March 1, 2006, - 3:48 pm

Tragedy: Judge Gets it Right; Too Late for 15 Cubans

On this site, the absurd U.S. government decision to send 15 Cubans back to a life of hell in Cuba, because they were on a bridge instead of land when they reached America on January 4th.
We also praised federal for his initial statements regarding the bridge and the “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy for Cuban defectors. He said the bridge was “as American as apple pie.” Yesterday, Judge Moreno, again, got it right, ruling that the 15 Cuban refugees were indeed on dry land when they reached the bridge.

A Judge We Like: U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno Cares About Freedom.

Unfortunately, it is too late for them, as our government swiftly sent them back (while it holds on to Islamic terrorists and illegals, giving them years and years of appeals living here). There is no way Fidel Castro will allow these brave, defrauded (by our government) souls to return back to the U.S.
Cheers to Judge Moreno, jeers to the feds.

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March 1, 2006, - 3:13 pm

Audio From Yesterday’s Orlando Radio Appearance

For those who missed my semi-regular appearance, yesterday morning, on Orlando’s “Pat Campbell Show” on 540 WFLA-AM, here’s a link to the audio (scroll down to 2/28, hour 3). Topics were the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) terrorist connections, the , of , etc. Check out Pat’s excellent blog, too.
For those who missed my semi-regular appearance, yesterday morning, on “Good Morning Idaho” on Boise’s KIDO-AM 580, sorry I was remiss in not posting the appearance ahead of time, but I don’t think there’s an audio file available.

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March 1, 2006, - 2:14 pm

It’s Official: Dubai Tennis Tourney Bans Jews; Shame on Agassi

Tennis vs. the Jews Update
In our ongoing coverage of the to run American ports, we asked this question, yesterday: ?
Well, now, it’s official: YES! Sports Illustrated’s Jon Wertheim gives the details:

Yellow-Starred: Israel’s Shahar Peer Not Allowed in Dubai Open

“Nationals of ‘Israel’ may not enter the U.A.E.” If I’m, say, , the top-40 Israeli player, I’m sure not happy that my tour is sanctioning events in countries in which I am not welcome. . . . Would the WTA or ATP ever even think about sanctioning an event in a country or club that excluded African-Americans?

Shame on the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) and the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) for sanctioning this bigoted event. Sickening. And shame on Andre Agassi, Martina Hingis, and the others playing in this Judeinrein event. Disgusting.
It’s a good thing they didn’t know that Pete Sampras’ father is a Jew.

Andre Agassi Plays in Dubai’s Judenrein Tennis Tourney

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March 1, 2006, - 12:30 pm

Labnah Sandwich: PFLP Hijackings, Jews & ICE’s Abu Moskowitz

On September 6, 1970, Palestinian terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked several planes around the world. The planes all had one thing in common: they were carrying mostly Americans.
On Monday Night, tax-funded PBS a/k/a “Palestinian Broadcasting System” (not to be confused with our other forcibly tax-funded media source, NPR a/k/a “National Palestinian Radio”) broadcast “American Experience: Hijacked.”
Even though the joint Islamic/French production, funded by our tax dollars, tried VERY hard to sympathize with the terrorist hijackers, the true nature of the events rang through. (True to form, PBS has a page called “The Hijackers’ Perspective,” kinda like “Mohammed Atta’s Perspective.” Like we should care about that perspective.)

PFLP Hijackings: Planes, 1970; ICE, Abu Moskowitz, 2004-2006

The Palestinian hijackers–almost all of them alive today, wearing nice suits, and living the good life–made such sympathetic statements, like: “We couldn’t just give them the falafel that we were eating,” about starving American hostages who hadn’t eaten for days. (I suppose this is the Islamic version of Marie Antoinette’s “Let them eat cake.”)
Of note, but not mentioned on the program, is that George Habash, founder and chief of the PFLP and mastermind of the hijackings, is NOT a Muslim. As I’ve pointed out many times, including since well before 9/11, he is a Christian, although the hijackers were almost all Muslims.
To me, the most important point of the broadcast was that–as in almost all Islamic hijackings of planes to date (but for the ones on 9/11), including –the passengers were separated by whether or not they were Jews. The non-Jewish Americans were sent to freedom in Amman’s Intercontinental Hotel, while the Jewish Americans were kept on planes and then kept hostage in Palestinian refugee camps.
The PFLP terrorists knew the identities of the Jewish passengers based on their names. The very first Jew seized and separated was Jerry Berkowitz. I noted that Berkowitz sounds a whole lot like Moskowitz. is the name of Michigan and Ohio’s Special Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. As I’ve noted extensively on this site, he’s bent over backwards (and forward) for the most extremist Muslims living in the Detroit area. But the person he’s subserved the most is a man named , a “former” PFLP terrorist like the hijackers (and an FBI award revokee, to boot).
While watching “Hijacked,” I noted that when the Jewish American hostages were forced to show their passports, had Moskowitz been a passenger, he’d be in the same line as I. It would make no difference that he betrayed his country, America, in favor of their PFLP brethren. Nope. To them, he’d be a Jew to be hated, tortured, and murdered, just like me.
The PFLP wouldn’t give a horse’s patoot about his activity in cahoots with America’s most prominent PFLP citizen, Hamad. They wouldn’t care that he had the PFLP’s Hamad to his house or . They wouldn’t care if he told them he wanted to have a “Labna Sandwich” with unsuccessful PFLP hijacker Layla Khalid or with Hamad.

Labnah Sandwich:

PFLP Terrorists Layla Khalid & Imad Hamad, ICE’s Abu Moskowitz

(Abu Moskowitz, Hamadafat courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

Nope, Abu Moskowitz would get the same treatment at the hands of the PFLP hijacker terrorists as “evil Zionist Jewess” and the other evil “imperialist” Americans.
It’s just too bad he doesn’t realize it, and has chosen to sell out America on some warped fantasy that he’d be treated differently.
I got this e-mail from a Jewish reader named Howard, this morning:

I wish that there were more wise Jews. G-d is not a liberal. . . .
One simple question: This guy Moskowitz (Brian “Abu”). The name is rather Jewish. Is he simply a self-hating Jew, or just an idiot liberal?

Howard, unfortunately, the answer is this simple: Both.
Check your local Palestinian Broadcasting System (PBS) listings for re-broadcasts, this week, or “American Experience: Hijacked.”
Of note, regarding the PFLP hijackings, none of the passengers was harmed in the final analysis. Today, we know the results would be far different.
Also of note, one of the PFLP hijackers was an American citizen, Patrick Arguello. He was killed on the El-Al flight he tried to hijack with Ms. Khalid. Which brings me to the final and most important observation: The only flight that was NOT successfully hijacked by the PFLP was the El-Al flight.
For maximum safety, always fly El-Al.

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February 28, 2006, - 4:37 pm

Pope Invites Extremist Muslim Leader to Vatican

Pope Benedict XVI has been notable in his recognition and criticism of contemporary Islam for the violence and intolerance that has dominated it. For that alone, aside from his position as a leader of the Christian faith, he has my utmost respect.
Now, however, the Pope has made a mistake. He’s invited Imam Hassan Qazwini, leader of the Islamic Center of America (of Dearborn, Michigan), to the Vatican to meet with him on Wednesday and then spend four days meeting with Catholic leaders.
But, even though he heads the largest mosque in North America, Qazwini is exactly the kind of man who should NOT be invited anywhere near such a holy man or a holy place. In 1998, I went undercover to Mr. Qazwini’s mosque, when he invited Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan to speak at a memorial service. I wrote about this experience in The Detroit News. It was one of the two most frightening Islamic events which I’ve attended (and I’ve gone to many in disguise over the years).

Extremist Muslim Imam Hassan Qazwini & Michigan Democrat Governatrix Jennifer “Gran-HO” Granholm

(the Nation’s 1st–and hopefully LAST–“Dating Game” Contestant Gov.)

I learned that day what my grandparents must have experienced in Nazi Europe just before they were rounded up for years in concentration camps. I watched as Qazwini cheered Farrakhan on when he called for a violent jihad on America, when he called for the destruction of America’s Jews. I shuddered as I watched Qazwini cheer on Farrakhan’s attacks on Jews as “evil” and “forces of Satan.” The introduction of Farrakhan as “our dear brother, a freedom fighter” to Qazwini’s enthusiastic applause, was equally disturbing.
I’ve written about Qazwini and his mosque in the Wall Street Journal. Rolling Stone interviewed and quoted me for a piece on Qazwini after 9/11. In the piece, Qazwini’s congregants forwarded conspiracy theories about “Zionists,” the media, and 9/11. Qazwini’s mosque has been host to celebrations of Hezbollah and a multitude of anti-Semitic speeches.
Pope Benedict, you should be shunning Imam Qazwini, NOT welcoming him. It’s a sad week at the Vatican.

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February 28, 2006, - 12:06 pm

Will Jews Be Allowed @ Dubai Run Ports?: Andre Agassi, the Dubai Open & Tennis vs. the Jews

Why can Andre Agassi play in this week’s Dubai Open, but I can’t? It has nothing to do with the fact that I’m an amateur. It’s that I’m a Jew, and he isn’t. (Plus, he’s of Iranian extraction, perhaps a bonus in the Islamic caliphate.)
It’s bad enough that Dubai and DP World (in violation of U.S. law), but worse is the allegation that Jews and Israelis are not allowed to play in the Dubai open.
Here’s what reader, Robert Spiegel, says:

Last week Dubai hosted a women’s tennis tournament, in which most of the top players participated. This week, Dubai is hosting a men’s tournament, and many of the top male players are participating. There are also professional golf tournaments in Dubai. I know many of the top players receive hefty appearance fees.
I also know that there are several good Israeli players and good Jewish players from the USA and elsewhere, but they do not play Dubai. I assume that this is because, for the Israelis at least, they are not allowed an entry visa into the UAE.

Is Spiegel’s assumption correct? It looks like it. Can’t find any Israeli names on the list of Dubai Open players, current or past. If anyone knows differently, please let me know. If this is true, then I wonder which ports I’ll still be allowed to enter, once DP World’s deal gets pushed through. Just asking, so that I can prepare the yellow star accessory for my coat. I think my Holocaust survivor grandmother might still have hers from Nazi Europe.

Sania Mirza: Pro Tennis Player Won’t Play w/The Jews

In other “Tennis vs. the Jews” news, Peter Bodo’s Tennis World Blog alerts us to this disturbing story in Israel’s Yediot Achronot. Indian tennis player Sania Mirza–not afraid to wear Islamo-prohibited mini-skirts and preach safe sex (also Islamo-objectionable)–is very afraid to play tennis with a Jew:

Indian female tennis player Sania Mirza, 19, who is ranked 39th in the world, announced that she would not play with Israeli up and coming tennis star Shahar Pe’er in the doubles tournament of the Bangalore Open for fear of violent protests by India’s Islamic community.
The two friends were prevented from cooperating in last month’s Australian Open for the same reason.
Mirza initially agreed to play with Pe’er in Bangalore, but later retracted, telling Pe’er “It’s best that we don’t play together this
time to prevent protests against my cooperation with an Israeli. There is no reason to arouse their ire (Muslims).”

Mirza’s agent denies the story. Uh-huh.

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February 28, 2006, - 11:56 am

Dubai Ports Deal May Violate U.S. Anti-Boycott Laws; the ICE Connection

As has been documented in a number of sources, including today’s Jerusalem Post, Dubai not only abides by the Arab boycott, they insist upon it. They won’t do business with Israel, and won’t do business with companies that do.
What’s less prominent in the article is that this practice is against American law, specifically U.S. anti-boycott laws that were 1977 amendments to the Export Administration Act and the Ribicoff Amendment to the 1976 Tax Reform Act. The federal statute citation is 15 CFR 760 et seq.
Clearly, Dubai’s compliance with the Arab boycott against Israel is a violation of U.S. law, and clearly, for this reason alone, should not be allowed to do business here, as it is a wholly-owned Dubaian government entity, and JPost reports that DP World abides by the boycott. In fact, Dubai even has the official Dubai Customs Department’s Office for the Boycott of Israel.

Dubai Ports & Imad Hamad: Boycotts of Israel = Violations of U.S. Law

(Hamadafat courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

I’m familiar with the anti-boycott laws, because a certain “former” terrorist and Midwest Muslim leader, (who is tight with Michigan and Ohio Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) leader (a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz”), himself engaged in boycotts of Israel and compelled several Detroit area banks to do the same. At the request of clients, we’ve considered filing complaints with the office against Mr. Hamad for encouraging banks to boycott Israel.
We have an Office of Antiboycott Compliance of the Bureau of Industry and Security in the U.S. Department of Commerce. This used to be part of the domain of current ICE chieftess (a/k/a the “ICE Princess”). DP World should be reported to this office, and we’ll see if the Bush political appointee who got the job–after crony Myers got sick of it–will do anything about it. Don’t hold your breath.
For more on the Arab Boycott against Israel, check out my friend Fred Taub’s site, Boycott Watch. He is the expert on this and was recently quoted in the Wall Street Journal.

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February 27, 2006, - 3:54 pm

Swift Boat Author Corsi, WND plagiarize Schlussel

Apparently, when something says “World Net Daily Exclusive,” it means World Net Daily Rip-off. That’s the case, with Swift Boat author, Jerome Corsi, who today in a WND piece demonstrated that he is nothing but a full-fledged plagiarist. A thief. Did he also rip off his NYTimes best-selling “Swift Boat” book against John Kerry? This begs that question.
I read a re-worked version of early morning, last Thursday, today on World Net Daily. Except Mr. Corsi put his byline on MY work. We can assume, then, that everything else he writes is similarly shop-lifted from others.
Corsi even ripped off my mistakes, which I since corrected, but he did not. I originally called a company “Datamax,” but it is “Datamatix.” As you’ll note, Corsi rips off the mistake.
From Schlussel original, Thursday:

If you liked Billy Carter, you’ll love Neil Bush. No beer products and advertising or redneck wit and wisdom.

From plagiarist Jerome Corsi’s rip-off on WND, today:

If you loved Billy Carter and “Billy Beer,” you’re certain to love Neil Bush and the “Ignite! Cow.”

From Schlussel original, Thursday:

Neil Bush is a frequent visitor to and paid speaker in Dubai . . . . It’s not just Bush’s paid speaking engagements courtesy of Dubai’s Datamatix. While Neil Bush is prominently displayed on the company’s website (and listed as “Brother of US President George Bush”).

From plagiarist Jerome Corsi’s rip-off on WND, today:

Neil Bush’s frequent travels to Dubai are documented by Datamax, a Dubai-based information technology company that has featured Neil Bush as a speaker. The Datamax website features several prominent photographs of Neil Bush addressing a Dubai conference, identifying Neil Bush as “the brother of U.S. President George Bush.”

FYI, it’s Datamatix, not Datamax. If he’s going to rip people off, he can at least get it right and not rip off my original mistakes. Or can he?
From Schlussel original, Thursday:

Remember Billy Carter, Jimmy Carter’s brother, and his couple hundred-thousand dollars “loan” from Libya’s Muammar Ghaddafi?

From plagiarist Jerome Corsi’s rip-off on WND, today:

We all remember . . . . Then, there was Billy Carter who took $200,000 from Muammar Gadhafi.

From Schlussel original, Thursday:

While Neil Bush is prominently displayed on the company’s website (and listed as “Brother of US President George Bush”), so are Clintonistas Al Gore and Sandy Berger (he of document pants-stuffing fame).

From plagiarist Jerome Corsi’s rip-off on WND, today:

Dubai’s Datamax appears to be bipartisan, as the company’s website also shows Dubai appearances of various Democratic Party luminaries including Al Gore (with and without a beard), Sandy Berger- the National Security Adviser under President Clinton who achieved fame by stuffing classified documents in his socks.

Again, the company is DATAMATIX, not Datamax. But I got it wrong originally, and since he didn’t do a whit of research, he merely copied my mistake.
And all of my other research from Neil Bush’s divorce to his getting investors in Dubai for Ignite! is ALL ripped off by Jerome Corsi, cheap plagiarist extraordinaire.
One wonders if Jerome Corsi’s Ph.D. thesis from Harvard was also not original work. People don’t start doing this in their old age.
FYI, “Dr.” Corsi, my work is copyrighted, and I always seek to protect that copyright. Go get yourself a lawyer.
In this case, imitation is NOT the sincerest form of flattery. It’s the most insincere form of robbery.
In the future, John O’Neil should pick someone else with which to write a book. This guy, Corsi, is a phony.
*** UPDATE 02/28/06: It’s official. Jerome Corsi is a plagiarist and WND aids and abets it. Corsi admits, through WND editor Joseph Farah, that he got the information from my column. Farah admits I broke this story and apologized in an e-mail. Unfortunately, Farah and Corsi refuse to do so publicly. Shame on them. They added a tiny link, when it’s clear Corsi lifted huge passages and all my research from my piece. They gave a million excuses about forgetting to post a link. But Corsi never mentioned my name in “his” piece. And he made radio appearances, including on Orlando’s “Pat Campbell Show”, presenting my work as his own. The “Swift Boat” author is a plagiarist, plain and simple. He cannot be trusted.

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February 27, 2006, - 12:00 pm

13th Anniversary of ’93 World Trade Center Bombing; No Safer

Yesterday (Sunday) was the 13th anniversary of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing by Al-Qaeda. Six Americans were murdered and hundreds injured by the car bomb in the WTC underground garage.
Remember that, the next time you hear President Bush or any law enforcement or government officials saying, “Well, there hasn’t been another terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11.” In fact, President Clinton could have said the same thing.
The terrorists waited 8.5 years before they struck again. But they did. We haven’t been struck again on our own soil, not because we are safer and more secure (we aren’t), but because the terrorists haven’t yet chosen to strike. But when they do, it will be bigger and louder than ever before, just like 9/11 was versus 1993.

Ramzi Yousef, El-Sayyid Nosair, Their Victim Rabbi Meir Kahane

Also remember that the 1993 WTC bombing could have been prevented, had federal authorities and law enforcement only paid attention. Prior to the attacks, an Arab Muslim assassin, El-Sayyid Nosair, murdered Rabbi Meir Kahane in 1991. Because Kahane was viewed by some as an extremist (though the Israeli left has now adopted virtually all of his “racist” ideas), American authorities ignored his murderer and did little investigation.
But Nosair was part of the Al-Qaeda terror cell that committed the 1993 bombing. Had the government even just looked at the visitors log at the prison at which Nosair was held and the papers that they seized from his apartment, they would have uncovered the entire plot. They would have discovered mastermind Ramzi Yousef (an Iraqi agent and nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the 9/11 mastermind), and they would have discovered the blind cleric, Omar Abdel Rahman. And they would have discovered Wadih El-Hage, Osama Bin Laden’s personal secretary, whose gun killed Rabbi Kahane.
Today, it is far worse. In depositions, top FBI brass, including FBI Director Robert Mueller, . But anyone in America who reads a newspaper knows. Apparently, you need anti-research skills to run the FBI and its counterterrorism operation. If it weren’t so disturbing, it would be hilarious.
Plus, we have federal authorities at Homeland Security, Justice, and the FBI, literally in bed with Islamic extremists who openly support terror. Think 9/11 won’t happen again?
That’s what they said after February 26, 1993. And look what happened.

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February 27, 2006, - 9:33 am

Detroit News: Censoring Islam Out of the Halimi Murder

On this site, we’ve detailed the used for Islamic terrorists. The latest, courtesy of The Detroit News is “suburban gang.”
If you live in the Detroit area, you know what it’s like to get your news censored by the Islamo-fascist thought police and their willing media co-conspirators.
The latest incident is coverage of the by a French Muslim gang that deliberately targets Jews for torture, ransom and/or death.
The fact that the gang is Islamic is material to the story. This is not a Christian or agnostic or non-religious gang. It’s not a gang of crips or bloods from the hood, not an East Coast-West Coast thing. It is an ISLAMIC gang. Period.

Ilan Halimi: Tortured to Death By MUSLIM Gang

But not according to The Detroit News. Nope. The words “Islam,” “Muslim,” or any derivation thereof are nowhere in their version of the story.
In the Islamo-pandering paper’s world, Halimi was “allegedly held by a suburban gang.” (scroll down to story) Allegedly? Suburban? Hello? . . .
That’s like saying “Western Hemispheric force in the Eastern Hemisphere” instead of U.S. military in Iraq. Or saying a man got hit by a “combustion engine” instead of a Corvette.
For two weeks, there has shamefully been almost NO American coverage of this important story of Muslim violence and intolerance in the West against non-Muslims. But now that there’s finally some coverage, Islam is whitewashed out of it.
Here’s the complete absurdity by the “News” . . . or “Detroit Spews,” as it’s more aptly called:

As we’ve already noted, The Detroit News has for the Detroit area Muslim community. But not for any other.

Detroit News Columnist Mohammed Ali Elahi (right)& Buddy Hezbollah Spiritual Leader Mohammed Fadlallah (left)

Editorial Page Editor Nolan Finley personally hired Government of Iran agent as a Detroit News columnist. His columns regularly attack Jews and Christians, but never a peep of an apology or anything else from Finley–other than defending Elahi–or any Detroit News editors. When a , however, it’s deleted, and a whole-hearted apology is proffered. And, oh yeah, they Michelle Malkin’s column about the Mohammed cartoons. You know, not wanting to offend Islam and all that.
See video of the mass French Jewish protest in Marseilles, yesterday, over ISLAMIC violence and murder of Jews here (courtesy of Yechiva Petah HeDevir, a Jewish school founded and run by Jews, like Halimi, from Arab Muslim countries, who tried to escape persecution there, but now face it in France.)

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