March 13, 2006, - 11:25 am

The Holocaust & the Newspaper Biz

I am proud to be one of the “80 prominent journalists” cited in today’s New York Times, who signed a petition asking the Newspaper Association of America (NAA) to acknowledge that its predecessor organization “was wrong to turn its back on Jewish refugee journalists fleeing Hitler” and in turning its back on full coverage of the Holocaust.
My maternal grandparents survived the Holocaust, but most of my family on both sides was murdered by the Nazis. If American journalists, so bent on the “public’s right to know,” were as concerned about telling the truth, then, as they now are about showing pictures of hooded men, perhaps members of my family and millions of others might have been saved. We will never know.
As today’s New York Times reports:

In 1939, Prof. Carl J. Friedrich, a non-Jewish German refugee and Harvard government professor, had sought to address the American Newspaper Publishers Association, the precursor of the newspaper association, for 10 minutes about the plight of Jewish journalists who were seeking safe haven from Nazi persecution. But the association turned him down.

The petition I signed was organized by Dr. Rafael Medoff of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies. It cites research by Laurel Leff, an associate professor of journalism at Northeastern University. Her research documents the extensive, deliberate failure among American journalism schools and newspapers to provide safe haven for those persecuted by the Nazis and to cover what was going on then. She will address the NAA at its April meeting.

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March 13, 2006, - 9:31 am

HOprah Watch: Dubai Invites Oprah

As we’ve extensively noted, Oprah Winfrey has done her best to shill for radical Islam and Pan-Arabia, both in her daytime talk show and her monthly magazine (featuring–surprise!–her on the cover for the gazillionth time).
Thinking that Americans are that dumb and that Oprah is that powerful (and she may, unfortunately, be), the governments of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates have invited Oprah to do her show from there to change our opinion.
Reports Bloomberg:

A group representing U.S. companies in the United Arab Emirates said it will invite “The Oprah Winfrey Show” among other talk shows to the Gulf to alter American public opinion which helped block Dubai’s takeover of five U.S. ports.

(Islamofascist HOprah courtesy of

Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

The American Business Group of Abu Dhabi, which has more than 500 members including Boeing Co. and Exxon Mobil Corp., wants Winfrey to host a show from the Persian Gulf sheikhdom as it seeks to convince Americans that the country isn’t a threat to national security, Kevin Massengill, a board member of the group said in a phone interview yesterday from Abu Dhabi.
“We want to reach out to the average guy in the U.S. and explain why the U.A.E. is important,” the former adviser to the U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi, who is among a delegation from the group that plans to visit Washington this month to discuss the blocked deal with lawmakers, said.

How could there be an “American Business Group of Abu Dhabi”? Americans–and anyone else who is not a born Muslim Arab citizen of one of the Emirates–can NOT own businesses there. (And THEY have the gall to whine about alleged AMERICAN discrimination on the ports!)
Here’s a tip to the appropriately surnamed Mr. Massengill: the “average guy in the U.S.”–thankfully–does not watch Oprah and is not so easily fooled. In fact, most U.S. guys do NOT watch her. (If they did, civilization would end tomorrow.)
If Oprah does go to Dubai, it will show us to whom she shows allegiance. After 9/11, as you’ll recall, Winfrey was asked by the President to visit girls schools in Afghanistan as a sign of suppport and solidarity to these young women who’d been oppressed by Taliban rule. Oprah refused.
If she, now, goes to Dubai–home of those who really have NOT renounced terror and who practice tourism and trade apartheid against Jews and Israelis–it will be a slap in the face to all Americans, not just the President. Oh, and gee, they want to own businesses in OUR country, but try owning one there. You cannot. Even if your name is Oprah.
Don’t go to Dubai, annoying “girlfriend.” And don’t send Gayle, Lisa Ling, or Nate Berkus, the gay interior decorator, either. (Homosexuality generally earns a death sentence in the UAE, unless it’s between an Arab Muslim resident of the UAE and his child sex-slave.)
Special thanks to Bloomberg for providing possibly the best joke we’ve heard on the Dubai Ports deal:

Leno compared the decision to allow Dubai to control U.S. ports to putting “Bill Clinton in charge of a Hooters.”

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March 13, 2006, - 9:05 am

Saddam Hussein v. Tom Cruise

Is this a sign of flagging American opposition to Saddam Hussein, or just that Stuff Magazine readers are idiots?
Either way, MSNBC’s Jeanette Walls reports that a poll conducted by Stuff found that a tiny majority would rather spend the night with Saddam Hussein than with Tom Cruise.
Stuff asked its readers with whom they would least like to share a camping tent. The results: 41% chose Cruise. Hussein got 39%. tabloid-TV host Pat O’Brien: 15%. Comedienne Kathy Griffin: 5%.

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March 13, 2006, - 8:45 am

Religion of Peace E-mail of the Week

For all of the fools who believe that cancelling the Dubai Ports deal will make the Arab and Islamic worlds hate us–because gee, they liked us so much to begin with–you need to ingrain the following e-mail from a British member of the “Religion of Peace” into your head. Ports deal or not, THIS is what they think of us:

— Ajmal Dar wrote:
From: Ajmal Dar
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 22:50:39 +0100 (CET)
I have come to the conclusion (and so have most of the world) that Americans are psychotic, racist cowards. Proven in Vietnam and now in Iraq.
As soon as US soldiers lose their military edge, as in Iraq’s cities, then they Shit
[sic] themselves.
I put the psychotic nature of the American down to the extreme levels of inter-racial breeding that produces, essentially, a genetic defect. This manifests itself as psychotic behaviour.
[sic], the Iraqi Resistance is slaughtering your soldiers with the contempt and barbarity that cowardly filth deserves.
Let one American ever lay a finger on my body and I will horrify the world with my retaliation.
May God bless the Iraqi Resistance.

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March 12, 2006, - 6:45 pm

Vanity Fair’s James Wolcott: Neo-Nazi Sharon-Stone-on-Schlussel Fantasy

Uh-oh. Looks like I made Vanity Fair Contributing Editor James Wolcott (and some of his neo-Nazi readers) v-e-e-e-e-ry upset with my comments about . He’s mad that I called Ms. Stone, “crotch-woman”–so mad that he’s alerted us to his Stone-on-Schlussel fantasy (which I assure him is all it will ever be). TMI (Too Much Information), James.
Here’s a bit of a reminder to Mr. Wolcott. Guess what Sharon Stone is known for? Don’t remember? THIS “acting achievement” is what she is known for (photo below). . . .

Crotch Ambassador: Sharon Stone, Modest Mid-East Scholar

So Wolcott’s angry I dared call crotchy, “crotch-woman.” Next, he’ll be mad I called Jenna Jameson a porn star and Larry Flynt a pornographer. Because, well, like Stone, they are all such classy, dignified people, and we can’t dare say an undelicate thing about them.
While I’d beg to differ with what Wolcott calls me–“Dairy Queen’s answer to Ann Coulter”–I’m not in a position to argue. After all, judging from Mr. Wolcott’s appearance, he’s clearly a Dairy Queen connoisseur and has obviously dropped far more coin there than at Jenny Craig.

Vanity Fair Lefty James Wolcott, Dairy Queen Connoisseur

The thing I must, however, take issue with is his comparison of me to MSNBC’s Monica Crowley. The pretentious Monica Crowley is an established plagiarist (see also, here), while everything I write is either my own and true, or properly attributed (and true). (In fact, one of Crowley’s conservative former professors told me he believes Crowley’s Ph.D. thesis and two Nixon books also contain plagiarized–and wholly made-up–material. Meet the white, blonde, female Jayson Blair.)
Finally, I note that with the traffic Mr. Wolcott brought to my site, came companion traffic from the neo-Nazi Vanguard News Network, which apparently took notice of and agrees with Wolcott’s work. Hmmm . . . Wolcott, far-left of Vanity Fair, and the Neo-nazis versus me. Glad I’m on the right side. Just wondering how you like your side, James Wolcott. Rather comfy with the company, I presume.
****UPDATE 03/13/06: Neo-nazi website Vanguard News Network confirms its affinity for the words and writings of lefty Vanity Fair contributor James Wolcott. Boy did I ever call that one.

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March 10, 2006, - 3:58 pm

Sharon Stone: Basic Instinct’s Mid-East Scholar

On this site, we’ve documented the ceaseless parade of brain-addled celebs who think they are Mid-East saviors in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The latest is Ms. Crotch Shot a/k/a Sharon Stone.
In Israel, this week, she said she “would kiss just about anybody” if it would put an end to conflict in the region. Do we really want the most used piece of equipment in the gym spreading her germs throughout Israel? Well, at least, the has-been silver screen skank didn’t offer crotch views as she did in “Basic Instinct.” Her career is so over that she’s shooting “Basic Instinct 2,” with more of the same.
Here is an excerpt from ITV’s coverage of the wannabe Mid-East scholar, with my commentary in bold, brackets (this woman is the epitome of pretentious):

Stone, who is on a five day visit to the area has attended several peace conferences and workshops over the last three days.

Sharon Stone, Mid-East Scholar

[DS: When will the day come when actresses go back to ACTING in movies, instead of B-movie acting in real-life as wannabe diplomats? (Are crotch shots acting?) And are there any burqa workshops to which we can send Ms. Stone?]

Her visit, which coincided with Women’s Day on Wednesday was sponsored by the Peres Centre for Peace, founded by Nobel Peace laureate Shimon Peres.

[DS: Aha! Shimon Peres and his unduly named “peace” center. This man is the ARCHITECT of the Oslo “Peace” Accords. In the 13 years since this lousy, absurd “agreement,” more Israelis were murdered by Islamic Palestinians than in any other 13 year period in Israeli history. Peace, indeed. More like PIECE . . . of meaningless paper.]

Stone said that she could not solve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians but that she could use her fame to help encourage peace efforts.

[DS: No way–Sharon Stone can’t solve the conflict? You’re kidding. She couldn’t even save her ex-husband from a Comodo Dragon. And guess what? The aged skank’s “fame” (for a crotch shot!) won’t help encourage peace efforts, either. Though, some gratuitous crotch scenes for some HAMAS-niks might take their attention away from blowing up Jews for a few seconds. Hey Sharon, how ’bout some lunch at Sbarro or Mike’s Bar?]

During her visit, Stone played football with a mixed group of Israeli and Palestinian children on Wednesday and later visited Israeli hospitals that care for Palestinian children.

[DS: Here’s an idea. How about crotch-woman taking a trip to the Palestinian Authority to see if she can find a football (soccer) game with a mixed group of Israeli and Palestinian children there. Ditto for a Palestinian hospital that cares for Israeli children. That will take quite a while and keep her off our silver screens for a bit.]
Here’s more of Crotchy Stone’s psychobabble from Yediot Achronot:

Stone, for her part, told Peres “I admire you, sir, so greatly, it’s beyond discussion or I would just sit here in a puddle of tears. That I can sit here beside you is my greatest achievement.”
Stone added that she plans on doing everything in her power to promote joint projects for Israeli and Palestinian children.
“The future of our children depends on now,” she said. “We can’t go on killing in the name of our children’s future. They need us to make a decision today and never turn our backs on it that is the instinct of the maternal, of creation, of peace.”

[DS: Hello? . . . Who is killing whom? When was the last time an Israeli blew himself up in a Palestinian pizza shop or cafe?]

“It’s time for women to be part of negotiations, because they have a different language,” she said. “Imagine ‘I was considering going to war, let’s discuss, let’s consider the other angles.’

Stone also claimed that “women consider thoughts and feelings more than men” regarding the conflict.
Uh-huh. Tell that to all the female homicide bombers. . . and their dead, innocent victims.
Would it be too much to ask this woman to go see ISRAELI and JEWISH victims of terror? Would it be too much to ask this woman to stop equating the Israeli victims of terror with those who hate and attacked them?
Yes, apparently it would be too much. But a crotch shot on the big screen? Now, you’re talking.
**** UPDATE, 03/12/06: about my attack on Sharon Stone. But he’s not so angry at his friends at the Neo-Nazi Vanguard News Network who confirm their affinity for Wolcott’s words and writings. Boy did I ever call that one.

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March 10, 2006, - 1:05 pm

Weekend Box Office: Terry Bradshaw’s Ass, Gory Horror Remake

* “Failure to Launch“: Worst movie of 2006, so far, and I bet it stays in my top ten worst list by year’s end. For those of you who really wanted to see Terry Bradshaw’s naked, sagging ass and pot belly, this is your flick. (Yes, that Terry Bradshaw, former NFL great and current FOX NFL Sunday commentator.) For the rest, skip it. This movie was just plain awful. And stupid. I’m sure all the sucker female “Sex & the City,” Sarah Jessica Parker, and Matthew McConaughey worshippers will flock to see it. You were warned.

Terry Bradshaw’s Ass Stars in 2006’s Dumbest Yet

* “The Hills Have Eyes“: On this site, I’ve decried the endless procession of remakes as a symbol of the death of creativity and the decay of capitalism and freedom in our society. Here is yet another. This is a remake of a 1977 horror film by Wes Craven (he also produces this remake based on his ’77 script).
Gory, very disturbing; lots of senseless, gruesome killing–including horrifying scenes of murder of family members. Definitely scary, but predictable. Also has underlying leftist story of government and Department of Defense nuclear testing which created horribly disfigured, cannibal mutant humans who have “no choice” but to murder innocent Americans because “you made us this way,” and includes the proverbial noble savage, a mutant girl. Yes, even the mutant monsters are people, too–after they murdered half a family. (Maybe the in court.)

The Hills Have Eyes 1977 and 2006 Remake

A good message in the movie: The violent mutants turn an anti-gun liberal into a skilled and enthusiastic shooter to protect his baby. Also note: The family terrorized in this movie is named the “Carters.” When the movie came out in 1977, guess who was President and terrorized America? Just saying.

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March 10, 2006, - 11:57 am

Son of Neil, American Gigolo: Pierce Bush, Who’s Your (Sugar)Daddy?

Can someone please tell us why it’s news that the spoiled, snot-nosed nephew of the President–whose loser father makes all his millions in cash off the Dubaians–is mad that we Americans prevailed in cancelling the ?
As , his daddy, Neil Bush (whose savings and loan, Silverado, we taxpayers bailed out to the tune of millions), who has failed in every business imaginable is bought and paid for by the Dubaians, who pay him gazillions for dumb speeches and invest in his boondoggle “educational” software company.
So his son is upset that his daddy’s sugardaddy was harmed by us lousy Americans. Big deal. In general, when someone takes money to do something like this, it’s called prostitution. Time to call the Neil Bush wing of the family what they truly are.
By the way, what was that blogger Bryan Preston was saying about us and our reporting on Neil Bush’s huge Dubaian largesse? Time to eat some crow, Bryan.

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March 10, 2006, - 11:02 am

Me, Montel & Lou Dobbs: Liberals Against Debbie

To my readers and friends, sorry for not putting anything up yesterday. I was in New York, taping an episode of “The Montel Williams Show.”
No, it was not a “Who’s the Daddy?” show, as he typically does. Montel is trying a new thing: political shows on issues in the next two years before a new President is elected. The show airs Tuesday on your local “Montel” purveyor.
Unfortunately, it was typical liberal, very unbalanced, biased TV. I felt like I was back on my old “Politically Incorrect” gig, where all the panelists, plus the host, plus the audience, were against me, the hated conservative punching bag. Clearly, that was my role on this daytime show.
Producers told me they would bring on a liberal commentator to “balance” me out, but instead they brought in TWO, plus others. In this case, it was two former Clintonistas (two liberals who worked at the Clinton White House) including this guy, plus flaming liberal Montel, plus a liberal Yale medical professor, etc., etc., etc. And, oh yeah, the cosmetology student audience. With so many guests–who were all liberal–it was hard, even for me, to get a word in edgewise to respond to the barrage of absurd charges levelled against Bush, White America, conservative America, etc.

Liberals Montel Williams, Lou Dobbs, Etc. Versus Me

Lou Dobbs was on, too. In case you are fooled by his tough stances on illegal immigration, Islam, and the ports deal (with both of which I agree), Dobbs is a liberal on everything else. Don’t be fooled. He is a protege of Ted Turner. They are tight. And his positions on socialized medicine, NSA wire-taps, etc., made that clear. Remember, his forum is CNN, the Coran News Network.
The best part of the show, on which I agreed with everyone, was the . But since that has, thankfully, now been scuttled, perhaps that portion of the show will hit the cutting room floor.
Virtually every other line on most of the show uttered my Montel was “Give me half of that $600 billion that we are paying to have our soldiers die in Iraq to shove democracy that they don’t want down their throats.”
The first half of the show was spent blaming George Bush and the police for being “racists” about Katrina. That racism charge appeared to be projected on me for trying to defend him or any of the thousands of white donors and law enforcement personnel from around the country and Homeland Security who sent money or came to New Orleans and the Gulf to help people there. Because of one incident on a bridge that Montel was harping on, everyone is racist, apparently. And it’s hardly a fair debate when you have three Black liberals, including the host, versus one white chick conservative attempting to respond to these charges. Predictably, they all decried the NSA wire-tapping and I was the bete noir again.
Montel’s demogoguery and drama queen act escalated. He claimed it was outrageous that people are complaining about the Bush war crimes trial in a New Jersey High School. But when I dared pipe up that what’s ridiculous is that schools are engaged in this politically-charged garbage while turning out a bunch of dummies because they are not teaching the basics, Montel turned on the acting job. “How dare you defame America’s high school students on my show,” I was lectured. No-one does that on my show. Well, I guess, I just did, actually.
Montel declared that these were AP students, so for sure they were NOT dummies. Right. Montel would not let me get in a word edgewise in response. But the fact is that, every year, studies are done of these “genius” AP students when they are freshman at Harvard, Yale, and the other top universities. And they are clueless. They know who Bart Simpson is, but not a clue about the Bill of Rights, the Civil War, or other basic facts in government and history. But Guh-Reat! that they know that George Bush is a war criminal from a silly trial they had at an incompetent public school failing to do its real job.
After this unduly indignant lecture, I didn’t dare interrupt when Montel started crying about paying for medical care, and he, Lou Dobbs, and the Yale professor communed on how we need to stop the war in Iraq and fund socialized medicine instead. Yeah, that would help America. Horrible doctors everywhere, like our friends in Canada and England. Great.
The scary thing is that Montel has vowed two years of these liberal hour-long, nationwide campaign commercials for Hillary and the Democrats. Hopefully–and likely, people who watch this show don’t vote. Makes you long for the “Who’s the Daddy?” and psychic Sylvia Browne show days.
Again, the liberal love-fest, with me as pinata, airs Tuesday. Check your local listings under “Biased.”

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March 8, 2006, - 5:22 pm

HOprah Watch: Oprah Mag Calls Maggie Thatcher “Manly”

We’ve written quite a bit about the absurdities of Oprah Winfrey and the mindless millions who worship her. Before it was her sickening apologism for Islamists and her shows, but now she’s decided to insult the seriously ill Dame Margaret Thatcher in a way that leaves us asking Oprah to look in the proverbial mirror.
She says Margaret Thatcher is “manly.”
The April issue of her magazine, “O”, of which Oprah is “Editorial Director,” asks about “Manliness: What is it? Who Has it?” The opening page of the article, “It’s a Guy Thing,” features a pictorial of all men (Mohammed Ali in the ring, Clint Eastwood in his younger days sticking his shirtless chest out,” Tarzan, etc.) . . . and Margaret Thatcher. The pictorial, captioned “Men overboard,” has Thatcher right over the “It’s a Guy Thing” title of the article.

The article–including an interview with Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield, author of “Manliness”–has Mansfield saying that Margaret Thatcher is not only manly but “aggressive,” more so than Hillary Clinton. Huh?! Again, Thatcher is very ill. Oprah’s attack is simply tasteless, now or ever. At least Big “O” is consistent. She’s always tasteless.
Sorry, Oprah, but Maggie Thatcher was more of a woman than you’ll ever be. Oh, and by the way, she was married (to a man) and had children. Judging from Oprah’s man, Gayle . . . er, Stedman, she does not know a thing about what is manly and isn’t. Certainly not the weeping, apologizing, cheating, lying guys-done-women-wrong “men” that have paraded across Harpo Studios stages for 20-some years.
Nothing manly about them.

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