March 8, 2006, - 1:09 pm

Sob Story on Hate-America Teacher Bennish, While Student Patriot Allen Under Attack

There’s a reason we call The Detroit News by its more apt name, “The Detroit Spews.” What once was a great, proudly American paper has now dumbed down into a , , lefty waste of time. Plus, its reporters–like and –fabricate “facts” and stories out of whole cloth, and its “editorial” page features an as a regular columnist. Living in the Detroit area, we, frankly prefer the Detroit Free Press . . . if forced at gunpoint to make a preference from two unpreferables.
The latest outrage is the paper’s cover story today about alleged threats to the whining Detroit-area parents of exposed, lefty, America-hating Colorado teacher, Jay Bennish. Pops, John Bennish, alerted the Detroit Spews that “at least 12 people have called his home” threatening him and his family. This is front page news? We get threats every day for DEFENDING America.

Jay Bennish: Hate-America-First Teacher’s Parents Whine About Alleged Phone Calls

And by the way, HOW on earth did any of these alleged “threateners” know where Bennish’s parents live? The Spews’ reporter fails to ask this very basic question, which casts doubt on the allegations of the elder Bennish. After all, Jay Bennish is in Colorado. And there are zero transcripts or recordings of threats noted in the story. Remember, these are the parents who probably taught him to grow up to hate his country and spread it to his students. Predictably, that issue isn’t raised in the story, either.
What’s more important, but buried deep toward’s the end of the article on the back page, is the barrage of threats to Sean Allen, the brave student who taped and exposed Bennish’s vitrolic “teachings”.

“Everybody’s mad” at Allen, Phil Tekle, 17, told the Denver Post. “People are saying that if they see him, they want to beat him up.”

We hope the Aurora School District is providing for Sean Allen’s safety. We also hope that there are lectures against “bullying” as there always are when kids are shot up at schools. This is a clear example where the free speech of young patriot Sean Allen might endanger him.

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March 8, 2006, - 6:23 am

“V” for Propaganda

[Note: You may perceive some of this column as a “spoiler”.]
If you liked the politics of last weekend’s Oscar nominees, you’ll love “V for Vendetta.”
It’s an exciting, quality Bin Laden film.
But if you’re like the rest of mainstream America–you support our troops, believe in firmly responding to terrorists on our own shores, and/or respect Christianity–then, don’t waste your time at this piece of garbage masquerading as a superhero movie. It is anything but.
If most other Hollywood films subtly whisper of an agenda, “V” clocks you over the head with it with a still sizzling, iron frying pan of extreme leftism. It doesn’t arrive in theaters until March 17, but already the mainstream (ie. liberal) movie critics and entertainment media are raving about this egregious attack on our war on terror.

“V for Vendetta”:

Natalie Portman, Guy Fawkes Mask-wearing “V” Are Terrorist Heroes

Based on the graphic novel series of the same name, “V” comes complete with all the bogeymen the far left loves to hate: NSA spying and wiretaps; government renditions and torture complete with Abu Ghraib hood fashions; lecherous, elderly Christian clerics in collars raping young girls; Islam, gay rights, and free speech under attack; and even a Bill O’Reilly-esque evil cable talk show host/wicked pharmaceutical billionaire/heinous military officer combo rolled into one character.
Oh, and by the way, the hero of the movie: He’s a terrorist in a Guy Fawkes mask, who blows up important government buildings. Sound familiar? His mask might as well be a kefiyeh wrapped around his head in a Nick Berg video.
The movie takes place in futuristic England, and there is only one American star (Natalie Portman, who plays the terrorist’s protege). But it’s quite clear to whom the “commentary” is directed: Joe and Jane American. When this movie takes place, “the United States of America” doesn’t exist anymore. America is in the midst of a civil war.
And America and the war on Iraq are the enemies–along with Christians and the right–in this movie. We are treated to newscasts about how “America’s War [on terror] spread to England.” One character–a gay, British Jay Leno type who hosts a latenight show–keeps a secret vault of prohibited items, including a giant poster of “the Coalition of the Willing,” depicting the American and British flags surrounding a swastika. Think about our troops fighting and dying in Iraq, before you decide to give your dollars to this film. Do you really think they are Nazis?
Also in the secret vault of sacred prohibited items: a Koran. Portman, whose Evie is the “heroine” of “V,” asks, why the Koran? “Are you a Muslim?” she asks the late-night host. “No, but its [the Koran’s] images are beautiful.” Then he comments about how he can be executed for possessing the Koran. (Not a peep in this film about the thousands who’ve been executed in the name of the Koran and “its beautiful images.”)
Puh-leeze. If anything, both Britain and the U.S. have bent over backwards not only for the Koran, but for its extremist Muslim followers. Where Christian displays are absolutely forbidden in any schools, despite so-called “freedom of speech”; where Ten Commandments are removed from the Alabama Supreme Court, despite their being the basis for our legal system; children are required to learn about Islam, read from the Koran, and behave as Muslims in elementary schools, in the name of “tolerance” and “education.”
In “V”, while Islam and the Koran are treasured but prohibited, Christianity is pure evil. Nice juxtaposition, when in real life, the 19 hijackers, the ’93 WTC, U.S. Embassy, U.S.S. Cole, and British subway bombers were hardly Christians. Hmmm . . . what religion were they? We don’t recall , saying on Friday in his post attempted-murder 911 call, that he tried to use his jeep to kill Americans in the name of Jesus. No, he mentioned someone else’s name, another religion . . . which are both nowhere blasphemed in “V.”
We’ve already mentioned the high-ranking Christian priest, who regularly rapes young girls procured for him through an “agency.” Before the priesthood, he was an evil military officer at a hospital where politically dissident youth had experiments conducted on them for the government (complete with Abu Ghraib-style hoods).
Then, there’s the government. It’s run by a religious Christian zealot. But not just any Christian zealot.
No. Chancellor Sutler is the supreme evil Christian. In order to get elected, he and the Bill O’Reilly-esque character (remember, before he became a cable host, he was a pharmaceutical CEO and made billions) arranged for hundreds of Brits to die from chemically poisoned water. The government said that terrorists did it, a story which became accepted fact and the conventional wisdom in media coverage. The fear that ensued garnered Sutler the chance to rule England, along with the martial law powers the English parliament gave him.
It’s no coincidence that the symbol used for his government is some sort of Cross-cum-Swastika combo. Not offended yet?
Under religious Christian zealot Sutler, gays are rounded up, imprisoned, tortured, and executed. Ditto for any dissidents, any left-wing activists, anyone who dares speak out against or flout the Chancellor’s actions. Tell that to the , which seems to be running legal policy in our country, these days, and its partner in crime, the , the wealthiest “public interest” group in the U.S., to the tune of hundreds of millions. We don’t see any prospect of them being rounded up by the government anytime soon, unfortunately.
Under the religious Christian Chancellor, “unjust” Gitmo-style military tribunals and absurd NSA-style wiretapping is going on at every corner. Throughout the movie, we are shown vans of law enforcement personnel listening in to every home. As if that’s what NSA wiretapping was about. It isn’t, but “V” drills it into you the way the ACLU wants you to see it: every conversation in every kitchen, etc., secretly being listened in on and laughed at by guys in sweaty, rumpled shirts and ties.
The evil government law enforcement chief, Creedy, runs a meticulously ubiquitous surveillance program nationwide. If only our FBI’s Robert Mueller were so competent, we’d be safe. Instead, he’s cavorting with extremist Muslims and of the most basic newspaper facts about Al-Qaeda.
Overall, the most outrageous thing about “V” is the ending. Instead of vanquishing terror, all of Britain sides with the terrorist hero of this movie. They celebrate his murder of all the top officials in government, his blowing up of the Houses of Parliament and other government buildings.
Terrorists and terrorism are the heroes, the government fighting them and trying to keep us safe are the enemy.
This is the glorious revolution? Osama Bin Laden must be very proud.

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March 7, 2006, - 5:18 pm

William Herskovic, Brave American/Heroic Holocaust Survivor

There are not many Holocaust survivors left. They are very old and most have died.
One, notable American and Holocaust hero William Herskovic, died Friday in California.
We salute William Herskovic, whose heroic escape from Auschwitz and eyewitness account of its horrors is credited with fueling the Belgian Resistance and saving hundreds of lives. A full, interesting obituary is in today’s Los Angeles Times.
Here is a moving excerpt:

On the first night of Hanukkah in 1942, Herskovic dug a pair of wire cutters from a snowy hiding place and, with two other prisoners, cut though chain-link to freedom.

William Herskovic: Hero. Survivor. American.

Armed with the memory of a map drawn in the snow, the trio ran for hours before boarding a train that took them to Breslau, Germany. When the escapees tried to tell a local rabbi about conditions in the camps, he threw them out.
“It was as if he had no heart, and still today, my father hopes that in his particular case, it was simply fear,” Patricia Herskovic wrote in “Escape to Life: A Journey Through the Holocaust,” a 2002 memoir of her parents’ World War II experiences.
To finance the next leg of their three-week odyssey across Nazi-occupied Europe, Herskovic turned to the heel of his shoe. A shoemaker had embedded a 3-carat diamond in its center, and its sale paid for train and bus tickets to Cologne, Germany, and, days later, Antwerp, Belgium, Herskovic’s prewar home.
Wanting to save others, he met with a member of the Belgian resistance and gave him one of the earliest firsthand accounts of the atrocities of the Holocaust.
Herskovic is quoted as warning, “They are killing us by the thousands, do not go peacefully . . . .”
The British Broadcasting Corp. soon aired the escapee’s tale, and it appeared in a publication of the Belgian underground, Herskovic said in a 1995 letter to the Wall Street Journal.
The resistance quickly mobilized, placing bricks on the tracks to stop a transport train filled with hundreds of Jews bound for the camps. The cargo doors were thrown open, and about 250 prisoners escaped.
“His survival saved hundreds,” the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles said in a tribute.
En route to the concentration camp in 1942, Herskovic had been violently separated from his wife, Esther, and two young daughters. He didn’t find out for some time that his family had been murdered upon their arrival at Auschwitz.
Throughout his life, he kept a tiny portrait of his first wife in his wallet.

After surviving on 130 calories a day in the camps, William Herskovic rebuilt his life in America. He was 91. An author, phtographer, businessman, and hero, Herskovic was a great American who will not be forgotten.

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March 7, 2006, - 4:53 pm

Does This Mean We Get Affirmative Action?

Today’s New York Times reports that Whites will soon be a minority in the Metropolitan New York area, according to Census figures.
The times also reports that this will also soon be the case in the San Diego, Washington, Dallas and Las Vegas regions.
So, does this man that, since Whites will be in the minority, that they will get the benefits that go with “living while cracker/honky”? Like affirmative action race preferences in hiring, admissions, promotions, and White minority set-asides in government contracting?
Don’t count on it. Even though what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, it isn’t good for the honky, apparently. They can just change the nomenclature. “Minority business development councils” will now be “Majority business development councils,” with the latest minority–the ever more disempowered White male–getting the short end of the stick.

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March 7, 2006, - 2:49 pm

Zaccarias Moussaoui: Should He Die?

Today’s USA Today has an op-ed by Carie Lemack–whose mother died in the 9/11 attacks–arguing against the death penalty for Zaccarias Moussaoui.
But her op-ed piece is hardly representative of the majority of 9/11 victims’ family members–at least if you listen to the vast sentiment expressed in other newspapers, and in TV and radio interviews.
Lemack claims that she’s against the death penalty for Moussaoui because he wants to be a martyr for Islam, and we shouldn’t let him. But the end of her piece tells us her real views. She’s against the death penalty.
While we support the death penalty in the most extreme of cases and where the evidence is overwhelming, this is one of those cases. How does any jury justify allowing this man to live, while others who were not part of the murder of 3,000 Americans, meet the chair or the needle? If the death penalty was not meant for this man, it is meant for no-one.

(Bin Laden/Moussaoui Photo from C. Orozco)

Moussaoui knew of the plans to hijack planes and fly them into buildings. He knew of the plans that were about to go down to murder as many Americans as possible and hit the most prominent buildings and sites possible. Yet, he said nothing. In any other case, as an accessory to murder or part of a conspiracy to murder, Moussaoui would be as guilty as his partners who went through with it. Murder doesn’t necessarily mean being the trigger-puller–or in this case the plane hijackers and building-crashing Islamic substitute pilots. If he is allowed to live, it will only signal weakness and send encouragement to the enemy.
Evidence on Moussaoui’s computer made it clear that he was in on the plan enough to know that Americans would die, and he let it happen.
But that evidence also implicates Justice Department officials at the highest levels (ie., Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller). Both, under orders of the President, refused to allow the mining of Moussaoui’s hard drive in the name of not “profiling” Arab Muslims who just so happen to want to learn how to direct planes but not how to take-off or land a la Moussaoui. Had they ignored the urge to be so PC, the info on Moussaoui’s hard drive might have stopped the attacks and certainly shed light on suspicious plans.
As we pointed out, when–last year–Al Qaeda Muslims homicide-bombed Jordanian hotels, including a wedding, over his failure to detect and stop it. No such honor or discipline has occured here. Instead, those who repelled requests to look at Moussaoui’s hard drive remain in place or are now on to even greener pastures. Not a single member of the FBI or the Justice Department has been fired or even slightly demoted over the events of 9/11.
Moussaoui should die for his part in the mass murder of 3,000 innocent American civilians. But when–oh, when?–will anyone in the federal government and law enforcement get some sort of legal penalty for wanton refusal to examine Mr. Moussaoui’s hard drive and his buddies’ 9/11 plans? And please don’t rehash the farce that was the 9/11 Commission.

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March 7, 2006, - 1:36 pm

Houston Soccer Bows to Absurd Political Correctness

By Debbie Schlussel
Usually, it’s American Indians allegedly offended by the names of baseball and football teams in college and the pros.
And we thought you couldn’t get more politically correct in sports than soccer. After all, the boring sport is popular in all the countries that hate us. And not popular in the greatest country on earth (America, to our “fans” from the Al-Jazeera audience).
But we were wrong.
In fact, you can’t be proud of your state or country anymore, if you are American. Take Major League Socccer’s “Houston 1836.” That WAS the name of the team . . . until Hispanics got offended.
You see 1836 was the year Houston was founded. Critics felt this name was “anti-Mexican” because it’s also the year Texas gained its independence by defeating Mexico. So, now, independence is a crime.

Before & After: Soccer & Political Correctness Both Suck.

Because of this “outrageous” display of pride in 2006 by bigoted Texas soccer fans actually proud of being a part of the United States, the name was changed, Monday, to the less offensive “Houston Dynamos. In a statement, the spineless, shameless team owners said, “at no time did MLS or AEG (Anschutz Entertainment Group) ever want to offend any members of the community in Houston.”
ESPN’s “Soccer Times” reports:

Latinos, however, associate 1836 with the Texas Revolution and that year’s bloody Battle of San Jacinto (about 20 miles east of Houston) when General Sam Houston led his Texas Army to defeat General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna’s Mexican forces. The Texas Republic then seceded from Mexico, to be annexed by the United States in 1845, just before the Mexican-American War of 1846-48.

If this is such a bad memory to Hispanics in Texas who are: a) supposed to be Americans, and b) couldn’t possibly have been alive then, so can hardly have “bad memories” about it; then, perhaps they should just get rid of the name Houston. After all, that evil Gen. Houston brings bad memories.
Someone ought to go send the PC police to Philadelphia, where the name of it’s NBA franchise might offend some Englishman. After all, how dare we celebrate the year 1776? Oops, we almost forgot those pesky “San Francisco ’49ers”. That might offend someone, too.
We hope no-one thinks of naming anything “1945.” We hear there are a few aging Nazis left who might cry over their weinerschnitzel at the thought. No 1948, either. After all, that’s the year the “evil Zionist entity” a/k/a Israel became a country. But “2001,” go ahead and name your team after that. No problems there.
If Texans were this sensitive then, we’d probably all be the United Mexican States, and wouldn’t need to change . Houston, you–not we–have a problem.

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March 6, 2006, - 3:00 pm

OUTRAGE: Immigration? ICE Busy Seizing Coins for Saudis

The ICE Princess is tickled pink about her agency’s latest “achievement.” It probably got , the incompetent infidelette who heads Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) an invite to the Saudi Embassy for a halal dinner.
ICE is supposed to be about enforcing immigration laws and stopping money laundering to terrorists. But your tax dollars are being spent on something far more “important”: seizing coins someone found in a shipwreck on a vacation and giving them to Saudi royal sheikhs who simply aren’t rich enough. Is that what you had in mind when they created Homeland Security? Me neither.
In the United States when there is a shipwreck, divers can generally keep what they find. Apparently not so in “poor,” “downtrodden,” BinLadenLand a/k/a the House of Saud. And they get YOUR federal agents to help them with the hammer.

Aleikum Salaam, Prince Turki:

Saudi Ambassador Loves Bin Laden AND ICE Princess Julie Myers

ICE’s latest press release shows you what federal agents are really doing when they’re supposed to be protecting us from illegal immigrants and money launderers:

“Artifacts such as these coins are not trinkets that can be pilfered and sold to the highest bidder,” said Julie L. Myers, Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). “To their rightful owners, these artifacts are priceless items that are cherished and proudly displayed as a testament to their cultural history.”

Puh-leeze. The coins are from the 13th Century, before there ever was a Saudi Arabia. It isn’t theirs. It’s abandoned. What does the ICE Princess know about Saudi “cultural history” (if you can call beheadings and forcible conversions of Jews and Christians; stealing Medina from the Jews after forcing them to build it; phony, broken agreements with the Qureishi Tribe; Nationalizing oil wells we, Americans, discovered and developed, etc., “cultural history”)?
A more representative set of artifacts might be the 15 passports of the proud Saudi hijackers. You just know they’d love to proudly display those in a Saudi museum.
The coins were underwater . . . since the 13th Century. You call that “proudly displayed”? Some vacationing stiff goes diving and finds them buried under water, claims them, and suddenly he’s under attack by ICE, now working for our “allies in the War on Terror,” the Saudis.

“These coins are treasured artifacts that reflect the cultural heritage of humanity as well as Saudi Arabia’s unique history as an ancient trade center and as the birthplace of Islam,” said Saudi Ambassador Prince Turki Al-Faisal . “Their recovery and return to the Kingdom is an example of the deep friendship between Saudi Arabia and the United States and the respect the U.S. has for cultural heritage.”

Hmmm . . . Saudi Arabia and “humanity”–not exactly the first word you’d match up to this barbaric country. On “cultural heritage,” see comments about fifteen skilled hijackers, above.
That “Deep Friendship.” Especially the part where he told Der Spiegel how he likes his “gentle,” “dignified” friend, Bin Laden, with whom he negotiated an agreement to limit terrorism to us and the other westerners (so long as no touching the Saudis, okay). The ICE Princess’ new friend, Prince Turki’s sis paid rent for two of the 9/11 hijackers, and he defended her. Or how about when he headed the Saudi Secret Police, protecting Qaeda members all over the Kingdom? Nice going, Julie.

ICE agents in Miami launched an investigation following a tip that led agents to a Key West man who admitted to improperly taking the coins while on a recreational dive in Saudi Arabia in 1994. An Interpol Red Notice posted by Saudi law enforcement provided additional information on the coins and the subject.
Records show that the subject communicated in chat rooms that focused on Islamic coins in order to learn how to restore the coins and to solicit possible buyers. Agents, acting in an undercover capacity, engaged the suspect via email eventually identifying themselves as ICE agents and confronting him in person with the facts of the case. The subject surrendered the coins to agents on April 7, 2005 and the coins were administratively forfeited on July 9, 2005.

Your tax dollars hard at work . . . for the Saudis. Thank the ICE Princess for it, the next time you hear about yet another illegal alien in our midst or don’t hear about yet another terrorist smuggling who knows what and no-one doing a damned thing about it.
Note to ICE Princess: If you do get that dinner, let your crony uncle or hubby drive to Embassy Row. It’s strictly the back seat for all females in Saudi Arabia, hun.

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March 6, 2006, - 12:08 pm

SCHLUSSEL Flashback: High Class Oscars Nominate Pimp Song

On the day the Oscar nominations were announced, “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp,” and posted the lyrics. No suprise that it won. Sorry, Dolly.

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March 6, 2006, - 11:25 am

The Arrogance of Dubai Ports CEO: “Deal is GOING THROUGH”

Remember all those BS news stories about how the “gracious,” “understanding,” add-your-generous-adjective-here Dubai Ports World said it would hold off on , while a 45-day review by Congress took place?
Forget those. They were pure fertilizer. As is, apparently, the “review,” at least in the eyes of DP World. Read the words of DP World’s arrogant CEO, Mohammed Sharaf, on Sunday’s “Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer” on CNN, as reported in today’s Wall Street Journal:

As far as we are concerned the deal is going to go through. The matter is basically waiting for the money to be transferred to the investors.

Again, there is supposed to be a 45-day review. But this man is sticking his finger in the eyes of the bipartisan opposition in Congress, essentially saying the review is a mere rubber stamp. Is it? An Islamist Sheikh superceding American sovereignty and Congressional review? Huh?

“Sayed” Mohammed Sharaf: DP World’s Arrogant CEO = Master of US Ports?

Sharaf has managed the Jeddah “Islamic” Port in Saudi Arabia. Big comfort. By the way, Sharaf’s full name is Sayed Mohammed Sharaf.” Sayed or Syed means “master,” which means he’s been schooled for years in radical Islamic religious thought (as in “Sayed” Muqtada Al-Sadr).
Does this sound like someone you want running your ports? . . .

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March 6, 2006, - 10:41 am

More Yemeni Soft on Terror

Bad enough that the Yemen, Al-Qaeda’s key haven, allowed several Qaeda terrorists (including a and others involved in the U.S.S. Cole bombing) to .
Now, Yemen has sentenced two teens to only five years in prison after being convicted of plotting to kill the U.S. Ambassador to Yemen.
The two men were sentenced to a “special prison” because of their ages. But, it’s not like they are 12 years old. Hezam Ali Hassan is 17 and Khaled Saleh is 18. In the U.S., they’d be tried as adults, even in 2003, when the crime occurred. But not in Yemen, where a wink and a nod are the usual response to terrorists, or–at most–a slap on the wrist.

Yemen Does America . . . Again

Reports AP:

According to an indictment, the two followed the car of then-U.S. Ambassador Edmund Hull in the capital, San`a. Hassan _ carrying a pistol and two hand grenades he intended to throw _ then climbed the outside wall of a store that Hull had entered. Saleh waited outside with a machine gun.

The President should recall our Ambassador, just as he should have when one of the . But he won’t. Because a lot of our “war” on terror is little more than a PR con job.

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