Detroit media is abuzz with reports about 16(!) pilots at Detroit Metro Airport being targeted with blinding laser pointers.
Some say that the purpose of the lasers is not just about distracting pilots, but measuring distances from the ground to planes, in order to judge possible strike range for surface-to-air missiles.
And guess where the laser pointers’ strobes are coming from?
Surprise, surprise–law enforcement investigators have pinpointed the lasers to Dearborn and Dearborn Heights, Michigan–both comprising the HEART of Islamic America. We like to call it by a more appropriate appellation: “Little Ramallah.”
In fact, Dearborn Heights is the location of the . The mosque, the Islamic Center of America is headed by Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, whom I’ve openly said was an agent of the Government of Iran. In his monthly Detroit News column, Elahi is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s most prominent U.S. ally.
Another location from which the laser pointers emanated, Michigan Avenue and Telegraph Road, is in the heart of Dearborn’s most extremist Muslim population. A gas station not far from there was raided not long after 9/11 for funding the Holy Land Foundation–shut down by President Bush for funding HAMAS (HLF also had strong ties to Al-Qaeda).
It’s yet another example how lax illegal immigration enforcement and investigation of Muslims can jeopardize the safety of Americans on our shores. In this case that lax law enforcement and investigation is under the purvue of , a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz”, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan and Ohio. He is the top federal immigration law enforcer for both states.
By virtue of his position, he gets to decide which immigration malfeasance will be investigated . . . and which will NOT. Unfortunately, he is very tight with a “former” Islamic terrorist and other strong supporters of Islamic terrorism. And that has seeped into–no, drowned–his investigative “choices.”
Abu Moskowitz’s Laser Pointed Illegal Immigration “Investigations”:
ICE Supermodel Hard @ Work While Muslim Illegal Aliens Run the Asylum
We saw Moskowitz on Detroit’s ABC affiliate evening newscast (
see the video here), yesterday. He bragged about indictments of several parties running a smuggling operation from Canada. We watched him speak at the televised press conference, but had to laugh.
We’re told he had no choice but to pursue the investigation (which involved mostly Asians and a scant few Muslims) because Khalaf Al-Bechary, a man involved in the ring, was caught by Customs and Border Patrol agents over a year ago, and the case was thrown in his lap. (And a lot of the work on this investigation was done by Canadian authorities, who we’re glad to see–for once–is actually doing something on this issue. According to the
Detroit Free Press, they monitored more than 2,000 phone calls, made a lot of the arrests on their side of the border, and found a number of the illegal aliens hidden in trunks.)
On the other hand, we’ve heard from several of Abu Moskowitz’s agents, who tell us they’ve brought to his and his top lieutenants’ attention Arab Muslim smuggling rings and restaurants in the same Dearborn and Dearborn Heights areas (from which the laser pointers emanated), which routinely employ illegal alien Muslims and launder funds from their all-cash businesses, sending the money “back home.” Mr. Moskowitz and his top underlings have repeatedly said they are “not interested” in pursuing those cases. (But we note that Moskowitz and his agents did a yeoman’s work
confiscating dangerous T-shirts and hats for their NFL buds.)
That tells us a lot more about our government’s–and Abu Moskowitz’s–intentions to pursue illegal aliens in our midst, than one flashy press conference and indictment. It also tells us that there are a lot of people–who might be pointing the laser pointers at the pilots–who aren’t supposed to be here and aren’t being investigated.
Also of note, while authorities say this latest smuggling ring helped about 100 illegals enter our country, they also admit that in addition to these individuals,
they’ve only caught 78 illegal immigrants since December 2004, most of them Chinese. We know from Moskowitz’s agents that his laser-pointed focus is on Chinese–in the heart of Islamic America. Also, it’s pathetic that only about 178 illegals, mostly Chinese, have been caught in over a year. That comes to a pathetic, puny average of 13.7 illegals per month at a major border area.
We also note that, while Moskowitz and U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III were declaring at the press conference that these illegals could have been terrorists (but weren’t), that both Moskowitz and Murphy were in , where they gushed over an Islamic cleric who openly praised terrorists, and they joked with him about why Hezbollah is on the State Department terrorist list. Ha-ha, funny. Strange that they didn’t invite the news cameras and reporters to that event to cover
those “performances.”
We also note that Murphy, the chief U.S. Justice Department official in the heart of Islamic America, sought a very light sentence for , a member of the mosque who is a member of Hezbollah and committed fraud and money laundering to send the money “back home”. Explosive material was found on the man’s and his young son’s passports. Where was Abu Moskowitz’s investigation into where the money was going (which is under his purview at ICE)? Where was Murphy’s press conference on that? (No charges on the explosives or even money laundering were ever filed–and won’t be.)
At yesterday’s press conference, U.S. Attorney Murphy et al claimed that they know the whereabouts of all 100 illegal aliens smuggled in by yesterday’s foiled ring and that they are watching each one to deport them later. Agents tell us this is BS, that the government simply does not have the manpower or the moral commitment to watch each of them.
That brings us back to the laser pointers. When you have a giant, radicalized, concentrated Muslim population located in one single armpit of America, and yet authorities not only kowtow to it, but put investigations into that community off limits to law enforcement; when you have an infinite number of illegal aliens of the same religion and from the same region as all 19 of the 9/11 hijackers, yet you allow them to continue to enter America unchecked; it certainly should be no surprise that people in that concentrated area are dangerous people who want to endanger American pilots and passengers on planes.
No phony press conferences, no amount of spin will change that reality. As President Bush might say, “Murphy, Moskowitz, you’re doing a great job.” Mike Brown, anyone?
****UPDATE: There are now of laser pointers aimed at pilots in the Detroit area in one night! .