February 22, 2006, - 3:26 pm
Ports Deal on a Lilliputian Scale: Agency Official is Radical Islam’s Concubine – Abu Moskowitz Update
Our favorite treasonous federal agent, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent In Charge for Michigan and Ohio, ,” must be smiling like a Cheshire cat. His quote in an AP story today reminds us on a much smaller scale why the is a bad deal.
“Over time, you get to know the people that you meet with,” said Brian Moskowitz, Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement top agent in Detroit, which has one of the nation’s largest Muslim and Arab communities. “It’s helped, in some cases, reduce the level of anxiety and fear in the community so that people will talk to us.”
Yup, this guy has a major case of Stockholm Syndrome, just as the Bush Administration does in defending the rotten ports deal.
As we’ve reported ad nauseum on this site, Abu Moskowitz–who is in charge of all federal investigations into immigration fraud, terrorism money laundering and smuggling, etc. in the heart of Islamic America–isn’t just “getting to know” Arab Muslims, he’s cavorting with extremists, including a “former” Islamic terrorist, whom he reportedly whined and dined at his home and for .
The “former” terrorist, , recently had a parent pass away. In lieu of flowers, he asked people to donate to a that openly donated millions to HAMAS’ Jordanian front and secretly raised money in Los Angeles for insurgent terrorists in Iraq. Unfortunately, Abu Moskowitz–who should be investigating the charity, and whose office was investigating the charity before he came to town and “got to know” Mr. Hamad and “reduced his anxiety”–has shut down all investigations into that charity.
Moskowitz’s claim that his kowtowing to terrorists and their supporters is getting them to “talk to us” is just plain bunk. His agents say Moskowitz has been pursuing Chinese and Hispanic illegal immigrants, not Muslims, in the heart of Islamic America–and the bear that out. Which one of these groups committed the 9/11 attacks? Agents also say that investigations into Islamic enclaves in Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and others are off-limits. Moskowitz is just “not interested” in those. Wonder why?
If this is what “getting to know” our enemy means, no thanks. Ditto for the ports deal. We’re told Dubai and the UAE are allies. But allies don’t allow murderers of 3,000 Americans to easily plan and fund their operations. Allies don’t refuse to change money-laundering laws to make such attacks harder in the future. And allies weren’t still recognizing the Taliban as late as December of 2001 (as the UAE was), well after the attacks.
We also note that the sob story article highlights the case of Nabil Amen, who lives in Dearborn and claims that he was handcuffed at the U.S.-Canadian border. But several members of the prominently militant Amen family are open defenders of HAMAS and Hezbollah and are members of organizations that opernly support those groups. That is exactly the type that SHOULD be detained at the border. Recently, Ron Amen led a “, where federal officials like Abu Moskowitz and U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III joked and laughed about why Hezbollah is on the State Department terrorist list. They also clapped enthusiastically when the mosque’s Imam, an agent of the government of Iran, stated that Hezbollah and terrorism against Israel were not terrorism, but “legitimate resistance.”
These are the types of officials who will–it’s very disturbing to note–be overseeing the few “checks” on the American ports that will be run by Dubai. Abu Moskowitz’s agency (ICE) is the one that investigates, along with Customs and Border Protection, any malfeasance in smuggling at the ports. Yet, his primary objective is “getting to know” those who support murderers of Americans and “reduce the level of anxiety and fear in [that] community.”
What about reducing the level of anxiety and fear in Americans who support America, not terrorism? They’re nowhere on the radar. And they won’t be at the Dubai Ports operated ports.
In protecting American interests, law enforcement officials must re-discover what they are in their positions to do. It is not to “get to know” the enemy, nor to reduce the enemy’s “anxiety.” It is to enforce the law and keep America safe.
Anything else co-opts American safety on both very large (6 major ports) and very Lilliputian (as in the case of Abu Moskowitz) scales.
***UPDATE: The always-on-top-of-things Dan Stein of FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) agrees.
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Tags: Abu Moskowitz Artwork, Agency Official, America, attorney, Brian Moskowitz, Bush administration, Dan Stein, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Debbie Schlussel Our, Department of State, Detroit, Dubai, Federation for American Immigration Reform, Hamas, Hezbollah Mosque, Hizballah, Imad Hamad, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Los Angeles, Michigan, militant, Nabil Amen, Ohio, Preston Taylor Holmes, Ron Amen, Special Agent, Stephen Murphy III, Stockholm Syndrome, Taliban, terrorist, U.S.-Canadian border, UAE, United Arab Emirates, United States