February 17, 2006, - 9:58 am

Weekend Box Office: Great Antarctic Dog Adventure vs. Depressing Crazy White Chick

Two movies out today offer a stark contrast between good and bad cinema (hint: the dog movie wins out over the anti-White, anti-cops ghetto movie):
* “Eight Below“–Fabulous adventure movie which mostly takes place in Antarctica. The survival story of eight sled dogs who saved a scientist (Bruce Greenwood) and his guide (Paul Walker), the caring guide’s quest to save them amidst the bitter winter, and how the dogs survive alone in the Antarctic until they are rescued. A slice of what life is like in the world’s coldest environ.
Exciting and charming. If I had kids, I’d take them to this movie. Makes you want to get one of these dogs (Huskies and Malamutes) as a pet. Shows how resourceful and smart the dogs are as they struggle to survive and care for each other. But make no mistake, this is not a PETA (or as we call them, “PUTA”) or animal rights movie. There are stark scenes where the dogs kill birds for food and fight with a leopard seal to eat a dead whale’s carcass. Animals need to eat animals in order to survive.

* “Freedomland“–You’ve heard of Earl Dittman? He’s the fake movie critic studios “quote” on their movie ads when no-one likes their dreadful film. Well, they’ve dragged out earl Dittman for TV ads for this clunker. Just simply awful. And a race-baiting, hate-on-White-people, White-cops-are-racist, Black-cops-are-Uncle-Toms flick to boot. No wonder sneak previews were being hosted by Black radio stations in Detroit.

Samuel L. Jackson, Julianne Moore in Horrid, Racist Movie

Here’s the plot: Crazy white woman (Julianne Moore) lies about her son being carjacked by Blacks in the projects, starts riots in the projects, and after major searches by law enforcement (including a detective played by Samuel L. Jackson) and the community, comes clean. Her son died in her care and she made it all up. Depressing, racist, boring, dumb. Hard to believe they are marketing this movie as a “thriller.” Absolutely NOTHING thrilling about it. Also provides cause for Revlon cosmetics to re-think their marketing campaign including Ms. Moore as one of the “world’s most beautiful women.” Not even close (in this movie). Ditto for her acting skills. They’re ugly.
If you waste your time at this horrid movie, remember: You were forewarned.

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February 16, 2006, - 11:17 pm

Muslims Dominate Missouri Truck Driving School; Raided by FBI

Are potential Islamic terrorists trying to get commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs) and hazardous materials hauling certificates? You bet, they are. In droves.
The latest, as reported by Kansas City media, is the South Central Career Center Truck Training Program in West Plains, Missouri, in South Central Missouri. A whopping 60% (SIXTY PERCENT!) of those who took a CDL test there from May 2004 to December 2005 had Mid-East names. Hello? . . .
And, as usual, your tax dollars probably paid the bill. That particular truck driver’s school is run by Missouri’s West Plains public school district, as part of vocational training. Watch the well-done, frightening video news report.
Fortunately, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (a fancy name for a group that hasn’t done much) raided the school, and the Missouri Highway Patrol has blocked the school from testing new students or issuing further licenses. Well, it’s about time. What took so long?

The school district has suspended the director of the truck school AND one of the CDL testers. Previous, similar investigations in other states, like Utah, have uncovered testers helping illegal aliens pass the test.
We’ve noted multiple times that two members of Detroit’s alleged Al-Qaeda cell also took CDL tests and tried to get HazMat hauling certificates. A tax-funded Arab welfare agency, dominated by Muslims, paid thousands in “job-training” money to get the men the lessons. When FBI agents raided the men’s apartment after 9/11, they found a pre-printed cheat sheet with answers to the test.

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February 16, 2006, - 5:16 pm

Blabbermouth: Ann Coulter’s Real Estate Agent

Uh-oh! Ann Coulter has been caught voting at the wrong precinct, and all of Palm Beach–plus Blue State America–is abuzz.
I can understand why Ann registered to vote at her real estate agent’s Palm Beach home, instead of her own new $1.8 million dollar Palm Beach house ($1.8 mill gets you a mere shack in Palm Beach; just ask our friend, Rush). I have a ton of stalkers and harassers, of sundry backgrounds, so I can’t even begin to imagine how many Ann has.
And if you register to vote, that address becomes a public record accessible to any and all crazies. It’s a problem. In my case, I’m worried about , one of whom is still in this country (we don’t know where). It’s not an option for either Ann or me to live “off the grid.”
Still, Ann must know that liberals and reporters (is that redundant?) are always watching her every move.

I have been hard on Islamic terrorists and extremists, like Islamic Jihad founder/leader Sami Al-Arian and his brother-in-law Mazen Al-Najjar, who register to vote illegally here. I’ve always believed they should face stiff penalties for voter fraud, including registering to vote when you are not eligible.
But this is different. Ann is an American citizen and not engaged in funding schemes for the jihad. Again, she voted in the wrong PRECINCT, not a different state, not even a different city.
But the most revealing thing here is that Ann’s real estate agent is a big-mouth. When reporters called to talk she should have zipped her lips. She gave liberals and haters all over a lot of fodder and grounds for a possible felony charge against Ann for voter fraud. Not smart.
I predict that the next time Ann buys property in Florida, she’ll be squired around by a new, more silent realtor.

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February 16, 2006, - 3:00 pm

SCHLUSSEL Among Fave 2006 Bloggers

Thanks to Right Wing News for naming this site among the “Favorite 40 Bloggers for 2006“.

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February 16, 2006, - 2:01 pm

American Terrorist Among Wanted Yemeni Prison Escapees

A good friend in Buffalo has been sending me these continuing bulletins from The Buffalo News about the “Lackawanna Six” member, American Jaber A. Elbaneh, who escaped in the Yemeni prison break (here and here).
The interesting thing is that PBS’ “Frontline,” last year, did a whole hour on these “homegrown,” “nice”, cuddly guys done wrong, who just happend to train in Bin Laden’s terror training camps and were going to blow up various U.S. sites. Don’t look for our tax-funded “friends” at Palestinian Broadcasting System to change their tune and apologize.

Jaber A. Elbaneh

More on Elbaneh:

Elbaneh is charged with providing material support to al-Qaida by attending the al-Farooq training camp run by Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan months before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Here are some questions law enforcement in the Buffalo area, including the FBI, have for the Yemeni government:

* According to his family, Elbaneh turned himself over the police in Yemen more than 21/2 years ago to face charges filed in Buffalo. Why hasn’t he been turned over to American authorities since then?
* How were 23 supposedly dangerous prisoners able to tunnel their way out from a high-security prison?
* Why won’t the Yemen government provide any clear answers on whether Elbaneh was among the escapees?

We also appreciate the candor of Lackawanna Police Chief Dennis J. O’Hara who has the guts to say what we all think about the Yemeni escape.

To me, you have to wonder if this mass escape was an inside job. You have to wonder if some backs were turned when this happened. You had a group of men who were supposedly extremely dangerous – people with al-Qaida ties and ties to the USS Cole bombing. Aren’t you going to put a close watch on people like that?

Hopefully, the NSA and FBI are conducting ACLU-objectionable surveillance on all communications by Jaber A. Elbaneh’s Buffalo-area uncle, Mohammed T. Albanna.
*** UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has more.

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February 16, 2006, - 12:26 pm

Laser Pointer Update from the Muslim Mid-West

There’s an important, but disturbing, update of our column, yesterday, regarding .
Yesterday, we reported that the number of incidents was 16. Today, the Detroit Free Press reports that there are now TWENTY-SIX–yes, 26!–incidents of pilots reporting lasers being aimed at them.
Other important info in the new article:

Some red lasers are capable of shining a point of light a little less than a mile; other pointers — including those equipped with more powerful green lasers — can send a spot of light more than 2 miles.

This seems to confirm that, as we noted yesterday, laser pointers are not meant just to obscure pilots, but to measure distance to planes (perhaps to determine whether there is the short distance from which a surface-to-air missile can be shot)–information sent to us by Daily Pundit.
Then, there’s the matter of whether a laser can blind a pilot temporarily or do harm or injury. We’ve gotten e-mails from some who claim lasers cannot. But read this:

According to the Laser Institute of America, the energy some pointers can direct into the eye has the potential of being many times brighter than staring directly at the sun.
[M]ost stores sell only the weaker red lasers, which can still cause problems. But online, consumers can purchase green lasers which can be 20 to 40 times more powerful and potentially more damaging to the eye than red ones.
Delta Air Lines pilot Parry Winder was struck with a green laser spot while he was flying into Salt Lake City in September 2004.
“The intensity of the light is nearly indescribable, other than the fact that I would liken it to looking at an arc welder without a safety mask,” Winder said before Congress last year. “It was very intense and very short-lived. I turned away immediately, closed my eye.”
Winder started to see spots in his right eye and had problems with his depth perception, but he managed to safely land the plane. But in the days that followed, he said, he saw black spots, got intense headaches and his retina swelled. Winder wasn’t able to fly for about three weeks.

So is this just some kids, or coming from the heart of Islamic America, could it be terrorists?

A June 2004 report by the FAA warned that terrorists could take down aircraft by shining powerful lasers into cockpits to blind pilots.

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February 16, 2006, - 11:27 am

Saddam Tapes or Not, I WON’T Be @ the Intelligence Summit & Here’s Why (CIA’s Woolsey, Deutch Cancel, Too)

To all my readers and friends, I’ve cancelled my appearance and will NOT be appearing or speaking at this weekend’s Intelligence Summit in the Washington, DC area, as I had originally planned. I apologize if you made plans to go to this conference to see and hear me.
You’ve probably heard a lot about how the “Saddam WMD Tapes” will be presented there. But Saddam tapes or not, I, for one, won’t be there. And it looks like former CIA Directors James Woolsey and John Deutch have followed suit and cancelled their appearances, as well.
This is the first time I have ever cancelled an appearance. I cancelled my appearance at the Intelligence Summit for a number of reasons. I reluctantly agreed to appear at this event, based on representations that were made to me that were never backed up. I had questions and issues, the answers and resolutions to which were never satisfactorily provided after repeated requests. Therefore, I felt it was not in my best interest to appear.
The chief organizer of the event–according the the group’s website–is John Loftus, a former Justice Department official who wrote “The Secret War Against the Jews,” about American cooperation with the Nazis. As a prosecutor, his work in that area, I am told, is highly commendable.
Mr. Loftus has presented himself–and continues to–as a “terrorism expert” over the years, and many foolish parties have bought in, including The Washington Post and FOX News Channel. FOX News hired Loftus as its terrorism expert, but fired him after he broadcast the address of a California home as being the home of an Islamic terrorist. It was not (the terrorist had since moved), and the innocent people who lived there had their homes vandalized. I’m sure that he did not do this on purpose and never meant for that to happen.
My first experience with Mr. Loftus, in 2002–well before FOX News hired him–showed me, glaringly, that he is a fraud. He spoke at a counter-protest to the University of Michigan Palestinian Students Divestment Conference. I was the keynote speaker at the event. At the time, Mr. Loftus had recently filed a lawsuit (which was dismissed) against Islamic Jihad terrorist/founder and South Florida Professor Sami Al-Arian, a man about whom I know, and have written, a great deal.
Mr. Loftus’ speech betrayed him to be almost completely ignorant on Mr. Al Arian, Islam in general (claimed Mohammed loved the Jews and treated them well; tell that to the Jews who built Medina, whom Mohammed slaughtered, forcibly converted to Islam, or expelled), and to be a blatant liar. I watched in amazement as he claimed to the large audience assembled, that he was the attorney for INS, Customs, and FBI agents, and others who’d investigated Sami Al-Arian. I know several of those parties, and to my knowledge, none of them have ever been represented by Loftus.
During his speech, Loftus passed out several court documents and affidavits about Al-Arian, all of which I and many others had had for years, as a result of FOIA requests done by Steven Emerson’s office. Loftus claimed these easily available, public documents (which, again, I had and were available for years) were secret, sensitive documents he got from his clients and that FBI agents came to him demanding to know where he got these documents. Right. He said he claimed “attorney-client” privilege. For what? Publicly available documents he got from Emerson’s office.
Loftus also showed bootlegged videos taken from the Florida Holocaust Museum (of which Loftus had been President) that came from Emerson’s operation, but which he presented as his own. Also of note, when Loftus sued Al-Arian, his press release thanked Rita Katz, who at the time worked for Emerson, for her help and research he used for the suit. Why would he need her help if he actually represented the agents who personally investigated Al-Arian?
Despite the fact that the Intelligence Summit has at least $100,000 in sponsorships and hundreds who are paying $600 to attend, the group claims it has no money and extracted a free ad on this website in exchange for paying my travel and hotel. I asked where the money was going. When I finally got a response, they claimed all or most of it is being spent on food for the conference. Gee, such an exorbitant price for food, and yet they aren’t even getting the sous-chef at Jean George to cook the meals. As one of my terrorism-expert friends asked, “Is Hussein Ibish eating at this thing?” (Ibish is a morbidly obese Islamo-fascist apologist and former spokesman for an Islamist Arab American group.)
The Intelligence Summit claims to be operated by a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) organization and pled poverty. Yet, I got a million excuses why I could not locate the organization’s tax returns on any number of free websites that would contain PDF files of those returns. I wanted to see these, based on my previous knowledge of Mr. Loftus. When I was finally sent a hint of a tax return, it was a link to a Florida Holocaust Museum of which Mr. Loftus was once President and for which he is apparently the registered agent. There is no record on the tax returns of any connection to the Intelligence Summit, or any recording of the Summit’s employees, officers, salaries, expenses, etc. from previous years of the event.
I was told Mr. Loftus delayed in responding to others who asked some questions for me because of serious illnesses of close family members. But those illnesses didn’t stop him from doing an interview with ABC News’ Brian Ross.
Given all this, I decided it was just not in my interest to appear at this event. Again, I’m sorry if you have chosen to attend to see and hear me. There will be other opportunities for that.

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February 16, 2006, - 10:58 am

Just Desserts: Arab Gas Rip-off Leads to Gas Discount

Last year, we wrote about , Arab brothers who owned and operated a Detroit-area gas station. The brothers ripped off all their customers, giving them 5% less gas than that which they paid for.
Now, the the Dawood brothers have settled with prosecutors in Macomb County, home of Reagan Democrats and the Dawoods’ fraud-fraught gas station. They will pay a $40,000.00 fine, which will be used to roll back gas prices at Macomb County gas stations to as low as $1 per gallon. It is, at least, some of poetic justice for consumers who already pay through the nose at the pump.
Prosecutors cannot identify the defrauded customers individually. Maybe that might have something to do with the fact the Dawoods did NOT take credit cards, claiming that service was “out of service”. Check out the sign specifying that on the now shut-down pumps at their gas station, pictured below.

But, unfortunately, it appears, much more than $40,000 was ripped off from customers, since a gas station of that size may do thousands worth of business in a day and no-one knows for how long the Dawoods were ripping off customers (probably from day one).
Also unfortunate, charges against Samir Dawood were dropped and Nabil Dawood was sentenced to mere probation for his crime. As we noted in our , in the 1980s an FBI investigation uncovered Arab-owned gas stations throughout the Mid-West doing the same thing as the Dawoods (giving customers less gas than they were paying for). That money was then sent to Islamic terrorist Abu Nidal and his terrorist group of the same name. The money was used to finance Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israelis in the first Intifada (“Uprising”).

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February 15, 2006, - 2:27 pm

“Mr. Burns, You’re Doing a Heckuva Job!”

Despite criticism from all around, including from Republicans, President Bush continues to stand by Homeland Security chief .
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan says Chertoff’s “doing a great job”. Sound familiar?
Yup, the President’s support is as deserved as “Brownie, You’re Doing a Heck of a Job” was. With illegal immigration increasing, not being stemmed or even slowed, and with everything under his DHS purview basically a mess, we’re tired of the excuses.

Inept Chertoff Trying to Distance Himself From Look-alike Mr. Burns

It looks to us that the only thing Mr. Burns is hard at work on these days is changing his facial hair almost as often as Madonna changes underwear. We hear he does not like the “Mr. Burns” appellation we’ve bestowed upon him and is doing everything in his power to change his “separated at birth” look that matches the “Simpsons” character.
It is working because he now has this Clark Gable-esque mustache that belongs –along with his antiquated approach to illegal aliens–back in the ’40s. We think we will have to do a “Studies in Chertoff Facial Hair” retrospective collage.

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February 15, 2006, - 2:24 pm

Me in Today’s Jerusalem Post

I am cited in today’s Jerusalem Post regarding on Gary Busey, Billy Zane, and their horrid, new anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian
Here’s the quote:

Since few people in the United States have heard of the movie, and none have seen it, Jewish organizations have not commented so far. But some conservative columnists, including Debbie Schlussel of FrontPageMagazine.com, have urged Jewish doctors to refuse medical treatment for Busey or Zane, should the occasion arise.

I think it’s important that you read the entire JPost article, because it contains information that shows that this film, and therefore, the Turks and Busey/Zane, are even more evil and whorish, (dis)respectively, than I’d earlier diagnosed. To wit:

The Busey character, listed only as The Doctor, is far removed from the Jewish stereotype in both appearance and manner, but hardly a credit to his heritage. At one point, he scolds American soldiers for shooting up the wedding guests “because it ruins their organs.” In another scene, a group of apparent organ buyers includes a man clearly dressed as an Orthodox Jew.
Even worse is the depiction of Zane’s character, Sam William Marshall, as a psychopathic Christian fundamentalist, who can be kind to an Iraqi one moment and then kill him instantly.

Like I said, read the whole thing.

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