March 17, 2006, - 12:29 pm

Medical Journal: Blacks, Hispanics, Women Got BETTER Health Care Than Whites, Men

Hmmm . . . . Maybe it’s time for affirmative action in healthcare for Men and Whites.
The mainstream media constantly whines about how minorities and women are neglected in favor of White men by doctors and the healthcare industry. Not true.
A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reports it’s the exact opposite. In fact, White males are the neglected in this two-year study of 6,712 patients evaluated by 439 indicators of healthcare and medical treatment. Among the 439 indicators measured were chronic and acute conditions and disease prevention.
The study says the 57% of women received top-quality healthcare versus a lower 52% of men. 58% of Blacks and Hispanics got top-quality healthcare versus a lower 54% of Whites.
We’re sure this extensive study will be conveniently forgotten just in time for the next sob-story profile about racist, bigoted, sexist doctors ignoring women and minorities. Count on it.

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March 17, 2006, - 11:41 am

Weird, Ridiculous New Citizenship Test Not for U.S.

There have been a lot of calls by liberals and pro-immigrant groups to make our citizenship test more “culture”-oriented, and not focused on essential facts about American government and history. That’s a mistake.
And if the new Dutch citizenship test is any indication of what a “culture” citizenship exam is about, please spare us. Beginning on Wednesday, Dutch would-be immigrants were forced to watch a video of gay men kissing in a park and a topless woman coming out of the ocean to walk on a beach. Is this the remake of “10,” or a citizenship test? Hard to tell.
Wannabe Dutch citizens will also have to memorize a picrure album of famous Dutch people. We can only imagine requiring the correct identification of Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears as a condition for citizenship here. Please, no.

New American Citizenship Test?

We understand the sentiment. The Dutch are upset by extremist Muslims taking over the Netherlands, and the resulting brutal murders of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh by an Islamist and Member of Parliament Pim Fortuyn by an environmental radical over his anti-immigration and anti-Islamist views (saying they were acting “on behalf of Muslims”). There is also the harassment of Dutch Member of Parliament and former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali. They feel this new set of “tests” will offend Muslims and keep them out. Nice try. It will not. A better solution is to limit the number of immigrants from Muslim countries, something we should be doing here in the U.S.
But it’s clear that the deviant, dumbed-down citizenship test is a mistake we hope the U.S. does not emulate. And the Dutch have already bowed to Islamist pressure, creating a second video minus the gay kisses and bare breasts.

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March 17, 2006, - 10:31 am

Weekend Box Office: Mob Trial & Smoking Lobby vs. Terrorist

The movie getting the most hype this weekend is “,” a horrid, anti-American, pro-terrorist film, which . MUCH BETTER choices are two funny, entertaining movies, “Find Me Guilty” and “Thank You for Smoking,” both of which we recommend and either of which is a better choice for your movie dollar than “V”.
Here’s the rundown:
* “”: Horrid left-wing fantasy of a western democracy under a Christian leader (when this is what life is REALLY like, every day, in the ISLAMIC, ARAB worlds). The terrorist is the hero. Read our .

“V for Vendetta”:

Natalie Portman, Guy Fawkes Mask-wearing “V” Are Terrorist Heroes

* “Find Me Guilty“: If you like HBO’s “The Sopranos,” you will definitely like this, which is not dark like the pay-cable series, but more of an entertaining version of what would happen if the Sopranos gang went on trial and one of them defended himself.
Based on the real-life mob trial of Giacomo “Jackie” DiNorscio a/k/a “Fat Jack” and many others from the Lucchese crime family. The trial was the longest mob trial in history. While all the mobsters have their own lawyers (headed up by talented actor Peter Dinklage), DiNorscio defends himself and saves the day. Vin Diesel finally shows real talent as an actor, starring as DiNorscio. He really pulls it off (didn’t buy the fake hair, though). Clearly, they were mobsters, but it’s entertaining to watch the way they convinced a jury otherwise. The feds taking almost two years to prove a case is just plain incompetence (just like the 1/2 year-long ).
We were, indeed, bothered by the ending in which mobsters were hailed as heroes for beating the system. Clearly, these were criminals. But, also clearly, the Justice Department blew the case. The story is true. And even though we did not like the message, we found the movie entertaining. Sometimes, crime stories–even where the criminals win–are entertaining, like it or not.
A big deal is made of the fact that the other mobsters’ lead attorney is a dwarf (Dinklage). Was that the case in real life? Does anyone know?

Vin Diesel is Convincing Mobster in “Find Me Guilty”

* “Thank You for Smoking“: Based on the smoking industry satire novel by conservative libertarian Christopher Buckley (relative of William F.). This comedy is about the smooth tobacco industry lobbyist Nick Naylor (played by Aaron Eckhart). Entertaining, funny, lots of stars have cameos.

Aaron Eckhart of “Thank You for Smoking”

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March 16, 2006, - 1:53 pm

List, Shmist: Terrorist List Largely Ignored; Suspects LET GO! – ICE purge?

Remember the 9/11 attacks? Looks like a lot of people, including law enforcement, forgot.
In response to the attacks, a federal list of those with ties to terrorism was developed. Over 200,000 known or suspected terrorists are on the list, as well as an additional 150,000 partial names. The list, run by the FBI, combines several databases from nine agencies that all law enforcement officials and agencies can check when someone is being stopped or screened.
Unfortunately, no-one seems to be using it. Over the past 28 months (2 1/3 years), those using the list encountered people on it only 6,000 times. That’s very low and indicates that few are using the list. More frightening, LESS than 60 arrests resulted, said Donna Bucella, whose FBI office, the Terrorist Screening Center maintains the list. Instead, in most of the cases, additional information on the “appropriately suspected” person is “collected,” and the individual is LET GO! Incredible.

Women of the Terrorism List:

Donna Bucella & Marcy Forman-Friedman a/k/a “Peppermint Patty”

Millions of dollars spent on compiling and maintaining the list and less than 60 arrests occuring. Talk about a boondoggle. Clearly, too few law enforcement officials are running names through the list. And far too few law enforcement officials are pursuing individuals who pop up on it. Less than 1% of those showing up on the list being arrested is simply absurd.
Our friend, investigative reporter Bill Conroy dug up a March 2005 memo from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director of Investigations urging all top ICE personnel to “modify” (ie., purge) their part of the terrorist list, claiming that info on it is exaggerated or not correct. We wonder if this gave our favorite federal agent, ICE Special Agent in Charge ,” an excuse to “modify” the record on his “friends”–like “former” Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist –for whom he’s done .
Just wondering. And betting on it.

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March 16, 2006, - 6:57 am

Howard Kaloogian: He Deserves to Be in Congress

The guilty plea and imprisonment of Congressman Duke Cunningham is a case of lemons turning into lemonade.
It gives San Diego area residents the unique opportunity to elect a great American patriot to Congress, my friend Howard Kaloogian. The race is a classic contest between a conservative patriot, Howard Kaloogian, and a wish-washy liberal. Whether or not you live in his district, I hope you will contact Howard and offer your support, financial or otherwise.
It is rare that I offer my support in political races. But the choices could not be more stark and the stakes more important to America and the direction of the U.S. Congress.

Howard Kaloogian: A Great American Supported by Tom Tancredo

Howard is not only a conservative and a Reagan Republican, he is a principled, patriotic American dedicated to combatting illegal aliens and keeping our borders safe. That’s why Congressman Tom Tancredo is supporting Howard, as is Ron Prince, who chaired the successful Proposition 187 campaign in California. So are Steve Forbes, William F. Buckley, Melanie Morgan (prominent radio talk show host and head of Move America Forward), and a host of other well known, respected conservatives. And I am proud to endorse Howard, too.
He is exactly the kind of man we need more of in Congress. Howard Kaloogian’s track record as a California State Assemblyman is exactly the kind of record that deserves to continue in the U.S. House. In addition to protecting our borders and enacting meaningful policy to stem the illegal alien problem, Howard is a classic tax-cut, spending-cut conservative who supports small government. Howard’s record as an Assemblyman in constantly saying no to taxes is the reason he is endorsed by Lew Uhler, Chairman of the National Tax Limitation Committee PAC.
Howard is a friend of our soldiers and veterans and supports a strong defense in fighting the war on terror. He was endorsed by the Veterans Journal, the largest non-military publication for veterans and active duty personnel in the county. He is endorsed by Marine mom, Deborah Johns, with whom he debated Cindy Sheehan (and whipped her butt).
Howard has lived in this district and represented it for many years. Then, there’s his opponent Brian Bilbray, a carpet-bagger campaigning from his home abroad. Bilbray lives in Virginia, NOT San Diego–he is now registered to vote there at his MOTHER’s house. In a lawsuit regarding in-state tuition, Bilbray’s kids testified under oath that they are residents of Virginia (living with him).
Brian Bilbray is a liberal masquerading in Republican clothing. Bilbray has an F rating from the NRA, which means if you are a gun-owner, he is against YOU. If you are a taxpayer, Bilbray is also your enemy, with a D rating from the National Tax Limitation Committee. He has an American Conservative Union lifetime rating of only 71% (relatively, very low), and is pro-choice. Bilbray is on the national advisory board of the Log Cabin Club (gay Republican interest group).
Brian Bilbray is currently a lobbyist for Indian tribe gaming, just like Jack Abramoff was. Aren’t we trying to clean up Congress from the Abramoff scandal, instead of continuing business as usual?
But the worst point about Brian Bilbray is that he is endorsed by Congressman Darrell Issa a/k/a Jihad Darrell, whose “record” I’ve detailed extensively. Darrell Issa repeatedly defended Duke Cunningham and his millions in bribes, and now Darrell Issa is strongly supporting Brian Bilbray. Translation: Real Americans who care about honest politicians and want to end corruption should vote for Howard Kaloogian.
Jihad Darrell has repeatedly praised and defended terrorist group Hezbollah–which murdered over 300 U.S. Marines and civilians and blew up the Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center (murdering over 90 innocent people). Issa’s been a strong friend of State-Dept. Designated Terrorist State Syria (opposed the Syrian Accountability Act and has openly praised Syrian leader Al-Assad), Saudi Arabia (took campaign contributions from Saudi Arabia lobbyist James Gallagher), and the United Arab Emirates (was a strong supporter of the Dubai Ports deal and called us Americans racist for opposing it).
Plus Issa has consistently voted to condemn Israel every time a resolution is introduced by the fringe in Congress. Issa refuses to condemn his close friend, Salam Al-Marayati, head of the extremist Muslim Public Affairs Council, who on 9/11 went on the Los Angeles radio airwaves saying Israel was behind the attacks.
Americans who believe in America’s security and fight against terrorism should oppose him and support Howard Kaloogian. Howard believes in a strong America and a strong Israel, and supports both countries in their fights against terrorism. He knows who America’s friends and enemies are. His opponent, Bilbray, does NOT.
Unlike Duke Cunningham, Howard Kaloogian is honest and decent. And he is the perfect choice to replace him. I urge all freedom-loving Americans to help Howard Kaloogian go to Congress.
[Not paid for by any candidate or candidate committee.]

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March 15, 2006, - 4:16 pm

“Meathead” Rob Reiner in Hot Water; Arnold Connection

Remember the annoying, heavy-handed liberal character, “Meathead,” on “All in the Family”?
Meet “Meathead” in government. Not a pretty sight. And yet another argument against actors and celebs getting into politics . . . from either party.
As chief of California’s “First 5 Children and Families Commission,” actor/filmmaker Rob Reiner is in hot water from both California Republicans AND Democrats.
“Meathead” wasted millions–at least $23 million–of California taxpayer money to run radio ads touting the benefits of preschool, at the same time that he was collecting signatures for his June ballot initiative to soak the rich to pay for free pre-school. And he used these publicly-funded ads to push his ballot initiative. Not kosher (maybe Halal, though).

“Meathead” Rob Reiner: Annoying Then & Now

Apparently “Meathead” has aspirations for higher office, but he faces possible ethics charges and is under investigation. And there’s more. USA Today details the whole thing, including an unscrupulous relationship between Reiner and his consultants, including paying the same PR firm for both the state ads and his ballot initiative. Sweetheart deal? Sure sounds like it.
There’s an Arnold connection, which reaffirms why we don’t like him in office either. Both the Kindergarten Gov. and Meathead pushed a similar soak-the-taxpayers initiative that funds Midnight Basketball-style afterschool programs in California, at the same time that Reiner headed the same state-funded commission. Was tax money used then?
Big actors into even bigger government. Time to end the bloat–of both egos and budgets.

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March 15, 2006, - 9:48 am

The Original Jack Bauer: Why We Like Chuck Norris

Before 9/11, in the good old days when Hollywood actually portrayed terrorists accurately (at least in Golan-Globus films), there was Chuck Norris. He was before there was a Jack Bauer, before it was chic, and before there even was a FOX.
Check out this Top Ten list of Great Things about Chuck Norris video (on Daily Haha), as presented by our friends at FOX Sports Net’s “,” with help from Norris, himself.
Reason #11: Delta Force.
Thanks to loyal reader Lawrence K. for the tip.

Chuck Norris: Agent Jack Bauer Before it Was Chic

Also, check out Chuck Norris’ Code of Ethics. We especially like this part:

I will always remain loyal to God, my country, my family, and friends.

If only the rest of Hollywood would adopt this particular ethic.

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March 15, 2006, - 1:13 am

FBI Love Story: Moussaoui & Mueller’s Excellent Adventure

Someone ought to sue the FBI for malpractice. And for violating truth in advertising laws.
FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation. But to listen to testimony at the death penalty phase of the Zacarias Moussaoui trial, “investigation” hardly enters the equation.
The Moussaoui trial is important for so many reasons. But not just because it involves the only person ever tried in connection with the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The Moussaoui case is about why profiling is important, but even more so how FBI management is so moronic. The morons running the FBI used absurdly absolutist objections to profiling as an excuse for failing to try to stop the mass-murder of American civilians. Things were so bad that desperate FBI agents had to turn to the French to do the job FBI honchos refused to allow them to do.

Gross Negligence:

Bin Laden’s Moussaoui Untouched Pre-9/11 By FBI’s Robert Mueller

Last Thursday’s testimony by FBI Special Agent Harry Samit is elucidating. It paints a very clear picture of dedicated FBI agents at the rank-and-file level who tried very hard, Jack Bauer-style, to save Americans, versus a cold, bureaucratic set of managers and superiors who couldn’t care less about the lives of U.S. citizens.
But unlike the counter-terrorism agent on the real-life FBI counter-terrorism agents lost out to the suits at the top, and 3,000 people were murdered. I and many others have written about how FBI brass refused to allow a complete investigation of Moussaoui–in the name of not profiling Arab Muslims. But it is even more disturbing as it is conveyed by Agent Samit.
You can feel the pre-9/11 desperation of counter-terrorism agents in Samit’s testimony.
According to USA Today’s Kevin Johnson, Agent Samit testified that “hours into an interrogation, investigators suspected Moussaoui was involved in ‘a plot involving airliners.'” Investigation of Moussaoui became “an obsession” of FBI terrorism investigators.
But it wasn’t an obsession–or even a slight concern–for Robert Mueller and company. The FBI Director and his sachems fought these agents every step of the way.
According to Samit, the effort to investigate Moussaoui intensified

when top bureau officials at FBI headquarters in Washington refused to support requests for warrants to search Moussaoui’s belongings and residences in Minnesota and Oklahoma.
Investigators were desperate for a break and sensed a terrorist action might be moving forward based on Moussaoui’s unusual behavior, Samit said.

So what did the FBI higher-ups do in response? They reluctantly agreed to send a milquetoast bulletin of “a possible hijacking plot” to other federal agencies, almost a month later, on September 5th–just six days before the attack.
Based on Samit’s testimony, it probably read like this . . .

FBI Bulletin–Be on the Lookout For:
1) Suit from dry cleaners missing tags.
2) Clean, working gun.
3) Free Muffin with Venti Chai Latte at Starbucks (beats donuts real cops get).
4) New J-Lo/Puffy gun moll poster [it was 2001; they were still together].
5) Non-existent hijackers reported by prejudiced, paranoid FBI agents obsessed with harassing very charming North African/French gentleman interested in aviation.
6) Nominations for ACLU medal of valor for not profiling Arab Muslims.
7) Auditions for technical consultant on upcoming indie film, “Brokeback J. Edgar Hoover Building.”

But wait, there’s more. USA Today’s Johnson’s report gets even more disturbing. Because OUR FBI and federal government authorities were so intransigent on investigating this VERY suspicious man’s belongings, smart-AND-desperate FBI terrorism agents had to cook up a plot to let the FRENCH do it. The French? The French!

Still lacking authority for a fuller search of Moussaoui’s belongings, federal authorities cut an unusual deal with French officials Sept. 10, Samit said. Under terms of that agreement, Moussaoui would be deported to his native France, and French authorities would conduct a search of his luggage and computer.
Suicide hijackers launched their attacks the next day, and the transfer never occurred.

Ah, now I get it. It’s the FRENCH Bureau of Investigation.
It’s not like FBI terrorism investigators were paranoid or conspiracy theorists. Minnesota flight school instructor Clarence Prevost, a former Northwest Airlines pilot, was concerned. He’s the one who first reported Moussaoui to the FBI. He testified that he repeatedly urged his supervisors to contact the FBI because of Moussaoui’s lack of flight experience and evasiveness about his background.
Prevost said he told his superiors:

We will care when there is a hijacking and they wonder where he learned the (cockpit) switches and lawsuits start rolling in.

Unfortunately, as we all know, there was a hijacking, but the resulting lawsuits were against companies and Saudi princes who gave to United Al-Qaeda Way at the office. One group conspicuously missing from the defendant pool of litigation: Robert Mueller and the countless, nameless FBI managers and top officials in Washington, who forced agents to dream up schemes with the French in their desperation to save Americans.
Not a single one of these FBI superiors–who were so grossly negligent in repeatedly denying searches of Moussaoui’s property–has been dismissed. Not a single one demoted. Robert Mueller remains at the top and .
Almost five years later, these same FBI bureaucrats , denying and others on the Joint Terrorism Task Force the necessary warrants and leeway to investigate.
After Special Agent Harry Samit’s testimony, Zacarias Moussaoui called out, “God bless Osama bin Laden.”
But given what we know, he’d be more accurate blessing his friends atop the FBI. Robert Mueller Hu Akbar.

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March 14, 2006, - 4:01 pm

BREAKING SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Massive Student Protests in Iran, Tonight

Reliable sources tell us that many student groups will be protesting in Iran, tonight, against the repressive Islamic regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Hitlerian leader of the Iranian Republic.
The protesters are allied with a pro-American Iranian group, the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran. Hopefully, this is the beginning of something. Hopefully, they won’t be beaten as women protesters were in Iran, last week. Regardless, something must be done about the Iranian problem.
We like the coincidence of the timing, since tonight is also the start of Shushan Purim, the day the is celebrated in Iran by the few, persecuted Jews who are left there and not allowed to leave.

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March 14, 2006, - 10:41 am

Happy Purim!: Holiday Has Lessons for Today (Esp. Iran)

To my Jewish friends and readers, Happy Purim! To ALL of my friends and readers:
Today is the Jewish holiday of Purim (the Festival of Lots), which started at sundown, yesterday. It’s sort of like a Jewish version of St. Patrick’s Day & Halloween mixed together.
The true story of Purim reads like a Medieval episode of “24.” It took place in ancient Persia (now Iran) and involves a dopey King, an evil advisor, a beheaded Queen, and a beauty pageant of beautiful women throughout the world. But most of all, Purim celebrates the survival of the Jewish people in the days that Persian King Xerxes ruled the world. Unbeknownst to him, his evil advisor, Haman, decreed to destroy the Jewish people.

Purim Hamantashen Pastry, Queen Esther, Tomb of Mordechai/Esther

The charming story of the holiday is one that real men and women will love, but feminists would hate. Here’s my summary of the story (contained at length in the Scroll of Esther a/k/a Book of Esther):

The story starts when the Fifth Century B.C.E. Persian King, Xerxes I (a/k/a Ahaseurus), is partying with his subjects and demands that his wife Queen Vashti come to his party so he can show off her beauty. She refuses. Because of this, King Xerxes realizes that if he allows this, women throughout his kingdom–which spans the world–will disrespect and disobey their husbands, so he deposes Vashti (the story is that he has the Queen beheaded). Xerxes decides to hold a year-long beauty pageant of women selected from the best-looking virgins throughout his worldwide kingdom of 127 states and provinces.
From all these women, Xerxes picks the winner of the pageant, the beautiful Esther (from whom the unworthy Madonna took her adopted Hebrew name), who marries Xerxes and becomes his new queen. She is Jewish, but keeps her Jewish identity a secret out of fear and instruction from her uncle, Mordechai. Mordechai, who raised Esther–an orphan–as his child, overhears of an assassination plot against Xerxes, which he reports to Esther. Mordechai is a hero for saving the King’s life.
Xerxes promotes an evil man named Haman to Grand Vizier (Prime Minister)–his top advisor, and at the King’s command, everyone is supposed to bow down to Haman. Mordechai refused, because it was against Mordecai’s Jewish religious beliefs to bow before anyone except God. Haman’s reaction was to organize a mass persecution and murder of all Jewish people throughout Xerxes’ Persian kingdom, which, again, spanned most of the known world at the time.
Haman casts lots (which is “Purim,” in Hebrew) to decide in which month to murder the Jews. Haman then distributes orders to slay all Jews on the thirteenth day of the Hebrew month of Adar. The Jews fast and mourn. At Uncle Mordechai’s request, Queen Esther intercedes on behalf of the Jewish people throughout the world, risking her life by going to the King and telling him of Haman’s plan. At a royal court bash, the tipsy Ahasuerus promises his beautiful Queen anything she could ask for, even half his kingdom. What Esther requested instead was the release of her people from Haman’s genocidal plan, of which the King knew nothing. The King agrees to stop this and provide for the Jews to defend themselves. The King is angered by Haman’s mischief, and Haman and his sons are hanged from the very gallows Haman built to hang Mordechai. The Jews are saved, and we celebrate the holiday of Purim to commemorate this.

Again, this is a true story, and Esther’s and Mordechai’s tombs are located in Hamadan, Iran. It was a popular tourist site when Iran was still a popular tourist destination–until the Shah was deposed by the Xerxes-esque Jimmy Carter.
On this holiday of Purim, people dress up in costumes, and it’s a good deed to drink so much you can’t tell the difference between the villain of the Purim, Haman, and the hero, Mordechai. We eat three cornered pastries called “Hamantashen” (“Ears of Haman”) that are supposed to symbolize the pointy ears of the King’s evil advisor. On this joyous holiday, it is Jewish law to give donations of food and money to poor people and at least two ready to eat food items to at least one person. We listen to the reading of the Scroll of Esther and use noisemaker whenever Haman’s name is uttered.
The story of Purim is symbolic, for today, the setting of the evil Purim genocide plot is now the site of a similar modern day plot. Instead of a clueless king and an evil advisor who can be eliminated, the ruler of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is himself, the modern day Haman, the modern day Hitler. Will we continue in silly, fruitless negotiations to try to stop his nuclear ambitions? Or will we take him out the way Haman was taken out?
Only time will tell. But we don’t have a lot of time left. There don’t seem to be any Esthers or Mordechais among us, unfortunately, to save the day.

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