February 22, 2006, - 3:26 pm

Ports Deal on a Lilliputian Scale: Agency Official is Radical Islam’s Concubine – Abu Moskowitz Update

Our favorite treasonous federal agent, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent In Charge for Michigan and Ohio, ,” must be smiling like a Cheshire cat. His quote in an AP story today reminds us on a much smaller scale why the is a bad deal.

“Over time, you get to know the people that you meet with,” said Brian Moskowitz, Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement top agent in Detroit, which has one of the nation’s largest Muslim and Arab communities. “It’s helped, in some cases, reduce the level of anxiety and fear in the community so that people will talk to us.”

Yup, this guy has a major case of Stockholm Syndrome, just as the Bush Administration does in defending the rotten ports deal.

Special Agent In Charge: ICE’s Moskowitz Gets to Know the Community

(Abu Moskowitz Artwork courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

As we’ve reported ad nauseum on this site, Abu Moskowitz–who is in charge of all federal investigations into immigration fraud, terrorism money laundering and smuggling, etc. in the heart of Islamic America–isn’t just “getting to know” Arab Muslims, he’s cavorting with extremists, including a “former” Islamic terrorist, whom he reportedly whined and dined at his home and for .
The “former” terrorist, , recently had a parent pass away. In lieu of flowers, he asked people to donate to a that openly donated millions to HAMAS’ Jordanian front and secretly raised money in Los Angeles for insurgent terrorists in Iraq. Unfortunately, Abu Moskowitz–who should be investigating the charity, and whose office was investigating the charity before he came to town and “got to know” Mr. Hamad and “reduced his anxiety”–has shut down all investigations into that charity.
Moskowitz’s claim that his kowtowing to terrorists and their supporters is getting them to “talk to us” is just plain bunk. His agents say Moskowitz has been pursuing Chinese and Hispanic illegal immigrants, not Muslims, in the heart of Islamic America–and the bear that out. Which one of these groups committed the 9/11 attacks? Agents also say that investigations into Islamic enclaves in Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and others are off-limits. Moskowitz is just “not interested” in those. Wonder why?
If this is what “getting to know” our enemy means, no thanks. Ditto for the ports deal. We’re told Dubai and the UAE are allies. But allies don’t allow murderers of 3,000 Americans to easily plan and fund their operations. Allies don’t refuse to change money-laundering laws to make such attacks harder in the future. And allies weren’t still recognizing the Taliban as late as December of 2001 (as the UAE was), well after the attacks.
We also note that the sob story article highlights the case of Nabil Amen, who lives in Dearborn and claims that he was handcuffed at the U.S.-Canadian border. But several members of the prominently militant Amen family are open defenders of HAMAS and Hezbollah and are members of organizations that opernly support those groups. That is exactly the type that SHOULD be detained at the border. Recently, Ron Amen led a “, where federal officials like Abu Moskowitz and U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III joked and laughed about why Hezbollah is on the State Department terrorist list. They also clapped enthusiastically when the mosque’s Imam, an agent of the government of Iran, stated that Hezbollah and terrorism against Israel were not terrorism, but “legitimate resistance.”
These are the types of officials who will–it’s very disturbing to note–be overseeing the few “checks” on the American ports that will be run by Dubai. Abu Moskowitz’s agency (ICE) is the one that investigates, along with Customs and Border Protection, any malfeasance in smuggling at the ports. Yet, his primary objective is “getting to know” those who support murderers of Americans and “reduce the level of anxiety and fear in [that] community.”
What about reducing the level of anxiety and fear in Americans who support America, not terrorism? They’re nowhere on the radar. And they won’t be at the Dubai Ports operated ports.
In protecting American interests, law enforcement officials must re-discover what they are in their positions to do. It is not to “get to know” the enemy, nor to reduce the enemy’s “anxiety.” It is to enforce the law and keep America safe.
Anything else co-opts American safety on both very large (6 major ports) and very Lilliputian (as in the case of Abu Moskowitz) scales.
***UPDATE: The always-on-top-of-things Dan Stein of FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) agrees.

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February 22, 2006, - 2:48 pm

Your Tax $s to Fund Stomach Operations for Fat Chicks?

Is your money going to help fat chicks take the easy way to getting thin? Medicare announced yesterday that it will fund three exorbitant types of stomach-stapling or “bariatric” surgery, costing $15,000-$20,000 per procedure.
This is troubling because this type of surgery is essentially cosmetic or plastic surgery, but with huge complications and a mortality rate as high as 6%. Is this a proper use of taxpayer money for people who are morbidly obese because they 1) don’t exercise and 2) don’t watch what and how much they eat?
And–surprise, surprise–bariatric surgeons are chomping at the bit because they know this will increase the number of people getting the surgery. After all, Uncle Sam is picking up the tab.
Government officials and bariatric surgeons claim that this will reduce Medicare costs by improving patients’ long-term health and that some could even come off the disability rolls.
If this will mean a reduction in Medicare’s budget, we are all for it. But dream on. Since when has a government agency–especially a bloated one like Medicare–reduced its spending after saving money? Never, and this won’t be an exception.
The other disturbing thing about this new Medicare coverage is that, according to USA Today, other insurers usually follow suit in covering the same procedures that Medicare covers. That means that your insurance premiums will probably balloon, too, as lazy people all over America get insurance to cover these expensive operations. (FYI, the vast majority of those getting these operations are women.)
What ever happened to diet and exercise? It doesn’t exist in a government that has an insatiable appetite.

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February 22, 2006, - 12:16 pm

Me on Al-Jazeera Thursday Morning

Just got back from a TV taping. Today, it was something completely different than what I normally do. Usually, I do appearances on American cable networks and radio stations (like Monday when I was on West Virginia’s popular Jerry Waters Show on WVTS-AM and New Hampshire’s Gardner Goldsmith on WNTK-AM, or Friday when I did my regular bi-monthly appearance on San Francisco’s #1 morning show, the Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Show on KSFO-AM).
But this morning, I was on the belly of the beast, Al-Jazeera. That’s right, the Terrorist News Network. I have made my negative feelings and am frightened by its efforts to get a full-time English-language network in place. (My objections to Al-Jazeera’s new English efforts were .)
I was on the show, “Al-Kawalees.” I discussed my objections to Oscar nominee, “,” a Palestinian, anti-Semitic, pro-homicide bomber movie. I was on with the movie’s producer, Bero Beyer, who appeared from Amsterdam. The host was a woman at Al-Jazeera’s Doha, Qatar headquarters. It was a short segment and the questions were “interesting,” such as this one: “Why do the West and Jews object to portraying Palestinian terrorists as human beings, as in ?” No lie. That was the question.

My answer is that it’s obvious that terrorists are humans who need to eat and go to the bathroom like everyone else, but their activity is inhumane, and there is neither any excuse nor positive result from glorifying and showing sympathy for mass murderers (as this propaganda-filled Oscar nominee does), not to mention not showing a damn thing about their innocent victims who are blown to bits (when the homicide bomber detonates, the screen goes to white and silence, and the movie ends).
I also mentioned the blatant anti-Semitism in the movie echoing “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and the many lies in the movie about Israel not supporting a two-state solution (it has in 1937, 1947, 2000, and now). I said a lot more but this is the gist.
I’ve written about “Paradise Now” and .
The interesting thing is that while Mr. Beyer could apparently hear my answers, I did not have any interaction with him, and presumably he got to hear my answers and then respond afterward. I’m not sure.
For all of my Arabic and Muslim readers (and believe me, there are plenty; I get the hate-mail), the Al-Jazeera appearance on “Al-Kawalees” airs at 11:30am EST, Thursday (tomorrow).

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February 21, 2006, - 6:31 pm

Well, That’s a Relief: The Peanut Farmer & the Ports

Gee, now we feel soooooooo much better. Jimmy Carter says he supports the .
According to the Miami Herald, Ole Jimmuh said on CNN’s “Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer,”

The overall threat to the United States and security, I don’t think it exists.

Wait, isn’t this the same man who thought it was GOOD for security to usher the Shah out of Iran in favor of the Khomeinis and Ahmadinejads that succeeded him? Isn’t this the same man whose legacy is “Peace” in the Middle East HAMAS style?

Thanks for the security risk threat assessment, Peanut Man. Or rather, no thanks. Go back to building Habitats for Humanity and telling Playboy about the “lust in [your] heart.”
We wonder how this will affect Senate candidacy.

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February 21, 2006, - 4:59 pm

Another Clue the Ports Deal is Dumb

You know the is a bad idea when a group that openly supports terrorist groups HAMAS and Hezbollah thinks it’s a splendid idea.
In this case, that group is ADC (the misnomered American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee). We note that ADC, which refuses to publicly disclose all of its funding, gets a lot of money from the Mid-East. That discredits the group’s position on this from the get-go.
Then, there is the hypocrisy of their press release, excerpted below, which cites the White House, Homeland Security, the National Security Council, etc. as authorities whose opinion on national security should be respected on this issue. Since when does ADC respect ANY of these entities when it comes to national security? They don’t. Since they do here, we know it’s definitely not in the American interest.
Finally, don’t forget that ADC’s Midwest Regional Director is a , from whom the FBI revoked a planned award because of a in the NYPost.

ADC Press Release:
Anti Arabism Now at a Port Near You
Washington, DC, February 21, 2006–The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is concerned by controversy surrounding the acquisition of the London-based company, Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. (P&O), by Thunder FZE, a subsidiary of the UAE-based Dubai World Ports (DP World).
The White House, the National Security Council, Department of Homeland Security, and the Treasury Department’s Committee on Foreign Investments have all agreed with the $6.8 billion sale. According to reports, DP World also won approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS), which is a US government panel with representatives from 12 agencies. CFIUS assesses security risks associated with foreign companies buying or investing in the US. CFIUS said in a statement, they “thoroughly reviewed the potential transaction and concluded they had no objection.”
ADC President Mary Rose Oakar said, “ADC fully supports all measures to keep our country secure and DP World has received clearance from the highest levels of government to operate here in the US. ADC is strongly opposed to the rhetoric and bias surrounding the company solely because it is Arab owned. Those who purport that ports can be securely run by a British company, but not an Arab one, are engaging in racial profiling on the corporate level.”

No, Mary. Those who support security precautions–like not turning over vital logistical points on our own shores to those who hate us–are engaging in national security.

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February 21, 2006, - 4:20 pm

Up is Down, Red is Blue, Bush is . . . Hillary?

A funny thing happened on the way to the to takeover 6 American ports.
Hillary Clinton who constantly denounces profiling of Arabs and Muslims for national security is now in favor of profiling of (Dubaian) Arabs and Muslims for national security (in the ports deal).
George W. Bush whose counter-terror program includes profiling of Arabs and Muslims for national security is now calling us Americans who are against this silly sale unfair profilers against Mid-Easterners, more or less.
Here’s the quote, courtesy of AP:

I want those who are questioning it to step up and explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard than a Great British company. I am trying to conduct foreign policy now by saying to the people of the world, “We’ll treat you fairly.”

Yup, he’s calling us profilers. Bush is Hillary, and Hillary is Bush, this week.
So why is Bush so defensive on the DP Ports deal? Maybe it has something to do with one of his brothers. Stay tuned.

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February 21, 2006, - 3:31 pm

U.S. Immigration Chieftess Wears Mexican Eagle

Uh-oh! On January 9, 2006–her first day on the job, , Assistant Secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) a/k/a the “ICE Princess” wore a Mexican eagle pin. Not a good symbol about her intentions in enforcing our nation’s immigration laws.
It’s bad enough that the ICE Princess has decided to follow in the the Madeleine Albright tradition of wearing ugly brooches, but the Mexican Eagle?!
In fact, the pin was featured in Julie Myers’ official ICE photo that hangs in the offices of the Homeland Security agency, known as the “ICE Palace.” AND it was featured in the photo atop Myers’ online bio at ICE’s website. Observant ICE agents pointed out this glaring symbol of deadly open borders sported on Ms. Myers’ chest (over her heart). And someone must have also pointed it out to ICE’s public affairs, because they’ve now cropped the Mexican eagle out of the photo (you can still find the eagle if you click on her photo, but we’re sure they’ll soon crop that one, too).

Extreme Makeover, Immigration Edition:
Julie Myers Before & After Mexican Eagle Crop-out

ICE Princess Julie Myers’ Eagle is Mexico’s Eagle

They can crop the Mexican symbol all they want. It will not change a thing. Like everything else emanating out of Myers and ICE’s cornupcopia of PR, it’s merely cosmetic surgery with no change in mindset. The reality is that our nation’s top immigration official supports open borders and expanding guest workers programs, and she hasn’t done anything to stop the ever-increasing illegal immigration problem. Her Freudian slip of brooch choice said it all, which is why we’ve posted it here, where ICE PR cannot crop it out.
In case, Ms. Myers needs help telling the difference (and apparently she does), we’ve assembled some examples of the Mexican eagle (from various Mexican flags) with its wings pointed down versus examples of the more glorious American eagle with its wings bravely outstretched.
Attention Julie:
Here are the Mexican Eagles (just like your pin):

Here are the American ones, ie. YOUR country (try your local Walgreen’s):

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February 21, 2006, - 2:58 pm

About the ACLU Intervention and Jay Stephenson/StoptheACLU Stealing Funds

At the time of the ACLU Lawsuit regarding NSA Spying, I announced that if you were interested in intervening in the lawsuit to please contact me. Michelle Malkin was kind enough to link to it. I was contacted by John Stephenson a/k/a Jay Stephenson of StoptheACLU.com, who–like hundreds of others–wanted to get involved.
Since I informed Michelle and others that the only costs would be filing fees and costs, Jay volunteered to have the Paypal account for this set up at his site. That was a mistake (because Jay has since shown a predilection for stealing–more on that below). Both Michelle and I (and other websites) generously linked to Jay’s site (he was one of hundreds of people who contacted me), and we asked that people donate at that Paypal account. Mistake #2. We gave Jay and his site many links each time he asked (incessantly).
Since then, Jay informed me that he misused the bulk of the funds on himself, spending $600.00 of the money on an ad for his blog and $200.00 on maintenance for his site. I doubt the fifty or so people who donated wanted their money meant to pay expenses to go to the Jay Stephenson a/k/a John Stephenson Personal Pleasure Account. In short, Jay stole the money. When Jay informed me of this, I insisted he put the money back. I don’t know whether he ever did, and I doubt it. He refuses to provide any accounting.
(And apparently, Jay is stealing from anyone reading who is a U.S. taxpayer. You see, Jay is in the military, but yet, he appears to be blogging all day long. Don’t you enjoy paying his salary to blog? Talk about conduct unbecoming.)
Thereafter, Jay decided to defame me and link to other sites that did, while still thinking I’d represent him. It’s my policy not to provide free legal work to people who attack me. Not a smart move, Jay. But that was not the beginning, just the final straw after this misappropriation of funds. Jay, after agreeing in writing to provide an accounting and transfer the money–including that which he stole and claims he repaid–to an independent account, decided he wanted to keep the money for himself and refused to live up to his agreement. (Surprise, surprise.) I don’t know exactly how much was raised, but it was about $1,400, the bulk of which Jay stole/misappropriated/spent on himself. I also don’t know the names or contact information for the donors, either, because consistent with his dishonest behavior, Jay refuses to provide that. Instead he allegedly sent them a letter that, frankly, cannot be further from the truth.
If you gave money to Jay, please contact him to get it back. We are now working with StoptheACLU.ORG, which is run by an honest individual, a description that cannot be bestowed on either Jay Stephenson a/k/a John Stephenson or his StoptheACLU.com site. Remember that, the next time you may be tempted to contribute to his site or even believe anything you read on it. Jay has demonstrated consistently that he is neither honest nor trustworthy. We hope the IRS is reading.
As for the intervention, we are proceeding. Neither Jay nor his site has ever been my client, and this does not change a thing in the direction of the intervening action.

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February 21, 2006, - 11:38 am

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model is a Leftist . . . or Just an Airhead

For those of you who’ve been ogling the 2006 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, you might be interested to know that cover model Elle Macpherson is a leftist . . . or an incredible airhead. She appears topless on the cover, second from the left.
While she looks great on the outside (she’s third from left here), the bikinied one’s views on the inside appear to be quite ugly.
In Friday’s USA Today, in the “What Are You Watching?” feature, McPherson told reporter Karen Thomas that she is watching “Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media.” Says Elle:

He (the MIT linguist and political activist) is a fascinating character, and the subject is really interesting.

Elle Macpherson Has a Thing for Leftist Wacko Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is a far leftist, loon, kook, subversive, hate-America-firster, pro-Islamist enemy in our midst. David Horowitz wrote a great encapsulation of “The Sick Mind of Noam Chomsky.” We hoped the swimsuit model’s video choice was just an aberration. But no-no, uh-uh. In an interview with Easy Living magazine, the 40-year-old Aussie bikini model shows us she’s a philo-Chomsky-ite.

What are you reading at the moment?
Elle McPherson: I read all kinds of things. I love Paul Auster and I’m reading Hegemony Or Survival by Noam Chomsky, which is really interesting. I read in bed and I read when I travel.

FYI, the full name of the Chomsky book she’s reading is “Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance (The American Empire Project)“. You get the point. Chomsky says America is a warring country seeking to build an empire, not a liberator trying to achieve peace, freedom, and democracy.
This is from an approving Amazon.com review of the book:

Chomsky brilliantly brings forth a theme . . . pointing out that the *only* “superpower” capable of containing the neo-conservative, neo-totalitarian, neo-Nazi militarism and unilateralism of the current Bush Administration is “the planet’s public.”
Chomsky updates his work with both excellent and well-balanced footnotes and an orderly itemization of the arrogance, militarism, contempt for international law, arbitrary aggression, and–Bible thumpers take note–proven track record for supporting dictators, Israeli genocide against Palestinians, and US troop participation in–directly as well as indirectly–what will inevitably be judged by history to be a continuing pattern of war crimes.
The case can be made, and Chomsky makes it, that the US arms industry, and US policies on the selling and granting of arms world-wide, are in fact a direct US commitment to repression, genocide, and terrorism sponsored by one big state: the US. He is most interesting when he discusses the new US approach to repression, the privatization of actions against the underclasses of the world.

Heard enough about Elle McPherson’s new political muses’ views? We have. But, unfortunately, Noam Chomsky continues to draw a small, loyal nutty following.
Who knew a beautiful Sport Illustrated swimsuit model was among them? Shows us, once again, that beauty is only skin-deep.

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February 20, 2006, - 2:54 pm

“24” vs. “Sleeper Cell”

Tonight is yet another exciting episode of my favorite show, “” (my favorite, except for the ).
On this site, I’ve repeatedly lamented the lack of movies about terrorism in which the terrorists are 1) Islamic (as in most of real life), and 2) not sympathetic (also, as in real life).
At the request of friends and readers, I spent the last week watching tape of Showtime’s “Sleeper Cell,” which aired at the end of last year. (I will post a review soon, also at the request of readers. I liked it in general, but have my objections.)
“Sleeper Cell” and “24” have been compared to each other by the New York Times and other media. And they are similar. They are among the few Hollywood outputs that actually show terrorists who are 1) Islamic, and 2) not sympathetic.
But after watching last week’s episode of “24” and all ten episodes of “Sleeper Cell,” I noted something else: Hollywood not only won’t produce many of these shows, it also is not very creative in its choice of plots and actors.

Agents Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) and Darwyn Al-Sayeed (Michael Ealy) Share the Same Terrorist (Henri Lubatti) (center)

Both shows draw from the same pool of both. Last week’s “24” showed terrorists trying to put anthrax (or some other poisonous chemical) into the airducts of a shopping mall. Same exact plot in an episode of “Sleeper Cell.” The malls, both in the L.A. area, even looked identical. Then, I noticed that actor Henri Lubatti, who plays a Bosnian Muslim terrorist in “Sleeper Cell”, looked familiar. In fact, he played a Kosovar Muslim terrorist in Season One of “24”.
Same plots, same actors playing Slavic Muslim terrorists. That’s what you get when most of Hollywood says “hands off” regarding the truth in the War on Terror, ie., not a lot of variety and a small pool of actors and ideas.

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