To my readers and friends, sorry for not putting anything up yesterday. I was in New York, taping an episode of “The Montel Williams Show.”
No, it was not a “Who’s the Daddy?” show, as he typically does. Montel is trying a new thing: political shows on issues in the next two years before a new President is elected. The show airs Tuesday on your local “Montel” purveyor.
Unfortunately, it was typical liberal, very unbalanced, biased TV. I felt like I was back on my old “Politically Incorrect” gig, where all the panelists, plus the host, plus the audience, were against me, the hated conservative punching bag. Clearly, that was my role on this daytime show.
Producers told me they would bring on a liberal commentator to “balance” me out, but instead they brought in TWO, plus others. In this case, it was two former Clintonistas (two liberals who worked at the Clinton White House) including this guy, plus flaming liberal Montel, plus a liberal Yale medical professor, etc., etc., etc. And, oh yeah, the cosmetology student audience. With so many guests–who were all liberal–it was hard, even for me, to get a word in edgewise to respond to the barrage of absurd charges levelled against Bush, White America, conservative America, etc.
Liberals Montel Williams, Lou Dobbs, Etc. Versus Me
Lou Dobbs was on, too. In case you are fooled by his tough stances on illegal immigration, Islam, and the ports deal (with both of which I agree), Dobbs is a liberal on everything else. Don’t be fooled. He is a protege of Ted Turner. They are tight. And his positions on socialized medicine, NSA wire-taps, etc., made that clear. Remember, his forum is CNN, the Coran News Network.
The best part of the show, on which I agreed with everyone, was the . But since that has, thankfully, now been scuttled, perhaps that portion of the show will hit the cutting room floor.
Virtually every other line on most of the show uttered my Montel was “Give me half of that $600 billion that we are paying to have our soldiers die in Iraq to shove democracy that they don’t want down their throats.”
The first half of the show was spent blaming George Bush and the police for being “racists” about Katrina. That racism charge appeared to be projected on me for trying to defend him or any of the thousands of white donors and law enforcement personnel from around the country and Homeland Security who sent money or came to New Orleans and the Gulf to help people there. Because of one incident on a bridge that Montel was harping on, everyone is racist, apparently. And it’s hardly a fair debate when you have three Black liberals, including the host, versus one white chick conservative attempting to respond to these charges. Predictably, they all decried the NSA wire-tapping and I was the bete noir again.
Montel’s demogoguery and drama queen act escalated. He claimed it was outrageous that people are complaining about the Bush war crimes trial in a New Jersey High School. But when I dared pipe up that what’s ridiculous is that schools are engaged in this politically-charged garbage while turning out a bunch of dummies because they are not teaching the basics, Montel turned on the acting job. “How dare you defame America’s high school students on my show,” I was lectured. No-one does that on my show. Well, I guess, I just did, actually.
Montel declared that these were AP students, so for sure they were NOT dummies. Right. Montel would not let me get in a word edgewise in response. But the fact is that, every year, studies are done of these “genius” AP students when they are freshman at Harvard, Yale, and the other top universities. And they are clueless. They know who Bart Simpson is, but not a clue about the Bill of Rights, the Civil War, or other basic facts in government and history. But Guh-Reat! that they know that George Bush is a war criminal from a silly trial they had at an incompetent public school failing to do its real job.
After this unduly indignant lecture, I didn’t dare interrupt when Montel started crying about paying for medical care, and he, Lou Dobbs, and the Yale professor communed on how we need to stop the war in Iraq and fund socialized medicine instead. Yeah, that would help America. Horrible doctors everywhere, like our friends in Canada and England. Great.
The scary thing is that Montel has vowed two years of these liberal hour-long, nationwide campaign commercials for Hillary and the Democrats. Hopefully–and likely, people who watch this show don’t vote. Makes you long for the “Who’s the Daddy?” and
psychic Sylvia Browne show days.
Again, the liberal love-fest, with me as pinata, airs Tuesday. Check
your local listings under “Biased.”