February 15, 2006, - 12:38 pm

Pamela Anderson vs. Kentucky, Part Deux: Something In Common w/ Rioting Muslims

Was the silicone injected into her chest or her brain? We’re not sure.
But blonde ditz, “Baywatch” skank, and PUTA (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) activist, Pamela Anderson, is attacking the State of Kentucky . . . again.
Reports the Louisville Courier-Journal, Ms. Anderson said in a PUTA press release:

It makes me want to avoid Kentucky altogether, which is sad because there are so many great people there.
I don’t want to support cruelty to animals, whether it’s forcing horses to race for our amusement or scalding chickens alive for our plate.

As we noted, first, it was Kentucky Fried Chicken and Colonel Sanders. Now, it’s the Kentucky Derby. She thinks it’s cruel to animals, plus she’s mad that KFC is a sponsor.

Kentucky Ditzy

Strange, these things didn’t seem to bother Pammy the other years she’s attended the Derby (2001 and 2003) with her then-boyfriend, the fur-coat and leather wearing Kid Rock a/k/a Bob Ritchie.
Nor, as we previously noted, does her friends at PUTA’s financial contributions to terrorist groups Environmental Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal Liberation Front (ALF), who’ve burned down buildings and ruined life-saving experiments on animals. (Doesn’t she have Hepatitis C? Were her medications ever tested on animals? We’d bet they were.)
We note that the hypocritical Ms. Anderson’s desired effect on KFC and the State of Kentucky didn’t have the desired effect on those parties, the first time. We predict the same, this time.

Infidelatrix Pamela Anderson, Rioting Muslims: Both Hate KFC

(Photos from AP/K.M. Chaudhry, Reuters/Mian Khursheed)

We’d suggest Ms. Anderson contact extremist Muslims around the world, who share her hatred for KFC and who’ve had better success in hurting the fried chicken purveyor (it’s a frequent target of Islamic bombings and attacks–here, here, here, here, and here). Maybe, the peroxided infidelette can make up something about how the Derby’s horses drew cartoons of Mohammed.
Not sure that’d fly, though, since as we’ve noted a lot of the horses’ owners, in Kentucky Derbies past, have been Saudis, Dubaians, and other princes from the United Arab Emirates, who had ties to Al-Qaeda.

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February 15, 2006, - 10:26 am

Laser Pointers from the Muslim Mid-WEST, Illegal Immigration & Abu Moskowitz

Detroit media is abuzz with reports about 16(!) pilots at Detroit Metro Airport being targeted with blinding laser pointers.
Some say that the purpose of the lasers is not just about distracting pilots, but measuring distances from the ground to planes, in order to judge possible strike range for surface-to-air missiles.
And guess where the laser pointers’ strobes are coming from?
Surprise, surprise–law enforcement investigators have pinpointed the lasers to Dearborn and Dearborn Heights, Michigan–both comprising the HEART of Islamic America. We like to call it by a more appropriate appellation: “Little Ramallah.”
In fact, Dearborn Heights is the location of the . The mosque, the Islamic Center of America is headed by Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, whom I’ve openly said was an agent of the Government of Iran. In his monthly Detroit News column, Elahi is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s most prominent U.S. ally.
Another location from which the laser pointers emanated, Michigan Avenue and Telegraph Road, is in the heart of Dearborn’s most extremist Muslim population. A gas station not far from there was raided not long after 9/11 for funding the Holy Land Foundation–shut down by President Bush for funding HAMAS (HLF also had strong ties to Al-Qaeda).
It’s yet another example how lax illegal immigration enforcement and investigation of Muslims can jeopardize the safety of Americans on our shores. In this case that lax law enforcement and investigation is under the purvue of , a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz”, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan and Ohio. He is the top federal immigration law enforcer for both states.
By virtue of his position, he gets to decide which immigration malfeasance will be investigated . . . and which will NOT. Unfortunately, he is very tight with a “former” Islamic terrorist and other strong supporters of Islamic terrorism. And that has seeped into–no, drowned–his investigative “choices.”

Abu Moskowitz’s Laser Pointed Illegal Immigration “Investigations”:

ICE Supermodel Hard @ Work While Muslim Illegal Aliens Run the Asylum

We saw Moskowitz on Detroit’s ABC affiliate evening newscast (see the video here), yesterday. He bragged about indictments of several parties running a smuggling operation from Canada. We watched him speak at the televised press conference, but had to laugh.
We’re told he had no choice but to pursue the investigation (which involved mostly Asians and a scant few Muslims) because Khalaf Al-Bechary, a man involved in the ring, was caught by Customs and Border Patrol agents over a year ago, and the case was thrown in his lap. (And a lot of the work on this investigation was done by Canadian authorities, who we’re glad to see–for once–is actually doing something on this issue. According to the Detroit Free Press, they monitored more than 2,000 phone calls, made a lot of the arrests on their side of the border, and found a number of the illegal aliens hidden in trunks.)
On the other hand, we’ve heard from several of Abu Moskowitz’s agents, who tell us they’ve brought to his and his top lieutenants’ attention Arab Muslim smuggling rings and restaurants in the same Dearborn and Dearborn Heights areas (from which the laser pointers emanated), which routinely employ illegal alien Muslims and launder funds from their all-cash businesses, sending the money “back home.” Mr. Moskowitz and his top underlings have repeatedly said they are “not interested” in pursuing those cases. (But we note that Moskowitz and his agents did a yeoman’s work confiscating dangerous T-shirts and hats for their NFL buds.)
That tells us a lot more about our government’s–and Abu Moskowitz’s–intentions to pursue illegal aliens in our midst, than one flashy press conference and indictment. It also tells us that there are a lot of people–who might be pointing the laser pointers at the pilots–who aren’t supposed to be here and aren’t being investigated.
Also of note, while authorities say this latest smuggling ring helped about 100 illegals enter our country, they also admit that in addition to these individuals, they’ve only caught 78 illegal immigrants since December 2004, most of them Chinese. We know from Moskowitz’s agents that his laser-pointed focus is on Chinese–in the heart of Islamic America. Also, it’s pathetic that only about 178 illegals, mostly Chinese, have been caught in over a year. That comes to a pathetic, puny average of 13.7 illegals per month at a major border area.
We also note that, while Moskowitz and U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III were declaring at the press conference that these illegals could have been terrorists (but weren’t), that both Moskowitz and Murphy were in , where they gushed over an Islamic cleric who openly praised terrorists, and they joked with him about why Hezbollah is on the State Department terrorist list. Ha-ha, funny. Strange that they didn’t invite the news cameras and reporters to that event to cover those “performances.”
We also note that Murphy, the chief U.S. Justice Department official in the heart of Islamic America, sought a very light sentence for , a member of the mosque who is a member of Hezbollah and committed fraud and money laundering to send the money “back home”. Explosive material was found on the man’s and his young son’s passports. Where was Abu Moskowitz’s investigation into where the money was going (which is under his purview at ICE)? Where was Murphy’s press conference on that? (No charges on the explosives or even money laundering were ever filed–and won’t be.)
At yesterday’s press conference, U.S. Attorney Murphy et al claimed that they know the whereabouts of all 100 illegal aliens smuggled in by yesterday’s foiled ring and that they are watching each one to deport them later. Agents tell us this is BS, that the government simply does not have the manpower or the moral commitment to watch each of them.
That brings us back to the laser pointers. When you have a giant, radicalized, concentrated Muslim population located in one single armpit of America, and yet authorities not only kowtow to it, but put investigations into that community off limits to law enforcement; when you have an infinite number of illegal aliens of the same religion and from the same region as all 19 of the 9/11 hijackers, yet you allow them to continue to enter America unchecked; it certainly should be no surprise that people in that concentrated area are dangerous people who want to endanger American pilots and passengers on planes.
No phony press conferences, no amount of spin will change that reality. As President Bush might say, “Murphy, Moskowitz, you’re doing a great job.” Mike Brown, anyone?
****UPDATE: There are now of laser pointers aimed at pilots in the Detroit area in one night! .

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February 14, 2006, - 5:39 pm

Happy Valentine’s Day: New Ken Doll is a Girlie-Man

In our latest Men–the New Women–Alert, check out the new Ken doll, released just in time for Valentine’s Day. He comes complete with a rhinestone-studded purse, er . . . man-bag.
On Valentine’s Day 2004, Mattel–desperate to stop rapidly declining sales of Barbie dolls–invented a silly story in which Barbie breaks up with Ken (full name: Ken Carson, for trivia buffs). Since that didn’t work (Barbie sales are still declining), Mattel, today, reunited Barbie with a “new” Ken. Unfortunately, the new Ken is more Barbie than Ken.

Brokeback Ken

New Ken got a “makeover” and hired gay celebrity stylist to female starlets to dress him. Sadly, in addition to the purse, he’s got poufy girlie-man hair. But it gets worse. Here’s what Mattel says makes new Ken attractive to Barbie: He dabbles in Buddhism, traveled the world in search of himself, learned to cook for Barbie while she pursues her career (Mr. Mom, anyone?), and loves listening to feminine Norah Jones songs.
Just remember, while it may only be a plastic doll, this is what Mattel is teaching your daughters to look for in a “man.” We predict a further decline in Barbie sales. Girls will be girls, and they want real men, ie. the masculine kind.

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February 14, 2006, - 4:16 pm

Homeland Security for Sex Criminals: ICE/Customs Knew of Agent Fig’s Arrest, Promoted Him

Federal officials knew all along about a top law enforcement official’s arrest on a sex crime against the underaged and, yet, promoted him every step of the way–even to the leadership of a federal law enforcement agency’s child sex crime enforcement program. Worse, Homeland Security officials may have LIED about it to a U.S. Senator investigating the episode.
It’s the story that keeps on giving: the bizarre story of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agent 007, a/k/a “Frankie the Fig.”
We recently about how ICE Princess , Assistant Homeland Security Secretary who oversees enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws, could continue to employ Fig, the ICE agent who exposed and fondled himself to a teenage girl in a shopping mall.

ICE Special Agent Frank Figueroa a/k/a “Frankie the Fig”

Today’s Tampa Tribune details the events surrounding Figueroa’s crime at an Orlando mall while he was ICE Special Agent in Charge in Tampa. His attempted escape and apprehension sounds like an episode of “24” . . . except the apprehended sex criminal isn’t a terrorist, he’s the one who was supposed to be stopping the terrorists.
Fig was recently head of ICE’s national sex crime “Predator” program. All along, ICE and Homeland Security officials have been claiming they never knew about Figueroa’s 1977 arrest on a similar charge near Buffalo.
But, yesterday, reliable sources in the know told us that, in fact, ICE and then-Customs knew all along about Frank Figueroa’s prior sex crime arrest. They say that Figueroa declared the arrest on various federal forms and applications required from federal agents for background checks and security clearance renewal. They say ICE and then-Customs officials knew all along of Frank Figueroa’s record, but promoted him anyway, including to the national directorship of “Operation Predator” and Special Agent in Charge in Tampa. (This helps educate us as to why remains on the job despite, among many other egregious episodes, his deep relationship with a who openly supports homicide bombers.)
Lucy–or is that Julie (Myers) or , ICE Director of Investigations)?–someone has some ‘splaining to do.
According to Tampa Trib editor and reporter Howard Altman, in a letter to Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa)–who is investigating Fig and how he got clearance to investigate sex crimes–Pamela J. Turner, Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, wrote that because of Figueroa’s earlier arrest, “ICE has initiated a review of all background investigations of employees who work on Operation Predator.” Further, ICE spokeswoman Jamie Zuieback told Altman that “ICE has put measures in place to ensure that employees working on child exploitation cases are suitable for this highly specialized and sensitive assignment and is reviewing the background investigations of all those assigned to child exploitation cases.”
This tap-dancing by ICE and DHS officials implies to Grassley–AND the American public–that ICE and DHS never knew of Figueroa’s past arrest. But, in fact, they did. Again, despite this, they promoted him anyway!

(Julie Myers’ Family Values Courtesy of Photoshop Master, David A. Lunde)

Will new–and newly renominated–cronyism beneficiary, Julie Myers, stop the nonsense and discipline those who willingly overlooked Frank Figueroa’s arrest on a very serious crime? Will she come clean to Senator Grassley about the improper protectzia forwarded Fig’s way? Will she end the evasive answers to a U.S. Senator and the public, which is emanating from her press people and Homeland Security’s legislative people? Will she investigate and discipline those responsible for knowingly promoting a possible sex criminal and stop protecting his pension?
Don’t count on it. We’re beginning to thank they should change the name to Department of Family Security. DHS seems to be only about protecting the organized family of cronies, not the American family.

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February 14, 2006, - 11:51 am

Supersized Hypocrisy: Muslims Silent on Morgan Spurlock’s Mohammed Cartoons

Why aren’t Muslims rioting–or at least, denouncing–lefty showbiz figure Morgan Spurlock and the F/X Network?
As you’ll recall, this past summer, I wrote in the Wall Street Journal about my experience with “filmmaker” Morgan Spurlock (of anti-McDonald’s “Super Size Me” fame). Spurlock produced and appeared on a show, “30 Days” on the F/X Network, a poor take-off on the crappy show, “Wife Swap.”
Spurlock’s people tried to enlist me for one episode of this agenda-laden show, in which he commanded his airhead childhood buddy, David Stacy, to live for 30 days as a Muslim–with Detroit-area Muslims hand-picked by HAMAS front-group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was closely consulted by Spurlock in producing the show.

Hypocrisy: Muslims Won’t Boycott–Or Even Whimper–

About Mohammed Cartooners Morgan Spurlock, F/X Network

As I’m reminded by Mike, research director of Anti-CAIR, that episode of “30 Days” (click on “episode guide” at bottom of page, then “Muslims in America”) featured 2-3 cartoons of Mohammed. In the episode, which was first broadcast in July, Mohammed is even disrespectfully referred to as “Big Mo'”.
The episode also featured a lot of BS, like how Muslims are so oppressed by the rest of us Americans, since 9/11. Much of this was uttered by Michigan CAIR board member Haaris Ahmad (it’s former executive director), who called my Detroit radio show to defend Islamic Jihad terrorist founder and chief, Sami Al-Arian, and his bus-bombings of innocent people as “free speech.”
So maybe that’s why you don’t–and won’t–see Muslims condemning, rioting, or even touching a hair on the head of Spurlock, F/X, or Oprah (who heavily promoted the show on her daytime talk show). Don’t hold your breath for Muslims to be waiting with signs and burning posters of “Supersize Me” outside Comedy Central (where Spurlock will soon have a new “Politically Correct” style show), either. (Don’t look for CAIR’s Haaris Ahmad to condemn himself for appearing on and helping to make a show that features Mohammed and “Big Mo'” cartoons.)

Hypocrites: Mohammed Cartoon Purveyor Morgan Spurlock

Gets Award From Muslim Group MPAC

Nope. Muslims not only didn’t condemn Spurlock for the use of “Big Mo'” Mohammed cartoons, THEY HONORED HIM! In fact, Morgan Spurlock was honored, hailed, high-fived, and even given awards by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), CAIR of Los Angeles (more on this here), and CAIR of Michigan at their annual dinners. MPAC and CAIR, by the way, are the same groups condemning the Danish Mohammed cartoons.
How do you spell hypocrisy? M-P-A-C, C-A-I-R, and even, frequently, I-S-L-A-M.

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February 13, 2006, - 1:55 pm

Olympic Update: 2 Faces We Shouldn’t Have Seen, But Did

You’ve already read : A lot of hype; A lot of unworthiness. Don’t watch.
But if you are watching, you’ve already seen two faces that shouldn’t be there: Susan Sarandon and Tanith Belbin.
Susan Sarandon is an actress, not an Olympic athlete. So, what was she doing marching at Friday’s opening ceremony?
And why was Sarandon chosen among eight female international “human rights activists” to represent women from around the world at the opening of the Games? The only “activism” Sarandon has engaged in of late is attacking President Bush, the War on Terror, and the War in Iraq. Clearly, the International Olympic Committee was sending a message with the choice of Sarandon. Or a slap in the face. Or both.
Then, there is Tanith Belbin.

Susan Sarandon & Tanith Belbin:

Anti-War Activist, Privileged Foreign Alien

Are Olympics’ Model American Women

As we’ve been saying on this site, for months, we resent the fact that far-left U.S. Senator Carl Levin of Michigan has been using private bills and amendments as his own personal instant immigration playground. In the ’90s, he pressured the U.S. government to make his friend, “former” Islamic terrorist , a citizen (instead of deporting him), and now he’s to make Islamic terrorist and , an instant citizen, despite the fact that Parlak trained in terror training camps in Lebanon.
As we also noted, thrown in the batch for good measure along with Parlak, Levin introduced several bills and amendments attempting to get instant citizenship for Tanith Belbin, a Canadian who is now skating for the U.S. Because, after all, there is such a shortage of competitive female figure skaters in the U.S. Right? We’ve been critical of this for some time, and we’re glad FOX News finally picked up on the story, taking our lead.
Belbin shouldn’t be in the Olympics representing our country. She got special treatment, despite the fact that there are plenty of hard-working American ice skaters who were born here, who don’t get special treatment. Also, there are often cases where talented would-be Olympians from Cuba–not Canada–who’ve defected here, don’t get the Levin treatment. One of those cases was my friend, Rio Ramirez, an Olympic class diver. Because he did not get instant citizenship, he never got to compete in the Olympics, and is now diving in Vegas at Cirque du Soleil.
Susan Sarandon and Tanith Belbin . . . two women who don’t belong in Torino.

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February 13, 2006, - 1:24 pm

“Curious George” Under Attack

We’re glad to see that this weekend’s box office release, “Curious George” did so well (coming in at #3 and over $15 million). Like so many other kids in America, we were read these books when I was little.
But now, from the “Lefties Have No Life” department, the poor monkey is under attack.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Robin Roth–an animal rights activist and left-wing wacko who operates Ark Online–believes “Curious George” books are bad (here is her complete diss of George). Why?

[T]he Caucasian, gun-carrying Man with the Yellow Hat ventures to Africa (imperialism alert!) to harvest wildlife for a zoo (animal repression alert!). George, left unsupervised, is allowed to smoke a pipe and huff ether (bad parenting alert!)

Huh? It’s a MONKEY. And a fictional tale for kids. Does everything need to be 100% politically correct in a kids book?
The authors of “Curious George,” by the way, Margret and H. A. Rey,
were Jewish Holocaust survivors from Germany, whose courageous lives are profiled in “The Journey That Saved Curious George: The True Wartime Escape of Margret and H.A. Rey“, by Louise Borden (reviewed here). They did not have the luxury of being politically correct ad absurdum.

We suggest Ms. Roth check and see whether there’s a market for lacto-ovo lesbian environmentally-friendly fairy tales for kids addicted to edamame, and start writing. And while she’s at it, she can use recycled paper, tofu extracts, and ink that was not tested on animals or taken from fruit tree extracts stolen from an African co-op farmer.
We, on the other hand, look forward to seeing yet more yellow ink that both populates the illustrated pages of “Curious George” and pollutes Ms. Roth’s joyless, lefty environment.

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February 13, 2006, - 12:26 pm

BREAKING ICE Princess Sequel: Bush Re-Nominates Inept Immigration Leader

She’s BA-A-A-A-A-A-CK.
In a strange development Friday, the White House announced its re-nomination of the incompetent to the position of Assistant Secretary for Immigration & Customs Enforcement.

Scary Julie Myers News: When a Stranger Gets Re-Nominated

During the 2005 holiday recess, President Bush–as –gave a to unqualified, inept 36-year-old Myers to the position of Assistant Secretary for Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE). We figure this latest Myers nomination (couched among others who got recess appointments) is a tactic to get her–now that she is comfortably in the job–a confirmation for the position for the entire remainder of the Bush administration. We hope the Senate has some guts and just says no to Julie Myers.
As we noted, Myers–niece of General Richard Myers and wife of Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff’s Chief of Staff–would never have been confirmed by the Senate. There were several holds placed on her nomination, and even had those holds been lifted, she likely would have been voted down.
Ms. Myers, the ICE Princess, has absolutely no law enforcement experience, little management experience (certainly not the 5 years required), and has never held a job more than about 11 months. Hardly the ideal track record for the person enforcing immigration laws in a country bleeding illegal aliens inward.

ICE Princess, The Sequel:

Bush White House Toy Factory Re-Releases Incompetent Barbie

(Julie Myers artwork by our friend/Photoshop Master, David Lunde)

We hope the Senate will judge Ms. Myers’ performance based on her first month on the job. So far, Myers directly at a worksite near Galveston, Texas to freedom in the great American abyss . . . without letting agents even check the veracity of the illegals’ IDs and run them through computer checks. Then, she continued on her phony tour of Southern border areas, claiming she was going to get tough on illegals. Ri-i-i-i-i-i-ght.
For her entire first month, a repeat sex offender –at full pay and benefits of at least $140,000. Oh, and she’s in front of the cameras.
As far as we can tell, Ms. Myers might be building a portfolio for one of the modeling agencies. The internal ICE newsletter for agents features a regular barrage of photos and poses of Myers, but very little details of any actual work. Maybe one day soon, the Senate will remind Julie Myers that she is not Naomi Campbell or Heidi Klum, but the head of an agency that is supposed to be stopping illegal aliens from remaining in our country and ending money laundering by terrorists.
At least, in theory.

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February 10, 2006, - 5:31 pm

Schlussel Winter Olympic Reader

Those who’ve been following my work know I dislike the Olympics (especially the winter ones: figure-skating; is that REALLY a sport?). The Games are political, anti-American, not amateur (which was what they were supposed to be), and pro-Palestinian. To date, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) refuses to memorialize the Israeli athletes who gave their lives because of crummy IOC “security.”

There was only ONE Olympic Games I liked: (Do yourself a favor and rent the movie about that, instead of wasting time, tonight, watching the Palestinian Rafah Tunnel Luge Team march at the Opening Ceremony in their official clothing sponsors, Kassem Rockets and Ahmed’s Disintegrating Belts. Ditto for the Iranian Olympic Holocaust Cartoon Ice Sculpture Team.)
To catch up on what I think about the phony, bloody Olympics, here’s my three part series, “What’s So Great About the Bloody Olympics” from 2002:
* Part I;
* Part II; and
* Part III.
Now, consider this: The Olympic Games, beginning tonight, take place in Torino, Italy, which has a Muslim population of at least 10,000 (Italy’s largest Islamic population), which–like everywhere else–is dominated by extremists.
According to USA Today hockey writer, Kevin Allen, Torino’s former chief Islamic cleric, Imam Bouchta Bouriqi, was expelled. He was deported to Morocco for aligning himself with terrorists. And by the way, he managed the Halal (Islamic dietary law) market.
We expect that he left a lot of equally terrorist-aligned congregants and followers who remain in Torino. Don’t worry, though. Our taxpayer dollars are paying for a great deal of FBI and DHS agents to provide security at the Olympics, even though it is 1) not on our soil; and 2) not a government event, but one owned and run by the multi-billion dollar IOC, which can afford its OWN security.
(Full Disclosure: During the 1996 Olympics, I represented Olympic Silver Medalist Diver, Scott Donie, of the U.S. Olympic Team and went to the Summer Games in Atlanta. Believe me, the Olympics are WAY over-hyped.)

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February 10, 2006, - 5:24 pm

No Comment Necessary: Brokeback Mountain “Costumes” Up For Auction

Got a press release, today, featuring these excerpts about a charity auction of “selected movie garb”. The only comment necessary is that we hope there are no Monica Lewinsky-style Gap blue dress stains . . . .

Collectors of movie memorabilia now have the opportunity, starting today, to own two of the shirts so memorably worn by the Academy Award-nominated stars of this year’s biggest hit Best Picture Academy Award nominee, “.”
These are the men’s shirts, originally selected by BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN costume designer Marit Allen and director Ang Lee, that have become iconic pieces of film history in the most Academy Award-nominated film of the year. The 2 (two) shirts are worn early in the film by Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal), in the portion of the story set in 1963, and then are seen again as the epic love story nears closure many years later. Everyone who has watched this movie — the biggest hit among this year’s Best Picture Oscar nominees — knows the emotional significance and impact of these shirts in this unforgettable film. “Brokeback Mountain” is nominated for 8 Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director.

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