent Mike Norton. He’s a thug (and he works for the INS–someone forgot to send Tommy Lee Jones the memo: there is no longer an INS and hasn’t been since 2003). We get to see multiple scenes of him having sex in his Border Patrol uniform–both with his wife . . . and with himself while on the job.
Hustler publisher Larry Flynt must have paid big bucks to Jones for product placement in “Three Burials”. His sleazy magazine has a starring role. We see Agent Norton with Hustler more than we see him with his wife, and that’s by design.
Agent Norton is shown on a secluded area of the border desert, in his Border Patrol uniform, masturbating to Hustler instead of watching for illegals. Melquiades Estrada commits the crime of disturbing Agent Norton’s pleasure session. Norton sees Estrada from a distance tending to his horse and kills him in cold blood.
I’m sure Tommy Lee Jones didn’t really mean to portray the Border Patrol this way. It was just an accident.
Perkins eventually learns that Border Patrol Agent Norton murdered his illegal Mexican friend. He kidnaps Agent Norton, beats and tortures him, and forces him to unbury Estrada and travel with Perkins to Mexico to bury Estrada there.

Tommy Lee Jones Bloodies Border Patrol Agent,

Forces Him to Carry Rotting Dead Body

The trip to Mexico is almost the entire second half of the movie. And it, too, is filled with Jones’ “unique” moving-picture commentary on the Border Patrol. In one scene, a posse of Border Patrol Agents approach a house on the Mexican side of the border, where the kidnapper, the kidnapped agent, and the freshly dug-up dead body have been. The homeowner is blind, but the Border Patrol search party is portrayed as the truly blind. They are buffoons who can’t find anything or anyone.
We see multiple scenes of Border Patrol vehicles and helicopters right above and near the very visible, obtrusive party of kidnapped agent, kidnapper, dead body, and three horses. But they still can’t find them.
And Jones doesn’t stop there. He goes after the Border Patrol Agents’ wives, too . . . and all Americans. They are all evil and whorish, but for Jones’ Pete Perkins. Agent Norton’s wife is a heavy-smoking, slutty, ditzy blonde. The other female lead is a skanky, married waitress who regularly cheats on her husband with the local police and Jones’ Perkins. Dwight Yoakam’s cop is an impotent, sex-obsessed, incompetent. (Remember that, if you are a country music fan and like his “work.”)
“Three Burials'” Mexicans, on the other hand, are portrayed as pure, kind, generous, innocent.
During the Mexican odyssey, the kidnapped Border Patrol Agent is bitten by a rattlesnake. A kindly Mexican guide leading illegal aliens to the U.S. border finds him and Perkins and offers to help them and take care of Norton’s wound. The kind woman who gives them food and treats the rattlesnake bit, just happens to be the very same woman whom the violent Agent Norton brutally beat while he was on Border Patrol duty back in Texas.
Nice contrast: Mexican illegal aliens–generous, kind, and humane; Border Patrol agents–brutal beaters and cold-blooded murderers of those aliens.
Perhaps it should be no surprise that the evil Border Patrol Agent is played by Canadian actor Barry Pepper. In “Enemy of the State,” he played an evil National Security Agency employee misusing government counter-terrorism surveillance measures to harass an innocent labor lawyer. And he will play one of the flag-raisers in ,” which portrays the heroic men who raised the flag at Iwo Jima as depressed, ridiculed men after they returned home to the U.S.
Negative portrayals of Border Patrol Agents, National Security Agents, and World War II heroes. Looks like Pepper has the Hollywood ethos down to a science.
This disgusting, anti-American movie is also known as “Les Trois Enterrements de Melchades Estrada” in France, where–surprise, surprise–it was a huge hit and won big at last year’s Cannes Film Festival, where it won “Best Screenplay” and Jones won “Best Actor“. Also not surprising, mainstream film critics all over America, including Roger Ebert, just loved “Three Burials.”
The only consolation is that this celluloid screed–which was considered an Oscar contender–didn’t get any Academy Awards nominations.
Thank Heaven for small miracles. To paraphrase one of my readers, I look forward to the “Three Burials of Liberal Hollywood Producers.”

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February 8, 2006, - 12:31 pm

Princeton Hates America

On this site, we frown on sequels and remakes. But occasionally, there is an exception and a need for one.
A long time ago, John LeBoutillier (a former U.S. Congressman), wrote the book, “Harvard Hates America.” It’s time for the sequel, “Princeton Hates America.”

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had a disturbing, front-page piece about the Charles and Marie Robertson Family and their gift of millions to Princeton University’s Woodrow Willson School of Government. The Ivy League school has been misusing the money and flagrantly flouting the conditions of the gift. Apparently, this is all too common (all you gazillionaires wishing to donate money, keep that in mind).
While that’s bad, that’s hardly the disturbing part. This is: the Journal reports that in a 1972 memo written to Princeton’s President, about the Robertson Family gift, then-Dean and Princeton Professor, John Lewis, says

What bothers me [about the terms of the Robertson family gift is] the unspoken premise that, with respect to any American institution dealing in public affairs, the highest per-se loyalty must be to the U.S. government. . . . The university should resist [this].

The Journal reports that Lewis says he feels the same way, today. It’s hardly news that this is exactly the attitude of most academics “teaching” your children at college and university campuses today. But it’s always sad to read it in print.
We’re not advocating 100% trust in the American government, some of which we’ve been quite critical. But this man, Lewis, seems to be advocating the exact opposite: 100% opposition. Despite what Islamist fashion magazines and academic ivory tower handbooks might say, hating America first is never an attractive accessory.

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February 8, 2006, - 11:53 am

NBC’s Saudi Concubine to Become New “Today” Host?

Showbiz insider website TMZ.com reports that if NBC “Today” hostess leaves the show, Campbell Brown is the leading candidate to become new host of the “Today Show.”
If that’s the case, it’s cause for concern. As we , just as , Brown “dated” (euphemism?) slimy Saudi spokesman and Islamist apologist Adel Al-Jubeir. Reportedly, she even jaunted to Saudi Arabia with him. And, like Jennings, her “dating” situation clouded her reporting.

NBC’s Saudi Concubine?:
Likely “Today” Host Campbell Brown “Dated” Saudi Flack Adel Al-Jubeir

At the time, she was an NBC White House correspondent and covered then-Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah’s trip to the Bush Ranch in Crawford, Texas. Not a peep out of her regarding the Saudi’s request that women be kept off the tarmac and out of the air traffic control tower at the Waco, Texas airport. Instead it was all glowing coverage from brown-nosing Brown. Wouldn’t want to disappoint that fat-walleted Saudi boyfriend, now would she?
If NBC News officials had any interest in real journalism, they would have noted this glaring conflict of interest and pulled her off the Saudi visit coverage, but no way, Jose. Who needs concubines and harems, when you’ve got NBC doing the job.

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