On September 6, 1970, Palestinian terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked several planes around the world. The planes all had one thing in common: they were carrying mostly Americans.
On Monday Night, tax-funded PBS a/k/a “Palestinian Broadcasting System” (not to be confused with our other forcibly tax-funded media source, NPR a/k/a “National Palestinian Radio”) broadcast “American Experience: Hijacked.”
Even though the joint Islamic/French production, funded by our tax dollars, tried VERY hard to sympathize with the terrorist hijackers, the true nature of the events rang through. (True to form, PBS has a page called “The Hijackers’ Perspective,” kinda like “Mohammed Atta’s Perspective.” Like we should care about that perspective.)
PFLP Hijackings: Planes, 1970; ICE, Abu Moskowitz, 2004-2006
The Palestinian hijackers–almost all of them alive today, wearing nice suits, and living the good life–made such sympathetic statements, like: “We couldn’t just give them the falafel that we were eating,” about starving American hostages who hadn’t eaten for days. (I suppose this is the Islamic version of Marie Antoinette’s “Let them eat cake.”)
Of note, but not mentioned on the program, is that George Habash, founder and chief of the PFLP and mastermind of the hijackings, is NOT a Muslim. As I’ve pointed out many times, including since well before 9/11, he is a Christian, although the hijackers were almost all Muslims.
To me, the most important point of the broadcast was that–as in almost all Islamic hijackings of planes to date (but for the ones on 9/11), including –the passengers were separated by whether or not they were Jews. The non-Jewish Americans were sent to freedom in Amman’s Intercontinental Hotel, while the Jewish Americans were kept on planes and then kept hostage in Palestinian refugee camps.
The PFLP terrorists knew the identities of the Jewish passengers based on their names. The very first Jew seized and separated was Jerry Berkowitz. I noted that Berkowitz sounds a whole lot like Moskowitz. is the name of Michigan and Ohio’s Special Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. As I’ve noted extensively on this site, he’s bent over backwards (and forward) for the most extremist Muslims living in the Detroit area. But the person he’s subserved the most is a man named , a “former” PFLP terrorist like the hijackers (and an FBI award revokee, to boot).
While watching “Hijacked,” I noted that when the Jewish American hostages were forced to show their passports, had Moskowitz been a passenger, he’d be in the same line as I. It would make no difference that he betrayed his country, America, in favor of their PFLP brethren. Nope. To them, he’d be a Jew to be hated, tortured, and murdered, just like me.
The PFLP wouldn’t give a horse’s patoot about his activity in cahoots with America’s most prominent PFLP citizen, Hamad. They wouldn’t care that he had the PFLP’s Hamad to his house or . They wouldn’t care if he told them he wanted to have a
“Labna Sandwich” with unsuccessful PFLP hijacker Layla Khalid or with Hamad.
Labnah Sandwich:
PFLP Terrorists Layla Khalid & Imad Hamad, ICE’s Abu Moskowitz
(Abu Moskowitz, Hamadafat courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)
Nope, Abu Moskowitz would get the same treatment at the hands of the PFLP hijacker terrorists as “evil Zionist Jewess” and the other evil “imperialist” Americans.
It’s just too bad he doesn’t realize it, and has chosen to sell out America on some warped fantasy that he’d be treated differently.
I got this e-mail from a Jewish reader named Howard, this morning:
I wish that there were more wise Jews. G-d is not a liberal. . . .
One simple question: This guy Moskowitz (Brian “Abu”). The name is rather Jewish. Is he simply a self-hating Jew, or just an idiot liberal?
Howard, unfortunately, the answer is this simple: Both.
Check your local Palestinian Broadcasting System (PBS) listings for re-broadcasts, this week, or “American Experience: Hijacked.”
Of note, regarding the PFLP hijackings, none of the passengers was harmed in the final analysis. Today, we know the results would be far different.
Also of note, one of the PFLP hijackers was an American citizen, Patrick Arguello. He was killed on the El-Al flight he tried to hijack with Ms. Khalid. Which brings me to the final and most important observation: The only flight that was NOT successfully hijacked by the PFLP was the El-Al flight.
For maximum safety, always fly El-Al.